
作者&投稿:端木俩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一篇关于制作水果沙拉的步骤的作文,英语的 大概在90词左右 谢谢 啦~

水果沙拉做法步骤三、花生 去衣后装入保鲜袋中,用擀面杖压成碎粒。
Fruit salad practice step 2, peanuts in the fry pan stir-fry. Fruit salad practice step 3, peanuts to wear load last bag, with
rolling pin pressure into granulated. Fruit salad practice step 4, peanuts into the bowl, add some water,
and then pour coconut powder, stir well to make a salad dressing. Fruit salad practice step 5, purple tomatoes cut two disc, banana
slices, pitaya, apple slices for later use. Fruit salad practice step 5, purple tomatoes, bananas, apples,
pitaya in a bowl, salad sauce into a bowl, stir well can open to eat. 1, cut good apples to put on the water, prevent oxidation black.
2, peanut can into powder, also can crush in granulated, different
taste. 3, can use the nuts instead of peanuts. 4, if afraid of trouble and not afraid of fat, high heat, can also
in the supermarket to buy ready-made salad dressing well

Making green salad

Get a bowl, and a head of lettuce. Then dry. To save time, simply buy a bag of already washed and shredded lettuce.

Wash and chop up a few to throw in with the salad. Try to mix interesting flavors, such as tomatoes, celery, and herbs (fresh is best).

If you want a salad with some extra protein, add some chopped pieces of turkey lunch meat or other meats.

Want to keep the salad vegetarian? Add some tofu or seitan chunks, and walnuts are good for any salad, meat-free or not.

Mix all of your ingredients into the bowl and stir together. Add your favorite dressing.

Serve. It's the easy, healthy, and tasty snack full of crunchy and chewy ingredients.


1 Choose the fruit carefully. Select only fruit that is fresh and ripe.

Avoid fruits that would overwhelm other ingredients.

Steer clear of fruits that might burst and stain the rest, like blackberries.

Be wary of fruits that will oxidize, like apples. These can be used if they are cut and immediately mixed with an acidic fruit to prevent browning.

Strive for similar textures but different colors.

Peel and seed all fruit as necessary.

Cut the fruit in uniform sizes, as close to serving time as you can.

Dress the salad, if desired, just before serving. Use only enough dressing to lightly coat the fruit.

用自己喜欢的几种水果切好.加上沙拉......沙拉有酸.与不酸. 沙拉可自己制做. 沙拉制法 . 打蛋器一个.2个蛋.二两白沙糖.1.5斤色拉油.....蛋糖同 时放在皿器里.用打蛋器.打溶糖.然后.边打边慢 慢加油.少少的慢慢加.打到面糊状便可.要酸.加点白 醋

一。How do make the fruit salad : 1,Peel the oranges, cut in half, take out the pips and cut each half into bite size pieces and put into a clean bowl. 2。Wash the pears and apples, cut into quarters, cut out the core, cut into pieces and add to the bowl. 3。Peel the bananas, cut into pieces and add to the bowl. 4。Wash the grapes and add to the bowl. 5。Wash the strawberries, cut out the hull, cut in half and add to the bowl. 6。Cut passionfruit in half, scoop out the seeds and add to the bowl. 7。Add other fruit if desired. 8。With a large spoon mix gently together. Add lemon juice and sugar if desired. 9。Serve in a small bowl with cream or ice-cream. 二。how to make a super chicken humburger 看类似的做法 http://blog.startcooking.com/90/ 你改改就OK 了

制作水果沙拉非常简单,以下是一种基本的水果沙拉制作方法:材料:- 新鲜水果(例如苹果、香蕉、草莓、蓝莓、葡萄等)- 柠檬汁(用于防止水果氧化)- 蜂蜜或糖(可选,用于增加甜味)- 薄荷叶或罗勒叶(可选,用于装饰)步骤:1. 将各种水果洗净,去皮和去核,然后切成适当大小的块状或片状。2. 将切...




食品用料: 色拉油500克、蛋黄1个、盐少许、香料少许。 水果沙拉1制作方法: 用一个不锈钢盒,将水分擦干,将蛋黄放入,用打蛋器抽打起泡,加入色拉油继续抽打搅拌使油和蛋黄完全融和成粘稠状,加入盐、白糖即可。 [1] 美式沙拉 食品用料: 土豆、苹果、鸡肉、药芹、核桃、生菜叶、色拉油沙司、鲜...

水果沙拉制作方法一 食品用料:苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉、生菜叶、色拉油沙司、鲜奶油、柠檬汁。制作方法:1、将苹果、梨、桔子和香蕉都去皮去籽, 切成一寸长三分宽的薄片,放入盛器内拌匀。生菜叶洗净,消毒待用。2、在小盘里用生菜叶垫底,上面放拌好的水果片。再将鲜奶油,柠檬汁倒入色拉油沙司内...

在家自制好吃的水果沙拉是一件既简单又愉快的事情。水果沙拉不仅色彩缤纷,口感丰富,而且营养价值高,是一道非常适合夏天的健康甜品。以下是一份详细的水果沙拉制作指南:准备材料 新鲜水果:选择多种颜色和口味的水果,如苹果、香蕉、橙子、葡萄、草莓、蓝莓、猕猴桃、芒果等。酸奶或蜂蜜:用作调味料,增加...


2、准备一平盘,将每两个橘子对放,摆放一圈,将半个圣女果放在两瓣橘子中间,然后由外向里依次摆上猕猴桃片、菠萝片,中间放满苹果丁;3、最后将沙拉调料挤在中间即克。特点 造型美观,酸甜适口。●水果沙拉(E)材料香蕉2根、桔子2个、苹果1个(不宜太大)、猕猴桃2个、红樱桃20粒左右。配料 冰激凌适量制作1、将香...


岳塘区13392998232: 用英语写出做水果沙拉的过程 -
祖馥复方:[答案] How to make a delicious fruit salad? Preparation: one apple, two tangerines, one watermelon, a cup of sour milk, three tea spoon of honey. Process: 1. cut the apple into little parts, 2. take out the ...

岳塘区13392998232: 制作水果沙拉的步骤 用英语答1 首先先把水果洗净,然后切开2 放入盘子里 加入沙拉酱3 搅拌 完成注: -
祖馥复方:[答案] Step of making fruit salad1.First,wash the fruits.Then,cut it.2.Put the fruits into a plate and add in the salad source.3.Mix the fruits with the salad.Then,it is complete.

岳塘区13392998232: 做水果沙拉的步骤,谁能用英文写下 -
祖馥复方:[答案] 1.Wash all the fruits. 2.Put all the fruits Chopped into bite-size pieces in a large mixing bowl. 3.Place them on a platter. 4.add with salad juice 5.keep it into frig to chill it slightly

岳塘区13392998232: 请你用英语写一篇“如何做水果沙拉”的小短文,首先把三个香蕉、三个苹果和三个梨切成块,接着把水果放到一个碗中,然后在碗中放入两勺色拉,最... -
祖馥复方:[答案] First we need three banana,three apple and three pear.All the fruits are cut into pieces.Then,put all the fruit pieces into a bowl.After that,add two spoon of salad into the bowl.Lastly,mix up all the...

岳塘区13392998232: 英语的水果沙拉制作方法 -
祖馥复方: 用自己喜欢2113的几种水果切好.加上沙拉......沙拉有酸.与不酸. 沙拉可5261自己制做. 沙拉制法 . 打蛋器一个4102.2个蛋.二两白沙糖1653.1.5斤色拉油.....蛋糖同内 时放在皿器里.用打蛋器.打溶糖.然后.边打边慢 慢加容油.少少的慢慢加.打到面糊状便可.要酸.加点白 醋

岳塘区13392998232: 水果沙拉做法英文版 -
祖馥复方: 英文Fruit salad (F) material apple Ding 20 gram, strawberry 10 gram, pineapple Ding 40 gram, pear Ding 25 gram, watermelon 50 gram, loose seeds and nuts 10 grams; Ingredient 沙拉酱e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333332613639 2 spoons,...

岳塘区13392998232: 做水果沙拉的步骤(英文)八步的,要简洁哦, -
祖馥复方:[答案] Strawberry Salad Ingredients: •2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese •2 tablespoons mayonnaise •2 tablespoons granulated sugar •2 packages (10 ounces each) frozen sweetened strawberries,partially thawed •2 cups mini marshmallows ...

岳塘区13392998232: 怎样用英文表达水果沙拉的制作过程? -
祖馥复方:[答案] 1.Remember that fruit salads are often creative -- you decide which fruits to use and how much.Some tasty fruits are berries (strawberries,raspberries,blueberries,blackberries,) apples,bananas,cantalo...

岳塘区13392998232: 如何用英语表达作水果沙拉的步骤?急需!各位大虾帮帮忙啊! -
祖馥复方:[答案] First,peel the fruit. Next,cut the fruit into small cubes. After that,put some salad into the bowl. Then,stir the mixture. Finally,you can eat it.

岳塘区13392998232: 英语作文水果沙拉的做法用到两个香蕉,三个橙子,两个苹果,一个酸奶,两茶匙蜂蜜 -
祖馥复方:[答案] Fresh Fruit Salad approach used two bananas, three oranges, two apples, a yogurt, two teaspoons of honey.

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