
作者&投稿:舟谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一句:Could you recommend some special dishes in yourrestaurant?能为我推荐你们的饭店的特色菜吗?A: Could you recommend some special dishes in yourrestaurant?能为我推荐你们的饭店的特色菜吗?B: Roast beef is very good today, ma'am.夫人,今天的烤牛肉不错。A: Is that right? I'...

Welcome to our restaurant!Tere are two specials(特色菜) in our restaurant:mutton and carrrot noodles and chicken soup.There are also many food for breakfast like steam buns(馒头) and different kinds of dumplings.We have coke and juice.Two tins of coke is just 5 yuan.原创,望采...

A:Great.(好吧。)B:It tastes good.What's this dish called?(这个很好吃,叫什么?)A:This dish is called jiaozi or dumplings.They are delicious,aren't they?(这是饺子,很好吃吧?)B:Yes,really delicious.I'd like to have some more.(是的,太好吃了,再给我来点儿吧。)A:No p...

Ada: Chinese food is very healthy. I mean the traditional food, not the fake western chicken balls with plum sauce.Sam: I agree! The culture is also very diverse. In rural area of China, the culture is still ancient and traditional. In urban area such as Shanghai and beijing...

2.川 菜。川菜以麻辣驰名,多用猪肉、鱼、牛肉、豆腐为原料。川菜代表菜品有宫保鸡丁、麻婆豆腐、担担面等。3.苏 菜。苏菜主要由淮扬菜、南京菜、苏锡菜和徐海菜四种风味组成。江苏菜起源于二千多年前,其特点是:用料广泛,以江河湖海水鲜为主;烹调方法多样。著名的菜肴有盐水鸭、蟹黄狮子头、...

thank you.洛克: 是啊,谢谢你们了.在这部份对话中,哈维邀请洛克夫妇共进晚餐时使用了一个非常规范的英语说法.他说:Harvey: We’d like to invite you to dinner.哈维: 我们邀请二位共进晚餐.除了这种比较正式的说法之外,我们还可以用以下几种句型来表达同样的意思.Would you like to come to l...

It tastes very delicious.佛跳墙,是福建省福州市的一道特色名菜,佛跳墙通常选用鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、牦牛皮胶、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、花菇、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等汇聚到一起,加入高汤和福建老酒,文火煨制而成。这道菜是把几十种原料煮在一起,既有共同的味道,又保持各自的特色。吃起来是非常美味的。

Today, I want toward everyone to introduce some special features vegetableses'

1、做这道特色菜要选用活鱼,这样做出来的鱼肉鲜嫩,味道鲜美。1, do the dishes to choose to live, do so out of the meat tender, delicious taste.2、提前用料酒盐等腌制一下,蒸出来的鱼没有腥味。2, advance with cooking wine salt and pickled steamed fish, no smell.3、清蒸鱼要烧...

用英语介绍泰国菜的用料和做法 泰国菜 泰国菜以色香味闻名,第一大特色是酸与辣,泰国厨师喜欢用各式各样的配料如蒜头、辣椒、酸柑、鱼露、虾酱之类的调味品来调味,煮出一锅锅酸溜溜、火辣辣的泰式佳肴。招牌菜有冬阴功(酸辣海鲜汤)、椰汁嫩鸡汤、咖喱鱼饼、绿咖喱鸡肉、芒果香饭等。鱼、虾、蟹都...

方泪19481124801问: 关于当地特色菜的介绍的英语对话 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答:[答案] 第一句:Could you recommend some special dishes in yourrestaurant?能为我推荐你们的饭店的特色菜吗?A:Could you recommend some special dishes in yourrestaurant?能为我推荐你们的饭店的特色菜吗?B:Roast beef...

方泪19481124801问: 谁能帮忙设计一段介绍一道中国特色菜的英语场景对话稍微简短点的 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答:[答案] ※ Needed materials(糖醋里脊): Pig fillet meat 300 grams,green pepper,carrot each 30 grams,onion 2,garlic 2 grains,egg-yolk 1,soy sauce 1 big spoon,starch 1 small spoon,ketchup 2 big spoons,white vinegar,sugar each 1 big spoon,rice wine,salt,...

方泪19481124801问: 关于中国菜的英语情景对话,共10句左右就好向外国人介绍中国菜的英语情景对话 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答:[答案] ---Can I help you? ---yes,please.I want some noodles. ---What kind of noodles would you like? ---What kinds of noodles do you have? ---We have tomato noodles,beef noodles,potato noodles... ---Ok,beef noodles,please. ---What size of noodles would you...

方泪19481124801问: 英文对话形式介绍一道菜5分钟左右 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答:[答案] A:This is dish is delicious, what is it name? B: It's kongbao chicken. A: It sounds like a traditional Chinese food. B:Yes,to be more accurate, it is from Sichuan, a Chinese province. A: Wow , you really konw a lot about this dish ,can you tell me more? B: ...

方泪19481124801问: "今天,我要向大家介绍一些特色菜'这句话用英语怎么说? -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答: Today, I want toward everyone to introduce some special features vegetableses'

方泪19481124801问: 求一段包含点餐、介绍所点中国菜特色、做法、餐厅风格等的英文对话 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答: Ada: Chinese food is very healthy. I mean the traditional food, not the fake western chicken balls with plum sauce. Sam: I agree! The culture is also very diverse. In rural area of China, the culture is still ancient and traditional. In urban area such as ...

方泪19481124801问: 假如你是一位餐馆老班你用英语介绍一下店里的特色菜 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答: Welcome to our restaurant!Tere are two specials(特色菜) in our restaurant:mutton and carrrot noodles and chicken soup.There are also many food for breakfast like steam buns(馒头) and different kinds of dumplings.We have coke and juice.Two tins of coke is just 5 yuan. 原创,望采纳.

方泪19481124801问: 求有关美食的三人英语对话三分钟左右的 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答:[答案] 一个服务员(Staff),俩客人(Guset1(男),Guest2(女))Staff :Good evening ,SIr and madam ; my i help you G1:yes ,we'd like to have dinner hereS:Well,this way please~S:this is menu ,please take your ti...

方泪19481124801问: 有关美食的英语对话/一分钟,两个人 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答: I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often ...

方泪19481124801问: 作为一名服务员,如何用英语向外国宾客介绍本店的特色菜 -
印江土家族苗族自治县热淋回答: 先要直接用英文学会本店的特色菜,然后要学会英美人如何介绍他们的特色菜.最后才是用英语介绍本店的特色菜.用中文学的,对英文没用,且学会英文的特色菜,没有捷径.

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