
作者&投稿:里爸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求助英语高手不计较分数的!!帮我翻译一下吧!!人工翻译 软件的不必麻烦了!!!~

Keywords: sports theme documentary film photography object, content to ideological content constructability
Sports theme documentary as the important component of the documentary, pivotal status.

Study subjects documentary can better sports interpretation of the essence of the meaning and connotation of creation mental state, experience, and the author for people to assess its critical, as recorded in sports and sports events provided reference.

At the same time, the sports theme documentary also have research other types of common sense. Documentary

However a sports theme documentary success, the selection of shooting is extremely important point of the hand.

At present our country domestic sports theme documentary, compared with other documentary powers, it also relatively backward production process, the shooting with the selection of various factors point by limited by closely related.

Through the analysis of the domestic and international sports theme documentary comparison, combining graduation case creation practice experience, this paper will argue for filming the selection of subject starting the importance of sports documentary.

you are so mean!

至于It's very mean of you !
你认为 我们在见到一个很小气的人时候 还有心情说这么长一段话么?

1. He is a very stingy person. 他是个很小气的人。

  2. What a miser! 真是个吝啬鬼!

  3. He's not a generous person. 他不是个慷慨的人。

  4. She's such a penny pincher. 她真是个守财奴。

  5. He's such a tightwad. 他真是个小气鬼。

  6. Money means everything to her. 她视钱如命。

  7. He's very tightfisted. 他很吝啬。

  8. Her boss is a skinflint. 她老板是个一毛不拔的人。

  9. She never wants to splash the cash. 她出手从不大方。

  10. He's a real scrooge. 他是个不折不扣的守财奴。

11.You are so rich . Don't be so stingy!"你那么有钱,.不要那么小气啊!

12.a brave, proud, generous, mean, etc spirit
勇敢的、 骄傲的、 慷慨的、 小气的...人

13.Grudging and petty in giving or spending.

14.A stingy person;a miser.

15.Mean and stingy.

16.I don't like those skimpy trousers.

17.The mean stepmother said to Cinderella,

18.That is rather shabby.

19.Ungenerous, mean, or stingy.

20.What a measly birthday present!

21.Now, my uncle seemed so miserly that I was struck dumb by this sudden generosity.

niggardly 吝啬的;小气的
stingy 吝啬的;小气的
miserly 吝啬的

He is a very stingy person.




爱莫能助 The spirit is willing but the body weak\/would be glad to help but can not\/would be glad to help but cannot 很抱歉,此事爱莫能助.I regret that I cannot help 很抱歉,我爱莫能助。I regret to say that I am unable to help you.心有余而力不足 the spirit is ...

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4.2 within the banking system to improve 4.2.1 technical innovation and research Technical innovation and research, first of all, increase the technical inputs, and improve technology systems. First, strengthening to facilitate customer transactions. As soon as possible the development of...

他学习过英语和法语。I have read many books.我读过很多书。通常一个动词的过去分词和他的过去式是一样的,但是有一些动词的过去分词有不规则的形式。be been go gone come come run run swim swum fly flown see seen speak spoken do done give given hide hidden become become take taken ge...

第二句如果你照着老师的抄下来的话,那肯定是老师写错了。正确句子该是:how many legs does a dog have? 是does, 不是has.这样理解你会明白:A dog has 4 legs.(就4进行提问)应该是:how many legs does a dog have? have(has)作“有”时是实义动词,在疑问句中把助动词do(does)...

本题型在中考中重要是测试我们运用英语“句型”的能力。“四位一体”的“句型转换”专项训练,就是为了发展我们这方面的能力。第一类题型的转换,重点是基本句型的运用,一般都有规律可循。除了熟记基本句式的结构外,还要注意some, any; already, yet 等词在转换时的变化。第二类句型转换(同义句转换)应该作为我们复习...

2被动语态门主功语态一样具有不同时态,其时态的变化取决于时间状语,其时态的变化形式由其助动词be的事态变化形式来体现 The house is being painted now.(现在进行时被动语态)Eru0ugh has been said to him about it.(现在完成时被动语态)The furniture was bought last week..(过去时被动语态...

(3), 在英语中 , 表示位置转移的动词 , 如 :come, go, fly, drive, leave, stay, 等 , 可用现在进行时表示按计划或安排即将发生的事 , 不必用 be going to 结构 . 如 :she is flying to nanjing herself. 明天她一个人飞往南京 . are you driving home ? 你开车回家吗 ? 3 . 形容词的比较级...

在主语是第三人称且为单数或一个句子时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即通常所说的加s\/es;现在时态非第三人称单数都是用动词原型;一般说来,在所有的助动词(do\/does\/did\/等)和情态动词(can\/must\/should\/等)后面还有部分固定搭配(let sb do\/make sb do\/等)中要使用动词原形;在进行时...

阿瓦提县18614537946: 向英语高手求助 -
郎钓速尿: grudge和begrudge都有嫉妒的意思,但grudge语气更重些,有憎恨的意思.以下是区别:begrudge v. 嫉妒;羡慕,抱怨、吝啬,舍不得给/勉强给 忌恨=begrudge grudge v.吝啬,不满 grudge against sb表示对某人怀恨在心.bear a grudge 怀恨在心

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助英语高手
郎钓速尿: by:指通过..,靠...,用...(方法,途径等) e.g.you can reserve the tickets by phone.你可以电话订票. in:指按照,以....(形式,方式,手段等)e.g. you can buy the aparptment in instalments.你可以以分期付款方式购买公寓. 有些时候表达用什么方法时,by&in 区别并不太大,可以替换.

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助英语高手
郎钓速尿: 选B. 因为我是在桌子下找到的,这个桌子是特指,铅笔是我昨天丢的,也是特指,所以用the

阿瓦提县18614537946: 6、求助英语高手帮助,一定会采纳的! -
郎钓速尿: 1 on the road side 2 waiting for sb to pass 3 basketball match 4 in history5 for example/for instance, 6 be silent/voiceless 7 destroy, 8 be special for9 be...

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助英文高手一段话的意思 -
郎钓速尿: 为什么灰姑娘不能成为一个很好的足球运动员呢? 她丢了鞋子,又从舞会跑了出来,而她的教练就是南瓜.ball这里应该是舞会的意思

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助:英语高手.翻译 -
郎钓速尿: english,high,hand英语高手.或English,past,master

阿瓦提县18614537946: 向英语高手求助
郎钓速尿: Dorothy : How much is our budget? Billy : Ten thousand dollars. Dorothy : We've already bought an oven, a washing machine, a dishwasher, and a refrigerator. We don't have much money left, do we? Billy : There's still more than enough money for ...

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助英语高手(中文翻译英文)
郎钓速尿: Guangzhou广州, the concept概念 of hardware五金 (resin树脂) Products Factory制品厂

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助英语高手
郎钓速尿: Because she was so young,she ccouldn't to catch up with her elder brother.

阿瓦提县18614537946: 求助英语高手帮我翻译:【一:CAUTION译成中文.二:AVERTISSEMNT三WARNUNG四AVISO五ATTENZIONE】谢谢! -
郎钓速尿: 1.CAUTION (caution)留神、注意——提醒方面用语2.ADVERTISEMENT (advertisment)广告、宣传——各种形式3.WARNING (warning)警示、警告——也是提醒方面用语4.AVISO (aviso)通报、通讯舰5.ATTENTION (attention)注意、专心——原字可能不是英文,但意思还应是这个意思. 写错的字我都改过,上面的英文字有很多解释,我无法一一列举,如果还有问题,请发追问过来.另外: 紫外线光源—— ultra-violet rays(light )source

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