
作者&投稿:荡奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the explaination of language skill, both the first and second degree have the content of playing and acting.



第二天我去了STAPLES Center(地名). 这是湖人和clippears的中心,我在中心前也都照了很多照片。不过我什么东西也没买,因为我知道东西都很贵。我没有去Key arena看波音比赛,至今还是觉得很遗憾。下次去美国,我大概会去那儿吧。

最后,我想要对我的寄住家庭说几句话,谢谢你们招待了我两个星期。我的英语水平提高了很多,还了解了美国的生活。这两个星期我非常开心。billy lee, Darcy,我永远的爱你们。

100%手翻~~~~~~复查过, 用词更贴切, 更口语一点
Basketball match

went to see a basketball match yesterday. This was the second time I watched basketball match during my lifetime.
昨天去看了场篮球赛. 这是我有生以来, 第二次看篮球赛
Last time I watch it was last Thursday, unfortunatelly these two matches are not NBA games. Because The KeyArena is in Seattle a little bit far from Burlington. But it was still really fun. The two teams are Burlington and Lynden-two high school teams.
上次看是上个星期四的时候. 不过运气不好, 不是NBA球队的比赛. 因为主场在思雅途, 离伯灵顿有点远. 不过还是挺有意思的. 两只球队分别是伯灵顿和林登的高中球队

As far as I know, the mainly difference between Chinese basketball and American's is that the basketball condition in China are all professional.
据我所知, 中国篮球和美国篮球最主要的差别是中国篮球环境都是职业的.
In America, even high school has its basketball arena and coach. The Americans can play professional match when they were young but we can't. I think it is the reason that Chinese basketball is not so good as that of America.
在美国, 即便是中学球队都有自己的主场和教练. 美国人很小的时候就可以打职业比赛, 但是我们不可以. 我认为这就是为什么中国篮球没有美国打的好的原因.

At last, I wish Chinese basketball level will be higher and higher.
最后, 我祝中国篮球水平会越来越高

Basketball match
went to see a basketball match yesterday.
This was the second time I watched basketball match during my lifetime.
Last time I watch it was last Thursday, unfortunatelly these two matches are not NBA games.
Because The KeyArena is in Seattle a little bit far from Burlington.
But it was still really fun. The two teams are Burlington and Lynden-two high school teams.
As far as I know, the mainly difference between Chinese basketball and American's is that the basketball conditon in China are all professional.
In America, even high school has its basketball arena and coach.
The Americans can play professional match when they were young but we can't. I think it is the reason that Chinese basketball is not so good as that of America.
At last, I wish Chinese basketball level will be higher and higher.

Basketball match
went to see a basketball match yesterday.
This was the second time I watched basketball match during my lifetime.
Last time I watch it was last Thursday, unfortunatelly these two matches are not NBA games.
Because The KeyArena is in Seattle a little bit far from Burlington.
But it was still really fun. The two teams are Burlington and Lynden-two high school teams.
As far as I know, the mainly difference between Chinese basketball and American's is that the basketball conditon in China are all professional.
In America, even high school has its basketball arena and coach.
The Americans can play professional match when they were young but we can't.
I think it is the reason that Chinese basketball is not so good as that of America.
At last, I wish Chinese basketball level will be higher and higher.




PS condition拼写错误,另外我觉得第二段中...china are all...应该是 America,根据上下文的意思是美国的篮球环境更加专业

去昨天见到一个篮球比赛。 这是在我的终生期间相配的我看篮球的第二次。 上次,我看它是上星期四, unfortunatelly 这些二个比赛不是全美篮球协会游戏。 因为 KeyArena 在从 Burlington 有一点远的西雅图。 但是它仍然真的有趣。 这二个队是 Burlington 和 Lynden-二中学队。
就我所知道, 那主要地中国篮球和美语之间的不同是在中国的篮球 conditon 是所有的专业人士。 在美国,平坦的中学有它的篮球竞技场和教练。 当他们年轻的时候,美国人能玩专业的比赛,但是我们不能。 我认为它是理由「中国篮球美国不像那那么好」。




It is a park between USA and Canada. U.S government built it.这是一个美国政府出钱建筑的公园,它位于美国和加拿大之间。It is very beautiful there. There is a big gate between the two countries.那里景色优美,一个大门把美国与加拿大分别开来。Lots of meadows and trees are around the...

请帮忙将这段中文翻译一下韩语 谢绝googie翻译

went to see a basketball match yesterday. This was the second time I watched basketball match during my lifetime.昨天去看了场篮球赛. 这是我有生以来, 第二次看篮球赛 Last time I watch it was last Thursday, unfortunatelly these two matches are not NBA games. Because The KeyArena...

1.辞谢; 谢绝(邀请等) (v.)2.破产(v.)3.有效, 有能力的效率高的(adj.)4.和谐,相符, 一致 5.电荷 6.承认 7.欺骗 8.混乱 9.凝视 10.正式 11.详细 12.理想 13.身份 14.对象 15.即 16.包 17.处理 18 。刮削 19 。保持 20 。很少 21 。责成 22 。嫉妒 23 。宏伟 24 。阶层 ...

1.不再外出就餐 回想一下你的孩童时代,你还记得那时的菜肴什么样吗?现在,将之对比一下O'Charleys,Applebees饭店或者其他饭店的菜肴,因此我们正在增肥并不稀奇。许多关于外出就餐的研究表明,如果你外出就餐,你会吃撑。那些外出就餐的人相对其他人会得到更多的热量。请在接下来的一个半月中坚持不外出...

1.my handphone is missing .2.I got my handphone lost .(这是你不小心丢的)或 I threw my handphone .(这是你主动丢的,可能是因为生气了)3.my mother sent this handphone to me on my birthday .4.my handphone is given by my mother 5.this is my first handphoe .6.I use ...


Please allow me to say something first.When I step into this school at the first day, everything is so strange to me.Strange classmate, strange teachers and strange environment As the new term begins, we get in touch with each other day by day.I feel warm ever since.The ...

彰武县13934679179: 英译汉问题~请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢绝机译.非常感谢.翻译的满意的话一定把所有的分送上.(虽然总共也没多少分).很着急,再次感谢~~~Many of ... -
展段盐酸:[答案] 我们领域中许多上乘作品都是受主流学科的影响.似乎最弱的研究人员们忽视了一个真相,我们在建筑工业上面临的问题通常是我们已在其他方面遇到过的例子.我问作者和自己的研究人员一个反复的问题就是,这个问题(就是目前...

彰武县13934679179: 请帮我翻译一下下面这小段话,请把我的意思译准确一点.给分!(谢绝机译) -
展段盐酸: I understood I lived up to your exp...

彰武县13934679179: 请帮忙翻译几句话(中译英)谢绝机译!谢谢!我知道你们很忙,你们都是无偿的为我们提供帮助的,我很感激.我非常讨厌等待,尤其是不知道期限的等待,... -
展段盐酸:[答案] I know you are busy, and I really appreciated that you helped us with no charge.I hate to wait , especailly not knowing how long the time I would wait.I fell sad and it's not a complain or a vent .It'...

彰武县13934679179: 急!好心人帮忙翻译一下,汉译英,谢绝机译 -
展段盐酸: This is the delivery charge you already paid. We have sent u the bell before that. The attachment is the invoice for the customs. We have shipped out the original copy with the shipment together. 请副查,如果是紧急文件

彰武县13934679179: 请帮忙翻译成英语,谢绝机译!很急! -
展段盐酸: It indicates that the Death is considerate.In this poem, the author used the objective correlative technique.It shows that her mind is full of hesitations.是不是讲艾米丽*狄金斯的诗呀.

彰武县13934679179: 英语翻译谢绝机译很高兴认识你.谢谢你的提醒.我的客人也已经通知我们,让我们特别注意货物的包装.我会很慎重的转告我的同事,请他们务必注意包装的事情. -
展段盐酸:[答案] Nice to meet you.Thank you for your advice.My customer had already informed us to pay special attention to the packing of the goods.I will pass this issue to our colleagues and make sure they take car...

彰武县13934679179: 请翻译成英文 谢绝机译 -
展段盐酸: I start my first class for the day after eating breakfast, there are no entertainments during this period of time. Only during lunch break I will promote my sales or give out advertisement for the recycle union.I will get one hour of sleep if things go well. ...

彰武县13934679179: 请高手帮忙翻译成英语,谢绝机译!急啊! -
展段盐酸: In order to further understand the situation in China, the students learn English in 2002, Zhao Yan shifting to a portion of the pupils were investigated, including on children's interest in learning English, here is the survey results:

彰武县13934679179: 请帮忙翻译一下下面一小段话(中译英)谢谢,要求手工,谢绝在线,谢绝机译.背景是我在一提交了一份报告,没有回复,我询问一下. 就是下面一小段话 ... -
展段盐酸:[答案] My report have submit for about five days,It will have a reply within 24 to 72 hours according to your rules,so I have examine for ...again after expecting it so many times,this taste of defeat really bad for me. 细微处恐有不妥.大意已通,希望对你有所帮助~...

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