
作者&投稿:雕康 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Unless you analyze this question from a history pespective,it can be hard for you to understand it.
2.This novel is so popular that I am sure soon it will be adapted to a movie.
3.This building which has 20 floors will be bulit in the place where houses were destroyed in the earthquake.
4.Things in life won't be all tough as long as your target is real
5.No sooner had the principle light his cigarette than the gas statoin exploded.
6.I've had these pair of shoes for a long time.
7.Every time I failed,mom encouraged me to carry on and told me that failure is the mother of success.
8.Mom put my bag in the place where she uesd to put her clothes.
9.No matter how worried you are about your exam,remember that tomorrow is another day.
10.You must finish your homework first whether you want to play computer games or watch TV.


Although he's young,he knows a lot.

I hurried so much that I wouldn't be late for class.

Unless others talk to him , he is always a silent person.

I thought he was an honest person the first I saw him.

After the quake, a school was built where the theatre used to be.

His mother waits for him for dinner however late he would be.

Mum is very worried because little Alice is sick,especially when Dad is far away in France.

What were you doing before the teacher told you to stop?

The villagers had not realised how serious the pollution was until all fish died in the river.

As long as we don't lose heart,we will find a way to overcome this difficulty.

I have no time to write down the license plate number, vehicle will be gone
2.as soon as I got to the airport, the plane took off.
3.once you understand it, to understand other content is not difficult.
4 and he in the street walking, while loudly sing.
5.you can win their respect, condition is you must sincerely treat them.
6..you should take some money in case of possible period of want or need.
7 it is raining heavily, as a result the sports meeting was put off.
8 even though the Internet is good for us, but it can also bring us harm.
9although she was rich, but never help the people in trouble.


1. I had hardly take down the car number when the car left.
2. The plane took off the moment I arrived at the airport.
3. There is no difficulty in understanding the others once you understand this point.
4. He walked along the street while singing aloud.
5. You can acquire their respect as long as you treat them sincerely.
6. You should take some money with you in case that you need it.
7. The sports meet was put off since it rained heavily.
8. Though internet is beneficial to us, it can also bring us danger.
9. As though she is rich, she never heips some one in trouble.

英语句子翻译 状语从句
1 因为期末考试还剩下一周的时间了,同学们都很忙。(there be to go)1 for the final exam is left in about a week's time, the classmates are all very busy. (there is to be go)2 由于这些产品都具备相似的效果,所以你可以任选一款。2 because these products all have a similar ...

用尽量多的状语从句翻译下列短文。 昨天晚上,我刚要上床睡觉。这时电话...
Last night, I was about to go to bed. When the phone rang. Tom called to tell me early bed downstairs set so that we can catch the early bus. Hung up the phone, I suddenly thought of the book in the den haven't put back to the original place, though I'm a bit ...

1.I'll ask somebody else for help since you wouldn't help me.2.Mike is so honest that all of us trust him.(Mike is such an honest boy that all of us trust him.)3.We'll surely finish the task on time as long as we work hard together.4.You'll be late if you ...

4.He came in when I was reading books.5.He didn't get up until his mon got in.6.She didn't stop working until it was dark.7.I will visit you as long as I finish the job.8.I saw Mary the moment I got into the room.大概就是这么翻译了,第三句可能翻译的不是很...

第四,when的翻译不同 。若when引导定语从句,一般可依据从句的时态来翻译:如果从句谓语是过去时,when可译为“当时”“那时”;如果从句谓语是将来时,when可译成“到时”“届时”。而引导时间状语从句的when通常都是译成“当……的时候”,如a句可译为“当我22岁的时候,我从剑桥大学毕业。”分清...

原因状语从句:常用引导词:because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that. My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful. Now that everybody has come, let’s begin our conference.The higher income tax is harmf...

有志者事竟成。 4.原因状语从句 引导原因状语从句的连词主要有because, as, since。because表示的语气最强,通常用于回答以疑问词why引导的疑问句。as和since表示的原因通常对方是知道的,since较as正式。because可以代替as, since,但as和since不一定能代替because。He failed the exam because he didn't...

1,The volume of the recorder is so small that it can be put it in your pocket.结果状语从句 2,She sang while She was preparing the experiment 时间状语从句 3,He insists his own opion because he was sure of the right facts 原因状语从句 4,Even if what you say...

考研英语长难句之四大状语从句翻译 状语从句时考研翻译中很重要的一部分,几乎涉及到每一个长难句,所以我们有必要把状语从句单独拿出来解决。一般来讲状语从句的翻译相对简单,顺着句子的顺序去翻译就好了,但我们有时候还是会发现有些问题不是很好处理。首先我们先看一下状语从句的特点。1.一般情况下,...

英语翻译,急!! 用状语从句
1.He has so little money that he couldn't buy that book.2.The little child didn't get up until his parents were back home.3.Even though it rained heavily, all of us were there.4.Wherever you go, i won't forget you.5.You can hardly pass the exam unless you study ...

杏花岭区13083941476: 用状语从句下列翻译句子. -
汝浦心神: 1.我还没来得及记下车牌号码,汽车就要开走了 I have no time to write down the license plate number, vehicle will be gone2.我一到飞机场,飞机就起飞了.2.as soon as I got to the airport, the plane took off.3.一旦你理解了这一点,理解别的内容就...

杏花岭区13083941476: 写出下列句子的状语从句请用状语从句译下面的句子1.在和睡意斗争了几分钟后我睡着了.2.正当我做着美梦的时候,老师向我走来.3.直到她走到我的身边,我... -
汝浦心神:[答案] 1、After struggling with sleepiness for a few minutes I fell asleep .2 While I having the dream, the teacher walked toward me .3 Until she coming to my side, my fellow classmates wake me up.4 I wa...

杏花岭区13083941476: 求用状语从句来翻译下边的句子. 1.当我进屋时,他正在写信. 2. 我正在街上走着,这时忽然有人从 -
汝浦心神: 1. When I entered the room, he is writing a letter.2. I was walking down the street when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.3. After the match began, he had arrived.4. We wait until he comes back.5. She didn't stop working ...

杏花岭区13083941476: 请用状语从句翻译下列句子.在线等 急急急 -
汝浦心神: 虽然年轻但他懂得很多.Although he's young,he knows a lot.我急急忙忙为了上课不迟到.I hurried so much that I wouldn't be late for class.他是一个沉默寡言的...

杏花岭区13083941476: 英语句子翻译 (状语从句) -
汝浦心神: 1.He didn't come out until he take the new medicine.2.When he performed on stage, his parents were seated in the stand.3.He has been ahead of his classmates in English after he read these books.

杏花岭区13083941476: 用状语从句翻译 我看完了这本书,我就借给你 -
汝浦心神:[答案] when I finish this book,I will lend it to you

杏花岭区13083941476: 用状语从句翻译 我到家的时候,妈妈已经睡着了 -
汝浦心神:[答案] My mother had fallen asleep when I got home.

杏花岭区13083941476: 翻译下列句子.(小学英语——状语从句) -
汝浦心神: 为你解答.如果他很忙,他就不会去看电影了.If he is very busy, he won't go to the cinema.我现在18岁.20岁时我会去美国读书.I am eighteen years now. I will go to college in the USA when I am twenty.在来中国之前,Jim是一名医生.Jim was ...

杏花岭区13083941476: 用状语从句翻译 -
汝浦心神: 1.Unless you analyze this question from a history pespective,it can be hard for you to understand it.2.This novel is so popular that I am sure soon it will be adapted to a movie.3.This building which has 20 floors will be bulit in the place where houses ...

杏花岭区13083941476: 英语翻译.用状语从句句型 1.虽然他累了,但是他坚持工作 2.虽然他是一位伟大的科学家,但是他仍保 -
汝浦心神: 1. Although he was tired, but he continued to work. 2. Although he is a great scientist, but he remains modest and works as an ordinary teacher in University. 3. If you don't want to run the risk of failure, you can try.


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