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~   旅游虽然辛苦,但对很多人来说却是件饶有兴味的事。我精心收集了关于旅游的英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!
  K:Gee, this land is so flat!


  E:The Netherlands literally means "the down lands," which of course means "the lowlands."


  K:It's flat, but why do they say it's "low"?


  E:A lot of the Netherlands is actually below sea level.


  That's why there are dikes everywhere to keep out the sea water.


  K:No wonder the Dutch are considered an industrious people.


  It's a constant fight against the sea for survival.


  E:The Dutch are tough. Such a *** all country, but they've not only survived, they've prospered.


  K:It's true. You hardly see any poverty here.


  E:Oh, look! There are a couple of old windmills on that farm.


  K:How pretty! Let's stop here a minute. I want to take a picture.


  E:Sure. I'll get off at this exit. Then you can take pictures to your heart's content.


  K:Thanks. Oh, if you're hungry, there are a couple of sandwiches and drinks in the cooler.


  Mrs. Van Helsing made the sandwiches especially for us.


  E:That woman is a saint!

  E:Mrs. Van Helsing, we're ready to check out now.


  V:All right, Evan. I have your bill here someplace.


  E:Don't hurry. We've had such a wonderful time here in the Netherlands. We're already looking forward to our brief return next month.


  V:I'm glad you had a great time here. Was your stay fortable with us? A hostel can't pare with a five-star hotel.


  E:Maybe not in looks, Mrs. Van Helsing, but nothing can beat the warmth of you and your staff.


  V:I'm so glad to hear that. We try very hard to help others.


  E:And you've succeeded beautifully. Now, how much is the bill?


  V:You had fifteen nights, twelve breakfasts, ten lunches, and eight dinners. That es to, let's see...US$775 for the both of you.


  E:No wonder so many people are staying at hostels these days! You can't beat these prices. That would have cost a fortune in a posh hotel.


  V:I do hope you and Kathy have a great time on the rest of your trip, Evan. And we look forward to seeing you again next month.


  E:We do, too, Mrs. Van Helsing. See you then.

  V:So, today you are leaving, Evan?


  E:Yes. After three weeks, it's time to hit the road again.


  V:How nice for you to be able to pack up and leave whenever you like!


  E:This is the best trip of my life. Kathy doesn't want to leave at all.


  V:Where is the darling girl? Isn't she hungry?


  E:She's washing up. She'll be here in a minute.


  V:I have your favorite breakfast for you two today:


  eggs easy over, waffles with maple syrup, yogurt, orange juice, and tea for Kathy, coffee foryou.


  E:I can't get over how you remember what all your guests like to eat, Mrs. Van Helsing.


  V:I only remember the preferences of those whom I like, Evan.


  You and Kathy have been ideal guests. You're both so polite and considerate of others.


  E:It's been a real pleasure to stay with you, Mrs. Van Helsing.


  Anyway, after we return from Sweden, we'll be back next month to say hello before we go backto New York.


  V:You two are wele to stay with us anytime. Now, hurry up and finish your breakfast whileit's still hot!



关于旅游的英语情景对话篇1 K:Gee, this land is so flat!凯西:咦,这里的地真是平坦!E:The Netherlands literally means "the down lands," which of course means "the lowlands."艾凡:荷兰字面上的意思是洼地,当然就是低地的意思。K:It's flat, but why do they say it's "low"?凯西...

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to Harbin or Beijing.Now I can decide where I will go to .Ok I will go to Harbin tomorrow,I wish you go there early.B:Thank you.Please show your photos to me as soon as you come back.I like to appriciate all the photos about travel.Have a good trip.Bye.A:Bye ...

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E:That's a good idea.I knew something about Harbin on the travelling magzine,these days I wander if I go to Harbin or Beijing.Now I can decide where I will go to .Ok I will go to Harbin tomorrow,I wish you go there early.F:Thank you.Please show your photos to me as...

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