
作者&投稿:哈元 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

天河区 珠江东路 4号 珠江新城文化广场区 J2-6地块 (近广州博物馆)
plot J2-6 ,Culture Square, Zhujiang New City, No. 4 Zhujiang East Road, ( near the Guanzhou Museum), Tianhe District, Guangzhou。

1.Amateurs often find their passion for sports than occupation athlete's passion is much more important. Especially when you notice people flatly turned, training was not so happy, fatigue has become a problem. More disturbingly, professional athletes have a good coach, and you, although the same promising, can only rely on their own. Every year there are about more than half of the amateur players either quit, or transition to become a professional player. A small part of people will be unable to foresee his future before still holding on. 2.Athletes participate in the competition for what? Fight for honor? Enjoy the wonderful feeling of defeat the opponent? Or to show determination? An international sports psychology Commission data show that the athletes participate in more and on their personal responses to stimuli related. That is to say, when they decided to participate in the game, they are more concerned about their own inner feelings, rather than the external impact.

韩语 翻译
翻译:小T啊、、我现在才知道你的一举一动总是能触动我的心我是韩语专业的。希望能够帮到你^^ 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 千里风Sanifa 2008-02-18 · 超过25用户采纳过TA的回答 知道答主 回答量:87 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:58.6万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开...

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翻译成韩语!急!! 集安地处吉林省通化市的最南端,位于长白山系的老岭山脉南麓,四面环山连水,与朝鲜隔江相望。因了山的呵护与水的滋养,集安平和而温润,风景秀丽,素有“吉林小江南”的美誉。以下是... 集安地处吉林省通化市的最南端,位于长白山系的老岭山脉南麓,四面环山连水,与朝鲜隔江相望。因了山的呵护与水...

2.꿩 먹고 알 먹기. 一举两得。3.벼룩의 간을 내어 먹는다. 字面意思是:跳蚤的肝也拿来吃。表示极力在不当的地方想取得利益。4.배보다...

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父爱如山 母爱如海:父の爱 山の如く、母の爱 海の如し 鱼在水中不见水:鱼が釜の中で水を见えず 以德报怨:徳をもって恨みに报いる。恨みを报いるに徳をもってする。君子成人之美:君子は人の美を成す。人の善行を助けて成就させる 同病相连:同病相哀れむ\/同病相怜れむ 好心总有...


【豆蔻年华】dòu kòu nián huá后世使用“豆蔻年华”一语形容少女,虽然不拘泥于杜牧所说的“十三余”这个具体年岁,但也有个大致的限度。 【独辟蹊径】dú pì xī jìng 辟:开辟。蹊径:途径。自己开辟一条路。比喻独创一种新风格或者新方法。 【独出心裁】 ( dú chū xīn cái ) 原指诗文的构思有独到...

an nyeong ha se yo 2.对不起 미안해요\/죄송합니다 第一个口语化 第二个正式化 Mi an nae yo\/Joe song hap ni da 3.谢谢 고마워요\/감사합니다 ...

韩语:윤재준语音:yun jae jun 打字: dbs wo wns 尹再俊 韩语:윤재준语音:yun jae jun 打字: dbs wo wns 尹在俊 韩语:윤재준语音:yun jae jun 打字: dbs wo wns 尹左骏 韩语:윤좌준语...

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译(语言转换) - 搜狗百科
后师珈力:[答案] n.两倍;双精度型 adj.双重的;两倍的 vi.加倍,加倍努力;快步走 vt.使加倍 adv.双重地;两倍地;弓身地

茂港区13342662803: 翻译的英文单词是哪个 -
后师珈力: 翻译的英文单词是translate、interpret. 一、translate 英 [trænsˈleɪt] 美 [trænsˈlet, trænz-, ˈtrænsˌlet, ˈtrænz-] vt.& vi.翻译;转化;解释;被翻译 1、translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言.引申可作“转化”“...

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译翻译成英语 -
后师珈力:[答案] He often helps me to learn English. 这个to 可有可无 或者用help with

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译英语, -
后师珈力:[答案] it took me 2 hours to clean the classroom yesterday.

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译汉译英 -
后师珈力:[答案] I was cleaning the classroom then. I was clearning the classroom at that time.

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译要简单一点的,不要太复杂了.我要10篇.给个网站也可以.分可以加. -
后师珈力:[答案] Today is how happy one day,because mother decided that has our exiting picnic!Each people make ready especially anticipation and excited,prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark!今天是多么...

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译. -
后师珈力:[答案] 我觉得= =这个问题很好解决 你就知道、、 希望对你有所帮助

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译 -
后师珈力: 1. in a way2. be familiar with3. lend sth. to sb.4. in order to do5. such as / for example6. be the same as ...7. request

茂港区13342662803: 英语翻译用英语怎么翻译这句话! -
后师珈力:[答案] A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near!翻译来源: "A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near" is an official translation and can be found in the publications by the Chinese authorities. The following is quoted from Peking Review ...

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