英语情景对话 中学生是否应该使用手机

作者&投稿:常波 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

63 you should talk to your parents about it
64 who are you playing with?
65 good luck


A:I think it'not necessary for the high school student to use cellphone.
B:Why?In my opinion,it's free to use a cellphone.
A:Our high school student 's duty is to study.Learn more knowledge and construction to the society.
B:But we are tired sometimes,so we can enjoy the free time.
A:We are too early to use cellphone.If we are snough old,we can use it.
B:The reason why we human beings making tools is to use it,so we can use it as we want to.
A:We must control our time and then we can use it.
B:I think if you think you can you can.
A:I don't agree with you.We are so young.We don't know many things and we can't control our time as we wish.
B:Maybe you are right.I will think over with it.
A:OK.I have something to do now.Say you!
B:See you!

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