
作者&投稿:励池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

B:"Hey A,hows your trip to Harbin?"
A:"Well, thank you"
C:"What are some of the travel sites you went in Harbin?"
A:"I went to the black dragon river, which is located North East of china. The river connect to inner mongolia, and it's area is 454.000 square kilometer"
B:"Did you do some background reserch before you went to the place?"
A:"Yes I did actually, Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province, with a population of 5.3 million and covering an area of 18,000 square kilometers.
Located in eastern Songnen plain, it's a rolling land with low hills, and shallow valleys and crossed by the Songhua River. It has a semi-humid temperate climate with an annual average temperature of 3.5 degree Celsius, rainfall of 530 millimeters and a frost-free period of 140 days. Its mineral resources are coal, quartzite, marble, copper, lead and zinc etc.
Harbin is one of China's key industrial bases, with machine building industry as its main stay. Foodstuff, petroleum, chemicals and textiles are its important prop-ups. The output value of its pharmaceutical industry ranks first in China. The main agricultural products are wheat, soybean, beet, flax, tobacco, poultry, etc. It\'s among China's major beet growing areas.
Harbin is the commercial center of Heilongjiang Province as well as the communication hub in the northern part of North-East China, with a well-developed railway and highway network. It has regular air links with over 30 cities at home and abroad. The Songhua River is an important waterway for shipping."
B:"Maybe I will visit there someday, Thank you for the information"
A:"You welcome"






Do you like traveling? 


Sure!I really like it!Travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. 


We can make friends and practice a foreign language through travelling. Travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various foods and seeing beautiful sceneries['siːnəri]。


What is your choice? By oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies['eɪdʒənsi] ? 


I prefer by myself. For the single traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom .I am perfectly free to choose my plan and schedules. 


You are brave! It will be very dangerous?


No, I will keep in touch with friends and family。I really like this feel。

Do you like traveling?
Sure!I really like it!Travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries.
C:通过旅游我们可以交朋友、练外语。旅行是最好的消遣。我们可以享受各种食品,观看美丽景色。 We can make friends and practice a foreign language through travelling. Travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various foods and seeing beautiful sceneries['siːnəri] . D:那你们喜欢独自出游,还是随旅行社组团出游?
What is your choice? By oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies['eɪdʒənsi] ? A:我喜欢独自出行。对孤身一人的旅行者来说,最大的优点是自由。我完全可以随心所欲地选择旅行线路,规划行程安排
I prefer by myself. For the single traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom .I am perfectly free to choose my plan and schedules.
You are brave! It will be very dangerous?
No, I will keep in touch with friends and family。I really like this feel.
I will choose the group .travel agencies ['eɪdʒənsi]take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends
D:我们从旅游上得到很多。这是值得花时间。我想在期末后去旅游,你们有什么好主意吗? We can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time. I want to have a travel after this exam. But I don’t know where to go. Do you have any good idea?
I have ever been to many places for a visit. And some of them are really beautiful. HAINAN, which is a beautiful city. There is a beautiful sea there. The warm beach and breeze, which make me comfortable
B:那是我的梦想,我希望去但是总是没有时间。Oh!that’s one of my dream!I have looked forward to go there for a long time but haven’t had a chance.
D:棒极了。我的长途旅行是厦门,以鼓浪屿出名。本地人十分好客。旅游增长了我的见识。 Wow!My long travelling is Xiamen, which famous for GULANGYU Island. And local people are
friendly to visitors.travel increases my experience and open my eyes.
I can't wait for go to travel. Let’s go together.
Excellent!good idea!
Where we go?
C:How about 阳朔? Which famous for the beautiful sceneries and delicious food .
I know. There are many foreigners there.
Oh, I am excited!
Calm down man,How can we go there? By bus?
Let me see……yeah,by bus.
Where should we live while traveling?
A hotel, I’ll order it in the Internet. We can save a lot of money and enjoy the landscape at the same time.
And convenient transportation.
OK!I’ll take it。
I'll make a good food list; I know we all love it.
Do we need to bring anything?
In my experience, we need to take a personal certificate, money, clothes, mobile phone, charger, and umbrella and so on.
D:值得注意的是,旅游可能存在危险,我们要小心出去时可能会被偷和骗。要注意啊。 It’s worth mentioning that travelling exist danger. We should be careful when we go out. May be cheated and stolen. Let’s pay attention.
OK!It's settled!

A:hi B ,long time no see,where have you been?
B:O,I went to Shanghai for the EXPO with C.It is really wonderful.
C:Yes ,it‘s amazing ,there so many new things I had ever seen.
A:Lucky you.i also want to have treaval to shanghai but i have no time.Can you tell me something about the EXPO?
B : You know there are so many country gather in shanghai ,so you can encounter a lot of foreigners.
A :Wow ,wonderful,have you made a foreigner friend?
B:Of cause ,they are so friendly and very curious about our culture.I can introduce him to you if you like .
C:You'd better not,do you think he(A) can comunicate with the forigner smoothly?

A:It'swonderfulthatIhavetendaysholiday.Iwanttostartatrip,butIdon'tkoowwheretogo. B:That'salongholiday,youcanrelaxyourselfhappily.Well,lastmonthmyfriendLicametoHarbinforatrip.Whenhecameback,hetoldmemanyinterestingthingsaboutHarbin,suchasthepeopletherearefriendly,thefoodstherearechipandtasted,themostimportantthingisthatyouwillnotspentmuchbutcanstillenjoyyourselfinthenaturalsnowydays.Actually,afterthistalkwithhim,mylittledaughterhopetogothereatonce. A:That'sagoodidea.IknewsomethingaboutHarbinonthetravellingmagzine,thesedaysIwanderifIgotoHarbinorBeijing.NowIcandecidewhereIwillgoto.OkIwillgotoHarbintomorrow,Iwishyougothereearly. B:Thankyou.Pleaseshowyourphotostomeassoonasyoucomeback.Iliketoappriciateallthephotosabouttravel.Haveagoodtrip.Bye.

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