
作者&投稿:蓍姿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

take it easy 不要紧张 不要着急 don't worry 不要担心 don't mention it 别提了 没事 that is ok\/all right 没问题 没事 don't be nervous 不要紧张 我们都同情你,不过你也不要过于悲伤,因为那于事无补。we all sympathize with you,but don't take on so;that won't help matters...

英语情景对话 中学生是否应该使用手机
A:I think it'not necessary for the high school student to use cellphone.B:Why?In my opinion,it's free to use a cellphone.A:Our high school student 's duty is to study.Learn more knowledge and construction to the society.B:But we are tired sometimes,so we can enjoy the ...

s:what are you going to wear to the dance ,angela?你打算穿什么衣服去参加舞会,Angela a:i dont know .how about this red dress?我不知道,这条红色的裙子怎么样?s:a long dress for a dance ? no i dont think so.how about that black skirt with a yellow blouse?you look ...

例文0 Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a reservation,sir?Customer:I am afraid not.H.W:Just a moment,please.H.W:I'm very sorry,we're full now.Would you mind waiting about ten minutes,sir?餐厅英语情景对话 C:No,I don't mind.H.W:Here is the chair,sir.C:Thank ...

【 #英语口语# 导语】具备英语思维能力是掌握英语的一个重要条件。我国中学生英语学习效率不高,特别是英语交际能力普遍欠缺的一个主要原因是学生不具备英语思维的能力。以下是由 精心收集了关于常用英文情景口语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 【篇一】关于常用英文情景口语对话 Tom: Hey, Jim, what are y...

A: Could I have my bill, please?B: Certainly, sir.A: I'm afraid there has been a mistake.B: I'm sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble?A: I believe you have charged me twice for the same thing. Look, the figure of 6.5 dollar appears here, then ...

1. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单,就是一个人先说"Nice to meet you", 另一个人说 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的时候, 你不可能一个一个说 "Nice to meet you",这时简单说"Hi" 就可以了,但这么说不适用于比较...

求讲价的英语情景对话 十句对话左右谢谢
one?B: I think that's what I want. How much is it?A: It's...seventy-five dollars .B: It's a little expensive. Do you think it's possible to get a discount?A: Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount. That's the best I can offer....

备选一 A:Excuse me, are you Sara Willson? 您好,请问你是Sara Willson吗?B:Yes, I am. You must be Tom. Nice to meet you.是的,你是Tom吧,很高兴认识你。A: Hi, Tom! Where are you from?你从哪儿来?B: I'm from China. What about you?我来自中国。 你呢?A: I'm ...

Jane and Susan are on their way home.Jane和Susan 在回家的路上谈起对季节的感受.Jane: hi, Sue, I feel a kind of chilly today.你好,苏,我感到今天凉飕飕的 Susan: It is very chilly now. Autumn is approaching.是凉飕飕的.秋天到了.Autumn is my favorite season.我最喜欢秋天.Jane: ...

陀妻15954872434问: 求初中英语口语情景对话 -
察雅县益肝回答:[答案] situation 1 情景一 ON the phone 打电话 A:Hello may I speak to Tom?请问汤姆在吗? B:Sorry,he was out just now.对不起,他刚刚出去了, I am his brother,Jim.我是他的哥哥吉姆 would you like me to take a massage?你愿意我给你捎个信吗? A:...

陀妻15954872434问: 英语对话初中生培训
察雅县益肝回答: 英语对话是培养学生英语学习兴趣,塑造开放、包容的性格,发展创造性和批判性思维以及锻炼学生跨文化交流意识和能力的关键性环节,为学生后续英语学习打下坚实的...

陀妻15954872434问: 英语培训班英语情景对话
察雅县益肝回答: 下面是我整理的日常 英语情景对话 ,希望对大家有帮助.一、 祝愿、祝贺和应答 (Good wishes,congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to ...

陀妻15954872434问: 英语二人情景对话五分钟
察雅县益肝回答: 如下:Dashan: Rumei and Yunbo are from China. They're from Beijing.大山:如梅和... Monica?如梅:我是英语教授.莫尼卡,你是做什么工作的?Monica: I'm a librarian. ...

陀妻15954872434问: 初中英文对话关于问好的带翻译 -
察雅县益肝回答: 情景对话:问候 Steven meets his old friend Tom on the street, and he is greeting him. 史蒂文在街上遇到他的朋友汤姆,正准备向他打招呼. Steven: Hello, Tom! 史蒂文:你好,汤姆! Tom: Hello, Steven! 汤姆:你好,史蒂文! ...

陀妻15954872434问: 初中英语情景对话B:I eat breakfast at home.B:My father gose to work at seven o,clock in the morning.B:It is ten thirty.B:I want to join the cless club because I like ... -
察雅县益肝回答:[答案] 1 where do you usually have your breakfast? 2 when does your father go to work in the morning? 3 what time is it now? 4 why do you want to join the class club? 5 thank you. 6 who is on duty today? 7 does she(最好改成your sister) at? 8 跟第三道题一...

陀妻15954872434问: 编一组英语情景对话,英语高手都哪去了?在医院的对话,最好10句.但不能少于10句,初中的句子和语法就可以了. -
察雅县益肝回答:[答案] 医院英语:挂号 N:Do you want to see a doctor?P:Yes.N:Have you ever been here before?P:No,this is my first visit.N:Have you a registration card?P:Yes,I have.N:Do you remember your card number?P:No,I can't remember it.N:I'll make a file (record) for ...

陀妻15954872434问: 英语对话短文两人简单 - 初中英语双人对话求一个剧本或者对话要求是2人每人对话不少于20句
察雅县益肝回答: 原创 A: hey what's up man? 嗨,你好吗,哥们儿 B: not much, how ya doin? 还不错,你呢 A: I am doing all right, thx,我也还行,谢了 B: you watch the news today?你见...

陀妻15954872434问: 求初中英语口语情景对话 -
察雅县益肝回答: situation 1 情景一 ON the phone 打电话 A: Hello may I speak to Tom?你好,请问汤姆在吗? B:Sorry, he was out just now.对不起,他刚刚出去了, I am his brother,Jim.我是他的哥哥吉姆 would you like me to take a massage?你愿意我给你捎个...

陀妻15954872434问: 初一四人英语情景对话(急) -
察雅县益肝回答: A:Help!Tom,Jack,help! T:Oh,my god!What's the matter with you?Why you can't walk? A:well,I ran too fast that my left leg was broken. J:Let's go to the hospital. Doctor:It is not very serious. A:But I feel not well. D:You should stay at home for a week with ...

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