
作者&投稿:于枯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



It is best to talk in college, and it is best to talk earnestly and talk about the future together. There are fewer people around you after graduating from college, and the circles are relatively small. At universities, we all like minded alumni, and I think there is relatively more room for selection. It is better to find a fellow countryman so that afterwards you are more likely to come together for work. You can work together to find a job Together, or relatively recent, so that's it. In addition, you can also study together. With these common foundations, you will be happier together later. After graduation to find it, I think the reality of some of the feelings of the foundation may be weak, but also a lot of room for selection is relatively small, your mate standard will be much lower than in school

How do you think of the love relationship among college students?Among these respondents,Love was a common experience .For one thing,"Love is the sweetest thing, what else on earth could ever bring Such happiness to everything, as love's old story?" are the lyrics to an old ...

在大学里交男女朋友合适吗?英语作文 大学生有权谈恋爱吗? 这是我们这个时代颇具争议的话题。正如一个硬币有两面一样,不能说正面就比反面好;通常明辨是非是很难的。爱情是我们内心一种很深的感情。漫步大学校园,你经常都可以听到这样感叹:“为什么大亩丘比特之箭不射向我呢?”“我的白马王子在哪里...

A; Are you enjoying your time at university?B: It's okay, but not as much as I expected.A: Really? Why not?B: I thought that the subjects would be easy, and I would have lots of time to play, but actually I have many assignments.A: What type of assignments are you...

英语优美的翻译: 此外,我还憧憬能在大学谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,然而,并...
此外,我还憧憬能在大学谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱,然而,并不是这样!英文译文:In addition, I also hope to fall in love with somebody in college, however, this is not the case!重点词汇解释:in addition (to sb\/sth)used when you want to mention another person or thing after sth ...

在大学英语口语教学中跨文化交际能力培养的策略_英语口语话题库_百度知 ...
回答量:111 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:30.9万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 摘要:跨文化交际能力是语言表达能力的重要组成部分,大学英语口语课程对于学生跨文化交际能力的培养还不够。本文从分析英语口语教学的现状及跨文化交际能力的内容入手,着重探讨英语口语教学中跨文化交际能力培养的策略与方法。 关键...

and the jade color of the stone is set by itself." the shopkeeper, a tall and thin boy, just smiled and didn't give a clear answer.店的名字很别致,我问店主是不是出自:“赖有铜盆修石供,仇石玉色自璁珑。”店主——一个瘦高的大男孩,只是笑笑,并没有给出明确的回答。

首先,我已经是一名18岁的成年人了,所以我应该学会独立,特别是在学习上。大学里的老师不会像在中学那样时刻盯着我们,父母也不会像过去那样照顾我们。Of course, study is my own business and priority. I will pay most of my attention to it. I think the autonomous learning is the most ...

如何在大学成功英语作文:Campus life is as important as our body in our daily life. We should learn to cherish it, especially college life.In our college life, we can participate in a variety of activities, which will help broaden your horizons and let you know more about the ...

英语作文 假设你是李文,给你的好朋友王平写一封信,谈谈你在大学...
Hi, WangPing,How are you and what is the latest?I have a great time in the university. I have a fullfilling sex life in the campus dormitory and my English had improved tremendously after I learn how to baiduyixia. I think you must also baiduyixia and the baiduzidao will ...


民丰县15769327534: 求英语回答,在大学谈恋爱好不好 -
斗沈佳苏: rich emotional life, for the future to prepare, experience.Good will increase the experience, there are good and badFall in love in the University.Not good if it also abandoned their studies

民丰县15769327534: 辩论大学生谈恋爱的好与坏英语 -
斗沈佳苏: On College Students Love College students is a very large group who living in the periods of youth,vitality and vigorous. The contemporary university, campus is not only a place for young people to transmit science and culture knowledge, but has ...

民丰县15769327534: 帮忙写一份关于大学谈恋爱好不好的正方英语辩文
斗沈佳苏: love is one of the most important emotions of human beings. We use "love" to express our feelings and improve our social relationships. It's a good idea for college students to know what love is during the precious time in college. First because, ...

民丰县15769327534: 求英语回答,在大学谈恋爱好不好 -
斗沈佳苏: Fall in love in the University, there are good and bad.Good will increase the experience, experience, rich emotional life, for the future to prepare.Not good if it also abandoned their studies, that is a big taboo.

民丰县15769327534: 急求英语辩论:大学生谈恋爱是否何适??求正反辩词和英汉对照...每方5条足矣,最好来个总结
斗沈佳苏: come on ! l support you ! d

民丰县15769327534: 大学恋爱利大于弊的英语演讲稿,急急急!!! -
斗沈佳苏: Good morning, ladies nad gentlemen, the topic of my speech today is to date outweighs to study during college.As we all know, college should be the place wher...

民丰县15769327534: 急求 英语辩论稿 论点:在校大学生不该谈恋爱 -
斗沈佳苏: LOVE right?wrong? In modern times,love is a popular topic,espacially in our fleshmen.But is it right or wrong on earth? When we get in a university,we can see many loves here and there.Some people say that it is a good thing but others think it is a ...

民丰县15769327534: 大学谈恋爱好不好 英语辩论赛 反方
斗沈佳苏: 不好.浪费时间,浪费金钱.拿着父母的钱去过自己的生活.不是生活必须的.这就是就是奢侈消费,是奢侈品.想想自己的父母,想想自己和女朋友花前月下.可耻么少年们.

民丰县15769327534: 在大学期间谈恋爱好不好? -
斗沈佳苏: 这个问题见仁见智,还有就是看你抱着怎样的一种态度去谈恋爱的.大学里学习仍然很重要,如果你花费在爱情上的时间太多,只怕得不偿失,因为大多大学的恋爱同样是没有结果的.但是恋爱有时候是一种动力,只是看你怎么看待你的爱情,不要把爱情单纯的当作一种感觉,更要把它当作一种责任,你要恋爱你就得对你选择的人负责!所以谈不谈恋爱、谈恋爱好不好是看你个人到底把恋爱放在怎样的一个位置.

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