
作者&投稿:郗许 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Tom: What’s wrong?


  Bob: I don’t know. It just stops. I should get off and check.


  Tom: I’m afraid you needn’t. Look at the fuel gauge.


  Bob: You are right. My car’s running out of petrol. What can we do now?


  Tom: I couldn’t see any souls when we entered this mountain.


  Bob: Do you have a cell phone? Mine is power off?


  Tom: Yes, I have. But the signal isn’t very good.


  Bob: Let me have a look. I think it still uses. Who should we ask for help?


  Tom: 112. People believe that the number is useful when they are in danger,such as in the valley or in the mountain area. Even through the signal is very bad, the police could know where you are.


  Bob: Great. That’s what we need.



  乘客: Sir, where can I get the 8:30 flight to Chicago?


  前台: Wait a moment. Let me check. Gate 56.


  乘客: Where is the gate 56?


  前台: It’s on the upstairs. You go upstairs and then you should turn left. Follow the sign and you will find.


  乘客: Thank you. Could I ask another question?


  前台: Yes, you can.


  乘客: You know, the weather is not very good. Is there any possibility that the flight would be put off?


  前台: Sorry, I don’t know. But I haven’t received any notice.


  乘客: I catch the time. I have an important meeting in Chicago.


  前台: Don’t worry. It will be fine.



  Bob: Do you have any plan this weekend?


  Tom: We’re planning to go camping this weekend.


  Bob: Where do you plan to go?


  Tom: There is a lake lying in the east of the city. It’s said that there are many places to explore.


  Bob: Great. Could I join?


  Tom: Of course. The more the merrier.


  Bob: Thank you very much. I don’t know what to do to kill my time?


  Tom: That’s too serious. This plan is raised by my roommates, a crazy man.


  Bob: Could I bring my fishing tool? I love fish and you just said there was a lake.


  Tom: I love fishing too. We can fish together and exchange our experience.


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