
作者&投稿:豆卢竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

因此,奥古斯丁的自我就是由心灵的contuitus所整合起来的忏悔,而使得这种整合得以可能的东西,就是比自我更深的自我,也就是内在于人心灵中的上帝。 在这个意义上,说基督徒的生活是一场永恒的试探,其实也就是说自我永远处在无法彻底克服的distentio和不断收拢的intentio的张力之中,忏悔这一寻找自我的活动永远走在半...


deliberately & intentionally
However, there might be some differences in usage but these might just reflect my own personal usage. "Deliberately" usually represents a malevolent intention but "intentionally" can represent either a malevolent or a neutral or even,(less commonly), a benevolent intention. And "deliber...

苹果WWDC短片翻译,不要直译 if everyone is busy making everyt_百度...
how can anyone perfect anything ?we start to confuse convenience with joy abundance with choice designing something requires focus The first thing we ask is what do we want people to feel ?feel ?delight surprise love connection then we begin to craft around our intentio ...

第一:Java基础语法。Java的基础语法包括类、对象、属性、方法、封装、继承、多态等面向对象的基本概念,以及流程控制、数组、高级特性(static、final、abstract class)、接口、IO、异常处理、图形界面、事件处理、多线程、网络编程等基本内容。虽然Android App在界面开发方面有一套独立的API,但是掌握Java的...

Christmas. So they are indeed some similarities But because of differences in culture and may aspects, there are some differences as well.They are similar in some ways. Firstly, on both festivals,families usually get together and have a good time at home. They often have feasts ...


法律语言中的拉丁文比比皆是,如:actus reus(致罪行为)ad diem(在指定日期)statu quo(现状)infra annos nubiles(未到结婚年龄)naturalis possesio(自然占有)等。此外,也有许多法语出现在法律英语中,如:loi fondamentale(根本法)questionnaire(调查表)saisie(查封、扣押)voir dire(预先审查)writ de mesne(中间令状)...

1. http:\/\/plugins.cordova.io\/#\/package\/com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner下载好源代码,并把插件的目录名改为和id相同,这里是com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner。id可以打开源代码中的plugin.xml看,根节点plugin的id属性值就是。2. 把插件目录复制到model\/Native\/plugins目录下四、如何使用安装好的插件自...

android 如何关闭另一个package中的activity?
package cn.androiddevelop.flushapk.util;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;\/** * 执行android命令 * * @author Yuedong Li * *\/public class SuUtil {private static Process process;\/** * 结束进程,执行操作调用即可 *\/public static void kill(String packageName) {...

盛莘19387073968问: intention的形容词 -
加格达奇区伯来回答: intentionally 英[ɪn'tenʃənəlɪ] 美[ɪnˈtɛnʃənl:ɪ] adv. 有意地,故意地; [网络] 故意; 成心; 有意地; [例句]Much of that work has intentionally followed the successful path blazed over the previous two decades by physics-education researchers. 在这方面,大量的研究工作有意地重复了过去的二十年中由物理学教育研究人员所开辟的成功之路.

盛莘19387073968问: 妖精的英语是什么? -
加格达奇区伯来回答: 妖精的英语:evil spirit evil 读法 英 ['iːv(ə)l; -vɪl] 美 ['ivl]adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的 n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸 短语: 1、evil intention 歹意;罪恶的动机 2、evil eye n. 有些人具有目视他人而使之遭殃的能力;恶毒眼光 3、evil thoughts ...

盛莘19387073968问: intention的用法 -
加格达奇区伯来回答:[答案] intention [in'ten����n] n. 意图; 意向; 打算; 目的 意义,用意 [pl.]结婚(背后隐藏)的意图 【逻】概念 【医】愈合 heal by first [second] intention 第一[二]期愈合 Good acts are better than good intentions. 好的行动胜于好的意图. If I've hurt your ...

盛莘19387073968问: 英语 intent和 intention 有何区别 -
加格达奇区伯来回答: intent [in'tent]n. 意图,目的,意向 a. 专心的,决心的,热心的intention [in'tenʃən]n. 意图,意向,目的

盛莘19387073968问: intent, intention, intentional -
加格达奇区伯来回答: intent v. 想要,试图 intention n. 目的,试图 intentional adj. 故意的He intend to destroy this building.His intention is too evil.He is intentional to do this.

盛莘19387073968问: INTENTION的意思是什么? -
加格达奇区伯来回答: intention是指目的,意图

盛莘19387073968问: 牛津高二英语模块五第三单元reading词组 -
加格达奇区伯来回答: Module 5 Unit 3Science and nature 1. on (the) one hand… on the other (hand)… 一方面…另一方面… (指前后相矛盾的事情) On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, ...

盛莘19387073968问: Intention
加格达奇区伯来回答: 名词 n. 1. 意图,意向,目的[C][U][(+of)][+to-v] His good intentions were repaid by good results. 他的善意得到了善报. It wasn't my intention to fool you. 我不想骗你. 2. 【口】求婚意图[P][(+towards)] 3. 意思,含义[U] The intention of the provision is clear. 那条款的含义是清楚的. 4. 【医】愈合[U] 并非手机品牌,而是介绍或者说明中有这个词而已

盛莘19387073968问: a intention是什么意思 -
加格达奇区伯来回答: a intention 一个意图 例句:1.A third intention of mifid is more transparency. mifid的第三个意图是更大的透明性.2.If you have read this far with an open mind, you already have a clear intention. 如果你读到这里豁然开朗的话,那么你已经有清晰的意向了.

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