
作者&投稿:糜桦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Then, in the small dish with the lettuce leaves bottom, put above mix the good fruit pieces. Again the cream, lemon juice into salad sauce mix inside, and poured it on fruit chip.原料:苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉、生菜叶、色拉油沙司、鲜奶油、柠檬汁。制作方法:首先,将苹果、梨、桔子...

Hello, do you like to eat friut salad? I t is very delious,and it is good for our health.Now ,let me tell you how to do it.Fist ,we need some ingradents: the milk ,an apple,an orange,a tomato, and a banana.We peel the the orange and the banana.And we wash ...

First,put on clothe for cooking.Then prepare fruits:apples,pears,bananas and a watermelon.Also,we need to get ready a bowl,a teaspoon and a cup.At last,we should have salad cream,sugar,salt,honey and yogurt.Now let's begin .First of all,wash all the fruit and peel the ...

做水果沙拉的英语意思 make fruit salad 做水果沙拉的相关英语例句 1. What do we need for the fruIt'salad?做水果沙拉你需要 什么 ?2. Can you tell me how to make fruIt'salad?能告诉我如何做水果沙拉 吗 ?3. Learn to make fruIt'salad.了解做水果沙拉的简单过程.4. How to Make...

First, peel the fruit.Next, cut the fruit into small cubes.After that, put some salad into the bowl.Then, stir the mixture.Finally, you can eat it.看看下面的 Creamy Salad Dressing Number of Servings 20 Serving Size 2 tablespoons Preparation Time 15 minutes Cooking Time NA Quanti...

Creamy Salad Dressing Number of Servings 20 Serving Size 2 tablespoons Preparation Time 15 minutes Cooking Time NA Quantities Ingredients 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon regular mustard 1\/4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup water 1\/2 cup nonfat dry milk powder 1 ...

以水边冲边用手压牛腩,将血水挤出直到没有血水出来,沥干置于一旁; 3.锅内放入沙拉油,中火爆香姜蒜后加入牛腩不停拌炒,陆续加入辣豆瓣酱、酱油,使牛腩上色、辣味出现; 4.在锅中加入高汤,以略为盖过牛腩为准,并将蕃茄、红白萝卜、八角、葱、冰糖、卤包加入汤中,大火煮开捞除泡沫,转...

用自己喜欢的几种水果切好.加上沙拉...沙拉有酸.与不酸. 沙拉可自己制做. 沙拉制法 . 打蛋器一个.2个蛋.二两白沙糖.1.5斤色拉油...蛋糖同 时放在皿器里.用打蛋器.打溶糖.然后.边打边慢 慢加油.少少的慢慢加.打到面糊状便可.要酸.加点白 醋 ...

First we need three banana, three apple and three pear. All the fruits are cut into pieces. Then, put all the fruit pieces into a bowl. After that, add two spoon of salad into the bowl. Lastly, mix up all the thing inside the bowl. A plate of delicious salad is done.

结果 (英语)1:i make a fruit salad.we'll wash pears,bananas,and apples.i cut the fruit into small pieces and drop into the plate,squeeze fruit in salad dressing,shake it finally separated the salad.in this way,a bowl of fruit salad is complete.put ice in the fridge for ha...

始狭15888429924问: 水果沙拉(英语)用英语写一篇短文,叙述制作水果沙拉的全过程,词数70左右peel ut 剥去...的果皮 mix 混合 stir 搅拌 salad cream 沙拉奶油This is how to ... -
碌曲县散结回答:[答案] This is how to make a fruit salad.First,we need an apple,a pear,20 grapes,an orange and two bananas.Then wash the apple,pear and grapes,and peel the orange and bananas.Cut them into small pieces and p...

始狭15888429924问: 制作沙拉英文怎么说 -
碌曲县散结回答:[答案] make salad , salad method ; doing salad , diy salad ,

始狭15888429924问: 用英语写出水果沙拉的制作过程50词 -
碌曲县散结回答: Wash and slice up fruits you like; spinkle the fruits with Fresh Fruit, and add the rest fruits to the bowl; drizzle over the juice over the bowl; add salad or yogurt to the fruits and stir and mix; then EAT!

始狭15888429924问: 英语制作水果沙拉的对话练习,明天有老师来听课,现场还要动手制作DIY.希望给一个制作水果沙拉的对话,不要和英语书上的听力对话差不多的.要这样的内... -
碌曲县散结回答:[答案] A:I am hungry.B: I am hungry,too.A:let's make fruit salad now!B: That sounds good.A:Frist, peel three bananas .B:Well,and then?A;Oh, cut up the bananas , three apples and a watermelon.Put them in a ...

始狭15888429924问: 英语作文制作苹果沙拉的过程用英语词在100左右 -
碌曲县散结回答:[答案] Do you know how to make apple salad?你知道怎么做苹果沙拉吗? Let me teach you.让我来教你 About ingredients,关于原料方面, we need apples,honey and yogurt.我们需要苹果、蜂蜜和酸奶 If you don't like yogurt,如果你不喜欢酸奶 we can ...

始狭15888429924问: 做水果沙拉用英文怎么写1一杯酸奶 2切开 3把.加到 4扒香蕉皮 5两勺蜂蜜 6香蕉奶昔 7煮面条 8把.倒进 9把...混合到一起我们需要多少酸奶把爆米花放进爆米... -
碌曲县散结回答:[答案] 做水果沙拉------Do fresh fruit salad1一杯酸奶 2切开 3把.加到 4扒香蕉皮 5两勺蜂蜜 6香蕉奶昔 7煮面条 8把.倒进 9把...混合到一起我们需要多少酸奶把爆米花放进爆米花机里让我们制作水果沙拉吧然后将原料加在面条...

始狭15888429924问: 一篇关于制作水果沙拉的步骤的作文,英语的 大概在90词左右 谢谢 啦 -
碌曲县散结回答:[答案] 水果沙拉做法步骤二、花生放入炒锅里炒香. 水果沙拉做法步骤三、花生 去衣后装入保鲜袋中,用擀面杖压成碎粒. 水果沙拉做法步骤四、花生装入碗中,加入适量清水,然后把椰粉倒入,搅拌均匀制作成沙拉酱. 水果沙拉做法步骤五、紫番茄切两瓣...

始狭15888429924问: 怎样用英文表达水果沙拉的制作过程? -
碌曲县散结回答: 1. Remember that fruit salads are often creative -- you decide which fruits to use and how much. Some tasty fruits are berries (strawberries, raspberries,blueberries, blackberries,) apples, bananas, cantaloupe, grapes, honeydew melons, grapefruits, ...

始狭15888429924问: 做水果沙拉的步骤,谁能用英文写下
碌曲县散结回答: 1. Wash all the fruits. 2. Put all the fruits Chopped into bite-size pieces in a large mixing bowl. 3. Place them on a platter. 4. add with salad juice 5. keep it into frig to chill it slightly

始狭15888429924问: 英语的水果沙拉制作方法 -
碌曲县散结回答: 用自己喜欢2113的几种水果切好.加上沙拉......沙拉有酸.与不酸. 沙拉可5261自己制做. 沙拉制法 . 打蛋器一个4102.2个蛋.二两白沙糖1653.1.5斤色拉油.....蛋糖同内 时放在皿器里.用打蛋器.打溶糖.然后.边打边慢 慢加容油.少少的慢慢加.打到面糊状便可.要酸.加点白 醋

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