
作者&投稿:藤钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mr Li asked me to bring you some things,and I will give you when you are free.

Which campus of SHANDONG university do you live?



1.my handphone is missing .
2.I got my handphone lost .(这是你不小心丢的)
或 I threw my handphone .(这是你主动丢的,可能是因为生气了)
3.my mother sent this handphone to me on my birthday .
4.my handphone is given by my mother
5.this is my first handphoe .
6.I use it to contect to my family ,to play games and to take photo .
7.If I couldn't find my handphone ,I will miss many of my friends' phone nunmbers and photoes
8.if you see it ,please call me .

1. my cell phone is missing.
2. i lost my cell phone.
3. my cell phone was a birthday present from my mom.
4. my cell phone was given by my mom.
5. that was my first cell phone ever.
6. i used the cell phone to find my family members, play games and take photographs.
7. if i can't get it back i will lose the telephone numbers and photos of many of my friends.
8. if you happen to have it, please call me.

1. my handsets lost.
2. I have thrown my handset.
3. my handsets are when my birthday my mother gives me.
4. my handsets are my mother give me.
5. this are my first handset.
6. I use it to look for me the family member, I use it to play the game, the photograph.
7. if I cannot retrieve my handset, I can lose many friend's telephone numbers, the picture.
8. if you ascend it, please telephone looks for me.

-> It will take several years to master a foreign language.

1. 早餐过后,所有七年级学生和自然科学老师去野营了,而且他们玩得很高兴.After breakfast, all the grade 7 students and science teachers went camping, and they enjoyed themselves very much.2.昨天整天在下雨, Uncle John不得不呆在家看报纸杂志, 没能出去瞎逛。It rained all day yesterday an...

5.起初看起来可能只是一个Facebook,但作者是不同的,此书急切更新的人连接在一起。(writter 你写错了吧)6.当然,是他们的名人地位使得他们得到追随者,但是他们的话语真正使他们受欢迎。貌似你的题目里有许多错误单词 所以只能翻译成这样了 希望对你有所帮助 ...

1.约翰既聪明又有责任心。他喜欢跟别人交朋友。2.我已经决定竞争这个新岗位。你也可以竞争。你自己决定吧。3.医生来后不久就设法把我父亲的病情控制住了。4.虽然上星期的作业比我想象的难,我还是按时交上去了。1 John clever and responsible.He likes to make friends with other people.2 I ha...

帮忙翻译下列句子 谢谢 急急急!!!
1.虽然安德森出生于一个不幸的家庭,但是他在他的时间仍然作为最伟大的作家之一结束。2.太多工作和太少休息经常导致病。3.他是要由于来自摩托车的下降走的unabie。4.不要抛弃那些袋; 我们迟早能重新使用他们。5.在旅行期间,库珀和我轮流开车,以便我们两个都不将感到疲倦。6.可以确信森林能对沙漠...

12.Stop parking 13.Be careful ,kids!14.we cannot bring the dog in the restaurant .15.what do these signs mean ?16.they means we shoud not walk on the grass.17.Bobby ang Sam are hiking in the forest.18.what did your mother bring to you?19.she brings some fish 20....

1、找一份好工作不容易。It's hard to find a good job.2、我上学从不迟到。I'm never late for school.3、下午三点一刻 (at) a quarter past 3 in the afternoon 4、步行去学校怎么样?What\/How about walking to school?5、萨姆什么时候离开家去上学?When does\/did Sam leave home to...

我家里人的爱好My family hobbies 我们家有五口人。There are five people in my family.我们有各式各样的爱好。we have got many different hobbies.我爷爷喜欢闲暇时看报纸。my grandpa likes reading newspapers in his spare time.我奶奶喜欢早上跟朋友们跳舞。my grandma likes dancing in the ...

为你解答。1.Do they have straight or curly hair? 他们是直发还是卷发?They have curly hair. 他们是卷发。2.Is he tall or short? 他是高还是矮?He isn't tall or short. 他不高也不矮。He's of medium height. 他高度中等。

didn't go shopping until she finished playing the piano.3.与人交流很重要.It's important to communicate with people.4.你学习的知识越多,你就会越快乐。The more knowledge your learn,the happier you will be .5.同学们对数学非常感兴趣.The students are very interested in maths....

内乡县18658354369: 请英语高手翻译句子请大家帮忙翻译下面句子,请不要用软件翻译,谢谢!1:得马上请医生来.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤... -
鄂玛皮炎:[答案] 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once.2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work.3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday.4:不能把这些...

内乡县18658354369: 请高手帮忙翻译以下内容,谢绝软件翻译. -
鄂玛皮炎: Frequency conversion main shaft (frequency conversion motor), 3 speed ranges with electrically powered automatic control, infinitely variable speed within each range, hand chuck, mechanical tailstock, vertical 4-station tool rest, totally enclosed protection.

内乡县18658354369: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句句子!急!谢绝工具翻译者!1:不要在乎别人怎么议论你2:人生中,有那么几件事,是不能用眼睛来看的3:当局者迷,旁观者也... -
鄂玛皮炎:[答案] 1.Don't care about what others say behind you. 2.There are some things in life that can't been seen with your eyes. 3.those closely involved cannot see clearly,and those not can not necessarily see clearly either.

内乡县18658354369: 请帮忙汉译英翻译下面的一段话,谢绝翻译软件的翻译,希望准确点,好的再加分.谢谢! -
鄂玛皮炎: 1. Golden appearance (Golden Sample) choice and fabrication have 4 kinds the following channels to come into being, quantity block of wood less than in principle 3 PCS (try one's best to choose 1 PCS in upper limit specification nearby , 1 PCS ...

内乡县18658354369: 翻译以下句子(谢绝机器翻译)
鄂玛皮炎: all the spare parts should offer original material certificate.

内乡县18658354369: 请帮忙翻译一段英文,谢绝机器翻译,谢谢.It is not a question so much of what will happen as much as it is a statement of what has already happened and is ... -
鄂玛皮炎:[答案] 与其说这是一个将有什么变化的问题,倒不如说这是一个已经发生并且仍然在发生的事实.我们周围的世界正在摇摇欲坠.与过去的日子相比,家庭结构变得如此脆弱,以至人们养成了漠不关心和自利的态度

内乡县18658354369: 用英语翻译下面这个句子,(*^ -- ^*) 谢绝软件翻译.... -
鄂玛皮炎: It has aroused reader's kinesthesia image, not only causes the human to hear the sound which the train comes, simultaneously has had the dynamic image which train staggers comes, for human one kind low and deep, inauspicious feeling, has finished the upholstery for the story development.

内乡县18658354369: 请帮忙翻译两段话,谢绝机器翻译!! 谢谢!!! -
鄂玛皮炎: 医学定义为“无法持续达到或保持充分的勃\起以进行满意的性\交”,ED治疗不仅捕获了流行的空想,亦被批评为一复杂生物社会性经历的过度医疗化.评论家主张,ED治疗宣传特殊的健康、性、男子气概的社会准则作为生物学的事实,塑造“令人满意的”性\交为跨文化的一般概念,需要一个强硬的阴/茎和一个对性/交插入永不停息的“自然的”欲/望.翻译得不好,请见谅,ED就是勃/起功能障碍了.

内乡县18658354369: 请用正确的英语翻译下面这两个句子.谢绝机器翻译. -
鄂玛皮炎: Someone who insults you,abuses you,spites you and disgrace you,but you still encourage him,say good words to him,flatter him and connivance him.But when...

内乡县18658354369: 请帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文,请不要用翻译软件,好的会继续加分! -
鄂玛皮炎: 我已经跟朋友谈好(商量好),由另外一...

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