
作者&投稿:赫史 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   近几年来,我国的旅游业发展迅速。中国的改革开放,吸引了大批的国际旅游者和商人。我整理了,欢迎阅读!
  Go to the summer resort


  Excuse me. Is there any summer resort around the town?


  As far as I know, the nearest one is next to the Wellington.


  It doesn't matter. I just want to have a relax and I don't care how far it is. Can you tell me how to get there?


  Yes, take the greyhound bus. It will lead you directly there.


  Thanks a billion.

  Keep the change please


  Excuse me, driver. Let me off here, please.


  Well, it's not the supermarket you want.


  I have just changed my plan.




  Here is the fare and keep the change please.



  Kathy and Evan look around a local flea market for souvenirs to take home.


  K:Look at all this stuff, Evan. There must be something we can take back as souvenirs ofCopenhagen and Denmark.


  E:I'm sure there is. I've seen some interesting pieces.


  K:Oh? Like what?


  E:Well, we just passed a table where an old woman was selling hand-knitted caps and scarves.They would e in handy for our cold New York winters.


  K:That is an idea. It seems ridiculous buying winter wear in summer, though.


  E:"Always be prepared," remember?


  K:Yeah, yeah. Hey! Look at these coasters over here. They have pictures of Copenhagen on thebottom of each one. They're covered with plastic but have cork on the bottoms.


  E:Not too bad.


  K:They e in sets of eight.


  E:I prefer to buy the hand-knitted winter wear. You can buy these for your family and friends.


  K:OK. After this, let's stop for lunch. I'm feeling hungry.



The tour will take us through many different rooms. I read about it in the guide.导游人员会带我们参观各个展览室,旅游指南上有说到。STUART: Hmm. If that's true, then the security there must be very good.史都尔:如果是这样,那么保安工作要做得非常好才行。Because it's strange ...

假期旅游英语对话五 服务员: Now for the shave, sir. Do you want me to shave off your beard?现在要为您刮胡子了,先生。你是要把胡子都刮掉吗?客人: Oh, no.哦,不。服务员: Just trim it?就是刮短一些吗?客人: Yes, please.是的 服务员: Anything else I can do for you?您...

1. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain2. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine3. “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.” – Robert Louis ...

关于旅游英语口语一 如何谈论运动 第一句:How good are you at tennis?你打网球的水平怎么样?A: How good are you at tennis?你打网球的水平怎么样?B: Oh, I'm not quite good at it. I'm good at table tennis.哦,我不太撞长网球,我撞长打乒乓球。第二句:I don't care for ...

国庆节期间,各地旅游之风高涨,游人多于过江之鲫。我整理了,欢迎阅读!一 K:Copenhagen! I can't wait! I hope the border crossing into Denmark is as *** ooth as it was into Germany.凯西:哥本哈根!我等不及了!我希望横越边界到丹麦时能和到德国一样的顺利。E:It should be. We have ...

介绍旅游景点对话英语作文 介绍旅游景点对话英语作文初一
3. 有关旅游景点介绍的英语作文 4. 出国旅游的高中英语作文 5. 关于风景的英语作文 写一篇介绍南宁旅游景点的英语作文,70词左Nanning, the capital city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is the political, economic and cultural center of the region.Pleasant climate endows the city with evergreen ...

英语对话教学是中学英语教学的重要组成部分,它对提高学生英语口语水平,培养学生的语言交际能力都有很大的作用。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 Clerk: Do you want to check in sir?柜台服务员:您需要住宿吗?Guest: Yes I have booked a double room three days before I am Mr. Dean.客户:是...

写作思路:以旅游为主题,结合现实,贴近生活。正文:A:你们喜欢旅游吗?Do you like traveling?B:当然!我很喜欢它!旅游可以扩大我们的地理知识,文化习俗,文化和不同的地方和国家的生活方式。Sure!I really like it!Travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, ...

1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 2 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。4 I won’t check this baggage 这件...

Shall we meet at the train station at 9:00?(我们9点在火车站见面好吗?)结论:掌握旅游英语对话对于出国旅行至关重要。本合集提供了全面的旅游英语对话,覆盖了整个旅行过程,帮助读者更好地融入各种旅游场合,享受顺畅的旅行体验。同时,建议读者持续学习和练习,以提高自己的英语沟通能力。

西山区18443072048: 英语口语对话(关于旅游时的) -
古史勤克: Hello, how are you doing today? My name is ...., may I have your name? Today is a nice, sunny day.what do you think? How long have you been in China? Do you like China? Did you learn some Mandarin(Chinese)? ...一般寒暄、介绍名字、聊天气、问他来中国多久,喜不喜欢中国、会不会说几句中文、教几句中文等等...

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古史勤克:[答案] a:hello,can i ask you some thing about this place? b:sure,i am resident here,what would you like to know? a:glad to meet you,uh...ok,i am pretty new in here,just arrived today morning,would you pls introduce some interesting place here for me to visit? b:...

西山区18443072048: 急需要一段二人的英语对话是讲两个人旅游的.急求一段关于旅游的二人英语对话 -
古史勤克:[答案] 能告诉我下一趟到卡地夫的火车时间好吗?Could you tell me the time of the next train / bus to Cardiff,please? 是快车(直达... B:9点26,14轨道.That's 9:26 on Track 14. A:什么时候到?When does it get there? B:列车时刻表是10点50到.It's scheduled ...

西山区18443072048: 求一篇英语短文对话,要和外出旅游有关(2人之间),不要太难,3分钟左右. -
古史勤克: a: hello, can i ask you some thing about this place? b: sure, i am resident here, what would you like to know? a: glad to meet you, uh...ok, i am pretty new in here, just arrived today morning, would you pls introduce some interesting place here for me to...

西山区18443072048: 四个人关于旅游的英语对话 -
古史勤克: ABCD四人 A:hi B ,long time no see,where have you been? B:O,I went to Shanghai for the EXPO with C.It is really wonderful. C:Yes ,it's amazing ,there so many new things I had ever seen. A:Lucky you.i also want to have treaval to shanghai but i ...

西山区18443072048: 紧急:求一个5分钟的旅游英语对话,两个人的. -
古史勤克:[答案] 手打的,不采纳就没人性了,楼主看着办吧 A:I am going on a trip next week. B:That is nice.where are you going to A:I would like to go to the historical city ,XI'AN. B:That will definitely be a wonderful trip .Do you know anything about XI'AN? A:Not much....

西山区18443072048: 求一段关于旅游的英语情景两人对话,三分钟以上的, -
古史勤克:[答案] 沈:我们还有20分钟就到宾馆了,那我先简单地跟大家说一下明天的行程吧.上午去东南第一寺灵隐寺,领略中国的佛教文化.中餐在楼外楼解决.下午带大家去梅家坞喝龙井茶,中国最好的绿茶之一.晚餐和今天一样,大家自己解决,...

西山区18443072048: 编一段我和朋友之间讨论旅游的英语对话 -
古史勤克:[答案] A:Hi!Long time no see!B:Yes,how are you?A:Fine,thanks.What did you do on vacation?B:I went to Chengdu with my parents.It's so beautiful!A:What did you do?B:I ate somethings delicions and buy something...

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古史勤克: I am willing to travel;I don't want to go to travel,望采纳

西山区18443072048: 求旅游英语的两人对话.正常语速5分钟左右的. -
古史勤克:[答案] Bob: Do you have any plan this weekend?你这个周末有什么计划. Tom: We're planning to go camping this weekend.我们这个周末计划去野营. Bob: Where do you plan to go?你们打算去哪里野营? Tom: There is a lake lying in the east of the city.It...

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