
作者&投稿:国罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

最后还可以加上:This late love letter for you. I hope it can express my ntention.这封过期的情书送给你。我希望它可以可表达我对你的心意。ps:如果知道她的英文名字就好了、可以在最后加上“,她的英文名”那样感觉会亲切些 你是个很有心的人哦、加油~~~希望你日后找到真正的...

Mr. Stevenson was mentioned in the annual report for his cooperation.斯蒂文森先生因乐于合作在年度报告中被提名表扬。名词 n.1.提及,说起[U][C]The actor's wedding got a mention in the newspapers.报上提到了这位演员的婚礼。2.传令嘉奖;提名表扬[S]希望对你有帮助,谢谢采纳,...

雨雪路滑 注意安全(用英语怎么说)
Rain snow road slippery ttention safety

不定式常作下列的名词定语:attempt, ability, anything,chance, desire, determination, decision, effort, failure,ntention, need, opportunity, plan, promise, pressure,right, tendency,time, way等。 【例如】His efforts to carry out the plan were successful.I haveno intention to go to the cinema with...

A .密切在帐篷离子(密切注意)B .不支付tentionto 看一眼D没有什么记住 ()4。你认为这是主要思想的secondpar读?许多人的美国总统有辑了(服从)在军队在他们上任。B .只有那些不在学校努力工作但weregood在战斗可以总统。C .艾森豪威尔总统在开始第二世界水河 5。根据这篇文章,他没有去上学?...

ata 阿泰(绝对大气压单位)ate vbl.吃 Bata 巴塔[赤道几内亚西部港市](临几内亚湾)bate vt.减弱, 减少, 抑制 cate n.<古>佳肴, 美食 data n.datum的复数, [计] 资料, 数据 date n.日期, 日子, (历史上某一)年代, 时期, 约会, 枣椰子 vt.约会, 定日期 fate n.天数, 命运, 运气 v...

1、做形容词时。(1)worth做形容词时,表示“有?价值;值得做...(worth doing)”;例:This trip was really expensive but it was worth every penny.这次旅游花销不小,但还是很值得的。(2)worthy做形容词时,表示“值得的(worthy of);值得尊敬的”。例:He devoted his whole life to the...

美国人常用肢体语言来表达感情,包括眼神、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴甚至心脏。今天,他们用身体的其他部分来表达情感:后背、肩膀、胸膛 When I am facing a lot of pressure at work my back and neck will start to hurt. Sometimes these tention is the result of too much work. I have too many ...

I fixed my at-tention on the tower.我一门心思放在那座塔上。■[no obj.](fix on\/upon)(of a person's eyes, attention, or mind) be directed steadily or unwaveringly toward (目光、注意力或思维)专注于 her gaze fixed on Jess.她目不转睛地盯着杰斯。■attract and hold (a ...

How High (Remix) 歌词
When the tention gets thick than there’s nothing to do Through the windows of my soul, open the blind My eyes get shut but I open my mind How high, la la la la how high, hey hey hey how high, yeah yeah yeah yeah How high, la la la la Is that a shot that you ...

穰凡13960371608问: His efforts to raise money for his program werebecause no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.() -
临泽县金锁回答:[选项] A. in place B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain

穰凡13960371608问: 2018英语教材培训总结
临泽县金锁回答: 学然后知不足,教然后知困.知不足,然后能自反也;知困,然后能自强也.学习中... 专心的,决心的,热心的 intentional adj. 有意图的,故意的 高三英语课本必学知识...

穰凡13960371608问: 心意什么意思
临泽县金锁回答: 心意[xīn yì](1) [regard;kindly feelings]∶对人的情意这礼物是我们的心意(2) [intention]∶心中的意思

穰凡13960371608问: (意思)是什么意思啊? -
临泽县金锁回答: 意思 :yì sī 1.思想;心思. 2.意义,道理. 3.意图,用意. 4.意志. 5.神情. 6.情趣;趣味. 7.心情,情绪. 8.情意;心意. 9.引申指代表心意的宴请或礼品. 10.意见,想法. ...

穰凡13960371608问: 培训经历英语
临泽县金锁回答: 具体专业方向 标准测试 实用英语B级(证书) 计算机水平 获得证书 服装设计定制工职业资格证书 培训经历Specific professional direction Standard tests Practical English class B (certificate) The level of computer To obtain a certificate Costume design custom work professional qualification certificates Training experience

穰凡13960371608问: 高中英语语法12题,高分~ -
临泽县金锁回答: 感觉你第一题好像打错了 2.Do you consider it better( C )?A.not going B.not go C.not to go D.not having goneconsider后加to do时表认为3.Taking this medicine,if(D ),wil...

穰凡13960371608问: 苦口婆心这个成语每个字各指什么意思? -
临泽县金锁回答: 【拼音】kǔ kǒu pó xīn【出处】忠言苦口,三复来奏. 《宋史·赵普传》问:'学人根思迟回,乞师曲运慈悲,开一线道.'师曰:'这个是老婆心.' 宋·释道原《景德传灯录·泉州道匡禅师》【释义】苦口:反复规劝;婆心:仁慈的心肠.形容怀着好心再三恳切劝告,多形容''劝'',经常跟劝告、劝诫等词搭配使用【用法】作定语、状语;指真诚的劝诫;含褒义【结构】联合式【相近词】苦口相劝、语重心长

穰凡13960371608问: 1.He must have had an accident , or - - - then. -
临泽县金锁回答: 1 A 后面那句用虚拟语气,对过去的动作虚拟,相当于if引导的状语从句中的主句时态变化:"他肯定是出事故了,否则他那时早就该在这儿了"2 A 固定搭配:"他在街上漫步,根本就没有购物的打算" intention目的意图打算 purpose目标目的 A比B更合适,CD都不通3 B 固定句型.说某人比某人大/小几岁的句型有: A be X years older/younger than B A be X years senior/junior to B A be B's senior/junior by X years.

穰凡13960371608问: 名词+of doing; 名词+to do 倒底什么样的名词要of doing或to do 呢? -
临泽县金锁回答: 没有特别规定的呢. of doing是指这件事 to do是指未做而有目的的事 比如说 In fact,there is no hope of their winning the game. 事实上,他们没有希望赢得这场比赛.(不能说for them to win) 说的是以他们的水平来看,他们胜出的机会很微,但...

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