
作者&投稿:用克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

初中二年级英语对话短文1 Two birls Teacher:Here are two birds,one is a swallow,the other is sparrow.Now who can tell us which is which?Student:I cannot point out but I know the answer.Teacher:Please tell us.Student:The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is besi...

Mom: When will you come home for dinner, honey? Kids and I are waiting…你什么时候回家吃晚饭,亲爱的?孩子们和我在等着呢。Kevin: Mom, Lizzie got my Spiderman.妈,厉子拿了我的蜘蛛侠。Lizzie: He picked the fight. He called my names.他先挑起的。他骂我。Mom: Lizzie, Kevin....

关于两人英语对话短文篇一 Divorce Gary:Kate, you’ll never believe what’s happened!Kate:What do you mean?Gary:Marcia and Harold are getting divorced。Kate:You’re kidding! What happened?Gary:Well, I don’t really know, but I heard that they are havi...

高中英语对话短文一 支持一方面而与另一方壁垒分明 A:I think mum should not take sides. After all, weare all her children.A:我觉得妈妈不该偏向,毕竟我们都是她的孩子。B:But our younger sister is the apple of her eye.B:但是我们的妹妹是她的掌上明珠。A:It's unfair.A:这太不...

一 Mary:Hey, fast food could be bought at the gas station in the near future.嘿,加油站马上就有快餐卖了。John:Oh, that would be more convenient for us.哦,那就方便多了。Mary:Yeah, and we wouldn't even need to get out of the car.是啊,而且都不用下车。John:Good. ...

两人英语对话短文1 A: Dogs are very clever.狗很聪明。B: Yes,it’s said that the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children.是的,据说狗的平均智商跟2岁的儿童一样高。A: it’s reported that they can learn 160 words,and remember some signals and g...

简单英语对话短文篇1 Todd: So, Lucinda you were saying that your boyfriend Kwame really likes New Zealand, so are you guys going to move back to New Zealand.托德:露辛达,你说过你男朋友夸梅非常喜欢纽西兰,那你们是打算搬去纽西兰生活吗?Lucinda: Yes, we're actually leaving at the ...

情境语境在英语对话教学中起到了非常重要的角色,直接影响初中英语教学的质量和教学的效果。我整理了简单英语情景对话短文,欢迎阅读!简单英语情景对话短文一 A:You're starting to learn English?A:你开始学英语了?B:Yeah. I like it, Dad.B:是的,爸爸,我喜欢英语。A:You're lucky you start...

简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 A:It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys.A:好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的。B:Yeah.B:是的。A: Why don't you date up a handsome guy and spend time together?A:为什么不找一个帅哥做伴呢?B: I've found myself a date mate.B: 我已经找了...

【英语口语考试简单对话】1.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?My name’s Chen Jie. 我是陈杰。2. Let’s go shopping. 我们一起去逛街咯。Ok\/Great!. 好的!3. This is John. 这是John。Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。4.How are you? 你好吗?Fine,thank you. 很好,谢谢。5.Have...

欧阳科19598473973问: 急需50篇初二英语对话 有几个算几个 -
铁锋区萌尔回答:[答案] Lesson 1 A private conversation Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear ...

欧阳科19598473973问: 英语对话,100字左右,初中水平 -
铁锋区萌尔回答: A:Hello,BOB.I'm so glad to meet you on the road to school.B: Hi,Smith.Glad to see you.How about the holiday?A: Oh...very nice,What about you?B: My father took me to the countryside to celebrate the New Year.It's so wonderful.The air is clear and ...

欧阳科19598473973问: 初中英语小对话 最好不要太难 搞笑点的 -
铁锋区萌尔回答: Three little pigs 三只小猪 There lived a mother pig. 那住着一个猪妈妈. She had three piglets. 她有三只猪宝宝 mother pig:Yuyu!Lulu!Gugu! piglets:Here. 在这. They were very cute! 他们非常可爱 The piglets grew up day by day. 猪宝宝们一天天的...

欧阳科19598473973问: 初中仿照例子编三段英文小对话例子:What is Dave doing for vacation?He's going to his cousin's houseHow long is he staying?He's staying for a week... -
铁锋区萌尔回答:[答案] 第二个: What is Dave doing for vacation? He's going to a beach. How long is he staying? He's staying from friday to next tuesday. 第三个: What is Dave doing for vacation? He's going to the beach. How long is he staying? He's staying for five ...

欧阳科19598473973问: 要一篇简单的英语小对话,适合初中生的. -
铁锋区萌尔回答: A: How about going to hear a country-and-western singer tonight?B: I'd enjoyed that.A: I' pick you up around 8:00.B: OK. I'll see you then.2.A: Do you feel like going to see Paul and Claire tonight?B: I'd like that very much.A: How does ...

欧阳科19598473973问: 初中英语对话 -
铁锋区萌尔回答: A:Why do you drink wine everyday?B:I like it !A:Is it delicious?B:Of course!Not only so,in wine there is truth.A:really,what is it?B:When you are in low spirits,drinking wine can help you about that .On the other hand,it can help you make more friends.A:...

欧阳科19598473973问: 求一篇初一的英语对话短文要三个人的对话,差不多十几句,要编的准确无误,最好要关于名词所有格的 -
铁锋区萌尔回答:[答案] A:Is this Tom's bike? B:No,it's Mike's. C:Is this John's book? A:Yes,it's his. B:Is it Mary's ball? A:No,it's Joan's. C:This is Mike's eraser. B:Yes,I think it's Mike's. A:I like's Tom's bike. B:I like Tom's bike ,too. C:I like Tom's bike,too. 亲:这样的对话很为难,...

欧阳科19598473973问: 初中简单的日常英语对话 -
铁锋区萌尔回答: Do you come frome Canada?No,I don't. Where are you from?I come from Australia, Are their? No, they aren't.Where are they from? They are from New York in the United States. What language do they speak? They speak English.

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