
作者&投稿:坚凤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Key Lost

(Henry is leaning on the car, facing the other side, while Vicky walks towards him)
Vicky: Hey, is that Henry? What’s up?
Henry: Vicky? Oh, haven’t met you for a long time! How are you?
Vicky: I’m fine, thanks. What are you doing here by the way? Daydreaming in the street? I don’t know you have such a strange habit!
Henry: No kidding! Daydreaming is a waste of time. Actually, I’m doing something very serious now.
Vicky: Serious? How serious? Wait, wait, let me make a guess… Oh, I know. You’re recording how many cars run away before your eyes, right?
Henry: … Am I such a silly guy?
Vicky: Well, I’m just joking. You know, you need to laugh more.
Henry: Alright… In fact, I’m memorizing routines.
Vicky: Routines?
Henry: Yes, routines.
Vicky: Routines of what?
Henry: Routines of road of course. I’m going to a driving test this morning. Look, this is my new car. Just bought it few days ago. I want to drive immediately after passing the driving test.
Vicky: Wow, it’s cool! It’s not surprising to see you so pleased. But, are you sure you will pass the test so easily? My cousin took the test last month and he failed for three times!
Henry: I’ve been spending time on the test for several months! I believe I can do it, otherwise, I’ll… I’ll…
Vicky: What’ll you do?
Henry: I’ll sell the car and never try to retake the test!
Vicky: Ha, no need to be so serious! Let’s see. Proud people always fall in important moments. Actually, what time are you going for the driving test?
Henry: 9 o’clock… What time is it now…? Oh, goodness, it’s already 8.55! I must go now!
Vicky: Go? Go where? Aren’t you taking the test by your car?
Henry: Oh, yes, you remind me. Sorry, I’m a bit stressed out… In this way…
Vicky: OK, OK. It’s me who should go now.
Henry: (wants to go into the car) Ah!!!!!!
Vicky: What’s the matter?
Henry: My key… Where’s my key?
Vicky: Your key? Don’t tell me you lost your key and you’ve just discovered that!
Henry: Unfortunately, yes…
Vicky: Oh my god! Will they provide a car for driving test? I mean, not many people will own a car without a driving license, right?
Henry: Yes, they do… But there’s no time for me to apply and they don’t welcome late comers to take the test.
Vicky: You’re really unlucky… You can still take the test again anyway.
Henry: That’s the only thing I can do now… Take an application form and pay the money once more…
Vicky: You look really desperate… I suggest you go home now and take a rest…
Henry: See you then… (Gone)
Vicky: Poor guy… Hey, what’s that? A key!?


A: Could I have my bill, please?
B: Certainly, sir.
A: I'm afraid there has been a mistake.
B: I'm sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble?
A: I believe you have charged me twice for the same thing. Look, the figure of 6.5 dollar appears here, then again here.
B: I'll just go and check it for you, sir.



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