
作者&投稿:海显 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用英文说中国故事如下:The Frog In The Well——井底之蛙 There was once a frog who made his home in a shallow well. One day he met aturtlefrom the East Sea.从前有只青蛙,在浅井里居住。一天,它遇见一只从东海来的大鳖 "I'm extremely happy!" the frog told the turtle. "When...

用英语讲中国故事推荐篇目:篇目1:《魂归故里化作梅(王昭君)》However, the distant land of the Xiongnu was a bleak place, and all of the palace maids were reluctant to go there except Wang Zhaojun, who bravely volunteered to marry the Xiongnu chief for the sake of ending her...

"It is so perfect! I never expect to run so fast! Oh it is a dream to me, and it seems I am still in a dream!", he said!“它太完美了!我从来没想到跑得这么快!哦,对我来说这是一个梦,我似乎还在梦中!”他说!But it is just true, and it is himself who made t...

1、女娲补天 英文:It is said that there was no man when the sky andthe earth were separated by Pangu. It was Nuwawho made human beings after her own model withyellow clay.From then on, man began to live in peace andhappiness on the earth.nexpectedly, one year, the fourpi...

卧冰求鲤(中文)王祥,琅琊人,生母早丧,继母朱氏多次在他父亲面前说他的坏话,使他失去父爱。父母患病,他衣不解带侍候,继母想吃活鲤鱼,适值天寒地冻,他解开衣服卧在冰上,冰忽然自行融化,跃出两条鲤鱼。继母食后,果然病愈。王祥隐居二十余年,后从温县县令做到大司农、司空、太尉。Recumbent ...

The Tortoise and the Hare 龟兔赛跑 兔子向动物们吹嘘自己的奔跑速度,动物们有的为它喝彩,有的感到十分无聊。这时,乌龟却说,自己能在跑步上打败兔子,并邀请兔子与之一战。比赛开始了,兔子跑得很快,一会儿乌龟就落在了后面,兔子便在一棵树下打起盹来。乌龟爬啊爬,它能战胜兔子吗?Today’s ...

中国历史故事,要英文版的,表现出中国人的智慧的故事,速度求,10悬赏,最 ...
国内的 司马光七岁,凛然如成人,闻讲《左氏春秋》,爱之,退为家人讲,即了其大旨。自是手不释书,至不知饥渴寒暑。群儿戏于庭,一儿登瓮,足跌没水中,众皆弃,光持石击瓮,水迸,儿得活。A Story About A Smart Boy (司马光砸缸) 李冉 Once upon a time, four children, three boys ...

愚公移山 Old Man Yu Moves the Mountains Once upon a time, there were two mountains that stood right beside each other. The first was name, 揟ai-Ying?and the second was named, 揧ellow House.? Both were over ten-thousand feet high, and together, they were four-hundred miles ...

成语故事,中英文对照 惊弓之鸟 Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring 战国时期(公元前403―221年中国中原地区各诸侯国连年争战的时代)魏国有个名叫更羸的人。一天,他对国王说:“我只要拉开弓,空射一下,就能把天上的鸟射下来。”国王不相信。更羸便对准天上飞来的一只雁射去,果真那只雁听到拉弦的...

谁有简短的中国历史故事 英文版的呀? 最好中英都有的
一群猴子跑到井边来,They look at the moon in the well and shout:他们看到井里的月亮,喊道:“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!”“月亮掉在井里头啦!快来!让我们把它捞起来!”Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet ...

威复19779736521问: 关于中国来历的故事(英文) -
庐江县盐酸回答: The Dragonboat Festival(龙舟节) The Dragonboat Festival takes place on the fifth day of lunar[lju:nE] month, usually around the summar solstice. It probably started as a festival to celebrate the planting of the rice crop and to pray for a good rainfall...

威复19779736521问: 麻烦大家帮忙提供一些有关中国传统的英文小故事~长度在4 - 5分钟,文章简单一上口最好哦~急用! -
庐江县盐酸回答:[答案] Chinese New Year (中国农历新年) The Chinese New Year has a great history. In other traditions, by this time in the year, most resolutions - made on December 31 - have been subtly forgotten and placed in a cupboard marked "maybe next year." ...

威复19779736521问: Stories of China 演讲英语!1分钟的! -
庐江县盐酸回答:[答案] A Story About A Smart Boy (司马光砸缸) Once upon a time, four children, three boys and one beautiful giril, played games in the garden. They played the very funny games friendly there. The games was called hide and found. One of them had to find ...

威复19779736521问: 英语版中国成语故事带翻译,短一点 -
庐江县盐酸回答: 塞翁失马Blessing or Bane战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个老人,名叫塞翁.塞翁养了许多马,一天,他的马群中忽然有一匹走失了.邻居们听说这件事,跑来安慰,劝他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体.塞翁见有人劝慰,笑了笑说:...

威复19779736521问: 谁有英语版的中国寓言故事急求! -
庐江县盐酸回答: A wolf had been badly wounded by dogs. He lay sick and maimed in his lair. He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to fetch some water from the stream. "If you bring me the water," he said, "I will find means to get ...

威复19779736521问: 中国历史英语故事 -
庐江县盐酸回答: Sima Qian (司马迁)The Han emperor, WuDi, re-established the importance of learning and encouraged the production of new works. As a result, ancient works which had arrived the book burning of the first emperor began to re-appear. Sima ...

威复19779736521问: 中国传统文化的故事英语 -
庐江县盐酸回答:[答案] 文言文 宋人有耕田者.田中有株,兔走触株,折颈而死.因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔.兔不可复得,而身为宋国笑.今欲以先王之... he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings. A miracle took place at last.One day in late autumn,when he was ...

威复19779736521问: 请求高手帮忙~~用英文讲一个中国的传统语言故事,体现中国文化的,时间大概2分钟 -
庐江县盐酸回答: 战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个老人,名叫塞翁.塞翁养了许多马,一天,他的马群中忽然有一匹走失了.邻居们听说这件事,跑来安慰,劝他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体.塞翁见有人劝慰,笑了笑说:“丢了一匹马损失不大,...

威复19779736521问: 英语作文 一个中国老故事 -
庐江县盐酸回答: Notice of A Lecture Attention please! There will be a lecture about how to maintain health, choose healthy food and get away from sickness held on Wednesday. Please find more information about this lecture as follows: Cost: Free

威复19779736521问: 用英语讲一个中国传统故事 -
庐江县盐酸回答: 理科好

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