
作者&投稿:野震 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译。用状语从句句型 1.虽然他累了,但是他坚持工作 2.虽然他是一位伟大的科学家,但是他仍保~

Although he was tired, but he continued to work。
Although he is a great scientist, but he remains modest and works as an ordinary teacher in University。
If you don't want to run the risk of failure, you can try。

1.When he was a child, he showed his exordinary gifts.
2.We should listen to other's advice before we make any decisions.
3.We will come to your party unless some accidents happen.
4.He was punished because he borke the window.

1.I'll ask somebody else for help since you wouldn't help me.
2.Mike is so honest that all of us trust him.(Mike is such an honest boy that all of us trust him.)
3.We'll surely finish the task on time as long as we work hard together.
4.You'll be late if you don't start at once.
5.You 'd better buy a map so that you can find the school easily.

1Since youdo not helpme,then I‘llask someone elsetohelpme,
2Mikeissohonesta man,thatwe allbelieve in him.
3.As long as we work hard together, wewill be able to finishthe task, in time.
4.If you do nothurry,you'll be late,/Hurry up, or you will be late.
5you'd betterbuy a mapso that you caneasilyfindthat school.

1.As you refused to help, i will look for someone else for help.
2.Mike is such a honest person that people all believe him.
3.As long as we work hard together, we will finish the task in time.
4.If you don't hurry, you will be late.
5.You'd better buy a map in order to find the school easily.

1.Since you do not help,i will ask others to help.
2.Mike is so honest that everyone believe him.
3.As long as we work hard,we can finish the task on time.
4.If you don not go now,you will be late.
5.You had better buy a map ,so you can find that school easily.

Everybody should cherish life.每个人都应该珍视生命

回答如下:英语条件状语从句可以置于句首或句尾,但翻译成汉语时,通常置于句首。英语定语从句有限制性和非限制性定语从句,限制性定语从句翻译成汉语时,通常要放在所修饰的名词之前(翻译成“……的”); 非限制性定语从句与所修饰的名词或者整个句子关系松弛,故往往单独翻译成一个句子。例如:If you ...


怎么判断我要翻译的句子中那个部分是要被翻译成状语的 譬如这句话...
不能用中文方式学习英语喔~because of his courage,the boy received a praise.这是一个原因状语从句,主语是the boy (n)谓语是received(v)过去式,宾语a praise (n).第一段是分词结构就是状语(表时间、地点,形状,原因等等等)记住谓语一定是动词动作,宾语是谓语的承受者,就好分辨了 ...

we will decorate our family as soon as the spring day comes we gave a call to my friend before i came out i always play the computer games while my father fall asleep every day i will take some exercises as soon as i get up 代续 my father had gone to shanghai when i ...

现在已给该县科学家提供了必要的图书、仪器和助手,以保证科研工作的成功。(转译成状语)5、状语转译技巧。状语转译一般指的是状语从句的转译。它可分作把时间状语从句转译成条件状语从句,把地点状语从转译成条件状语从句和把原因状语从句转译成困果偏正复句中的主语等三种形式。These three colors ,red ...

我们一般采用分述法将带定语从句英语复合句译成并列分词。分述法就将主句和从句分开翻译方法。此方法除了将定语从句译为并列分句外,还译为状语从句。 (三)状语从句 让我们来看看下例该怎么译: He insisted on building another house which he had no use for. 上例能译成“他坚持再建一座他不用房子”或“...

[翻译] I'm not as tall as xiaoming

1.I was busy working when my uncle came.2.Xiao Ming studied English before he entered middle school.3.We rushed out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.4.He will participate in the ball unless he is ill.

当他们逼近屈兰敦时,许多房子里仍然灯火通明,圣诞晚会还未结束。由于英汉语言表达的习惯差异,通常汉语的状语从句位于句首,而英语的状语从句可前可后,以后为多。汉语是一种意合的语言,汉语句子较少使用关联词。2.翻译成固定(常规)句型 一般像由hardly (scarcely)…. when (before)… no sooner… ...

岳池县15134817148: 英语翻译.用状语从句句型 1.虽然他累了,但是他坚持工作 2.虽然他是一位伟大的科学家,但是他仍保 -
郑莺清火: 1. Although he was tired, but he continued to work. 2. Although he is a great scientist, but he remains modest and works as an ordinary teacher in University. 3. If you don't want to run the risk of failure, you can try.

岳池县15134817148: 英语句子翻译 (状语从句) -
郑莺清火: 1.He didn't come out until he take the new medicine.2.When he performed on stage, his parents were seated in the stand.3.He has been ahead of his classmates in English after he read these books.

岳池县15134817148: 英语翻译,急! 用状语从句1 Tom非常失望,因为很多人没来参加晚会, 2 你一看到他就请把这条便条给他, 3 Tom会迟到,除非他打的, 4 看起来好像要... -
郑莺清火:[答案] Tom was very disappointed, because many people didn't show up. /Tom was very upset that many people failed to show up. 2种你觉得哪种好,就用哪个.Can you please pass the note to him when you see him...

岳池县15134817148: 状语从句英文翻译 -
郑莺清火: 1.The bell rang when we were having breakfast. 2.If you aren't work hard,you won't catch up with others. 3.This box is too heavy to carry. 4.He didn't come to the school beacaose he is ill. 5.He always help others although he isn't rich.

岳池县15134817148: 英语状语从句翻译 -
郑莺清火: The phone rang when we were having breakfast (when引导的)You won't cautch up with other students if you don't work hard (if引导的)The box is so heavy that i am mot able to carry it (that)He didn't come to school today because he was ill (because)He is always ready to help others although he is not rich (although)

岳池县15134817148: 用状语从句翻译 我看完了这本书,我就借给你 -
郑莺清火:[答案] when I finish this book,I will lend it to you

岳池县15134817148: 中文句子翻译为英文(都要用状语从句) -
郑莺清火: 1食物一准备好我就给你送去 I'll deliver the food as soon as it is ready 2你应该把东西放在它们原来在的地方 You should put the things where it is. 3虽然他很富有,但他过着简朴的生活 Although he's rich, he lives a simple life 4因为我累了,所以我不...

岳池县15134817148: 状语从句翻译2个10分 -
郑莺清火: 1. 她按照别人告诉的那样做了这个工作.2. 他说话的样子好像他曾经去过那里似的.1. as 引导的是方式状语从句,按照...的样子 比如说 do the work as I told you. 按照我告诉你的去做这工作.而你给的这个句子 she 是被告知的,用了被动语态.2. himself 表示他自己曾经去过,反身代词表示强调.

岳池县15134817148: 除非受到邀请,否则我不会去参加的英语翻译(要用过去分词作状语) -
郑莺清火:[答案] I won't take part unless I am invited. unless引导的条件状语从句放在前面也可. 另外,看情况,take part也可改为take part in it或join in (it),或者go to attend it.

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