
作者&投稿:韩福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个有趣的英文故事 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 知道团队 ...

Bernard Shaw answered,in a letter,that her imagination wassplendid,“But,what if the children take my appearance and yourwisdom?”向肖伯纳求婚 英国有位美貌风流的女演员,曾写信向肖伯纳求婚。她说,因为他是个天才,她不嫌肖伯纳年迈丑陋。假如能使女郎的美貌和超人的天才结合,那该是多么...

Ten Candies 十块糖 Mother asks her son, “Jim, if you have ten candies, and you eat four, then how many candies do you have?”妈妈问儿子:“吉姆, 如果你有10块糖,吃了4块,那你还有几块糖?”“Ten.” Jim says.“10块。”吉姆说。“Ten?” Mother asks.“10块?”妈妈问...

and then drove to a public parking lot and left it conspicuously on the front seat of her car, with the window open. When she returned to her car after a reasonable time, the box was gone every time. 动脑筋 一个胆识过人的家庭妇女,在她所在的城市垃圾工人罢工期间想了个应急办...

可我没有想到那堵墙会迅速合拢,并将我带入最里面的那个屋子。而我也陷阱了你设在墙体尽头的笼子里。” “其实,你只需要改变一下你奔跑的方向罢了”猫说道,然后把它吃了。 PS:译文看似平淡,但这篇文章本事是属于西式black humor(黑色幽默)的一部作品,英文版比较有可读性,作为精短的演说比较...

介绍一个有关自己的有趣的小故事 英语
Unfortunately, she took the coke bottle that I use as a container for vinegar.我是Angela. 我喜欢收集可乐瓶子。我并不是一个很整洁的人,这件事有时会给我惹麻烦。一天我的朋友来我家。他说他有点渴了。我就让他自己去冰箱拿东西喝。悲催的是,他拿的那个可乐瓶子是我用来放陈醋的。~~

它们是从美国直接带来的 一位中国老妇人在美国看望女儿回来不久,到一家市银行存女儿送给她的美元。在银行柜台,银行职员认真检查了每一张钞票,看是否有假。这种做法让老妇人很不耐烦,最后实在忍耐不住说:“相信我,先生,也请你相信这些钞票。这都是真正的美元,它们是从美国直接带来的。”The mean...

...请翻译成英文: 1.一位大明星 2.一个有趣的故事 3.看喜剧 要准确一点...
1.a super star 2.an interesting story 3.see a comedy

他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,接着他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能度过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到贫饮,特别开心地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有效果...


粱环13347263916问: 一个有趣的故事,用英文怎么说 -
蕲春县卡洛回答: a funny story

粱环13347263916问: 用英语讲一个有趣的故事.不少于120词. -
蕲春县卡洛回答:[答案] This morning I had a funny look into the matter. A dog in the ice dancing "ballet." The dog dancing on the ice to slide to slide, and accidentally hit the slide. Open limbs, good or funny. May be unex...

粱环13347263916问: 用英语写一次有趣的经历 -
蕲春县卡洛回答:[答案] 一个有趣的故事(An Interesting Story) Long long ago,there was a kind girl living in a small village.Her family was very poor but the girl was happy and she was friendly to everyone. One day,she met a frog on her way home.The frog was ill and it would ...

粱环13347263916问: 一个幽默,易懂的英语小故事 -
蕲春县卡洛回答: An old woman has a cat. The cat is very old,too.It cannot run fast and it cannot catch mouse. when the old cat sees a mouse it tries to catch it, but the mouse can always run away. The woman is not happy. One day, she buys a new cat.Now the old one can rest.

粱环13347263916问: 有趣的英文小故事 -
蕲春县卡洛回答: One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿. He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” “噢!我的天!月亮掉到井里头啦!” An older monkeys ...

粱环13347263916问: 求一个幽默有趣的英文故事不要太短也不要太长,用来讲故事的,大概3分钟吧.有没有好故事推荐? -
蕲春县卡洛回答:[答案] Story 1 Ah Lian ask shopkeeper: Eh Ah chek,u got sell stocking up to knee,boh? Ah Chek replied :Lu siao ah!stocking wear up to 'yeo' (waist) only,where got up to the 'nee'(breast) one. Story 2 Ah Beng bought a Honda VTI recently and drove to Ah Lian's...

粱环13347263916问: 有趣的英文故事(简短的 ) -
蕲春县卡洛回答: The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got ...

粱环13347263916问: 求一个经典的有趣的英文故事,要稍微长点的...... -
蕲春县卡洛回答: The Fox and the Tiger(狐狸和老虎) An Archer, hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the ...

粱环13347263916问: 一个有趣的英语小故事,是关于朋友发生的事情 -
蕲春县卡洛回答:[答案] Friendship We are most often called upon to support othersa in friendship. Several years ago,Donna had been feeling very ...it together and stop crying all the time. Early one morning, Donna received a phone call with some terrible news: jer best ...

粱环13347263916问: 一个多么有趣的故事啊!用英语怎么说?是感叹句,用how开头的? -
蕲春县卡洛回答:[答案] what a interesting story ! 那就是how interesting the story is! 都可以的 只是用词不一样

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