
作者&投稿:邬池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、电费收取 Charge of Electricity
2、增值税发票 VAT Invoice
3、帐务处理 Accounting Treatment/Process
4、咨询服务 Consultation Service
5、业扩报装 这个不懂什么意思,还是静待高人吧..


本合同双方同意按“合同能源管理”模式就 A公司(B厂房屋顶)分布式光伏发电

The parties agree that this contract
according to the "contract energy management mode" is A company (B workshop
roof) distributed photovoltaic power generation projects (hereinafter referred
to as the "project" or "the project") in energy-saving services, and pay the
corresponding pv electricity.

30000 m2建设约 3500

Party b USES party a workshop roof (the
roof of party a's own property, by the party a's consent of the landlord agreed
to acquire the license of the building photovoltaic roof by party a to negotiate
with the landlord to solve issues such as the rent) of about 30000 m2
construction about 3500 kWp (at the actual capacity in actual use area and)
rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation project, both parties through equal
consultation, in the real, on the basis of fully express their will, according
to the law of the People's Republic of China contract law and other relevant
laws and regulations, the following agreement, and abide by jointly by both


1, the cooperation pattern


1.1 party b is responsible for the
project investment, construction, operation, maintenance and management work;


1.2 party a provide party b with the
construction site and the construction is convenient, daily operation,
maintenance is convenient;


More than 1.3 projects adopt "spontaneous
for private use, electricity on the Internet", party a shall first use the
project issued by electricity, party b gives party a price discount.


2, the contract deadline

2.1双方合同期限自 本协议双方盖章签字之日起 至 效益分享期满止

2.1 the contract period from the date of
signing this agreement both parties seal to the expiry of the benefit sharing.
During this period, either party, upon divest, merge, custodians of the rights
and obligations of the parties to this agreement;


2.2 the beginning day of energy-saving
benefit sharing in the project for the project completed and put into operation
(electricity meter installation date), benefit sharing period for 25 years.
After the expiration of the contract, such as the two sides decided to break up,
equipment by party b is responsible for the transfer or dispose of in a month,
the relevant expenses shall be borne by party b. If damage is caused to party a
in the process of demolition of houses, party b shall have the duty to repair,
if party b refuses to repair, party a has the right to specify the supplier to
repair the part damaged, party b bear the relevant expenses.


2.3 after the expiry of the benefit
sharing, the two sides to discuss whether to continue to use again, decided to
continue to use, the two sides signed a cooperation agreement.


2.4 during the benefit share, any of the
following circumstances, the two sides cooperation terminated in accordance with
the law, but party b in this project invested part, involved in the project
related units, such as requisition compensation by a third party all owned by
party b:

1) 该场地的房屋占用范围内的土地使用权依法提前回收的;

1) the ground of the housing land within
the area of recycling in advance in accordance with the law;

2) 该场地的房屋因社会公共利益被依法征用的;

2) the ground of the housing for the
social and public interests are in accordance with the requisition;

3) 该场地的房屋因城市建设需要被依法拆迁的;

3) the ground of the housing for the
demolition and relocation of urban construction need to be in accordance with
the law;


4) the ground of the housing for the city
planning adjustment needs to be changed in accordance with the purposes or
reconstruction, rebuilding, the normal operation of the whole project.

5) 甲方破产、解散、清算:乙方负责拆除属于乙方的资产

5) bankruptcy, dissolution and
liquidation: party a party b is responsible for the demolition belongs to party
b's assets


6) plant during the period of the
contract, party a lease with the landlord or party a's business cannot continue
to lease plant, advance notice to party b, party a and assist party b to
demolition, demolition of photovoltaic power station half artificial cost borne
by both parties respectively.


7) power quality can't meet the
requirements of party a party b solar power supply safety and power quality of
subject to state and the electric power industry standards (), party b
rectification within a time limit, still do not meet the requirements after
rectification, party a has the right to terminate the contract.


3, the energy-saving benefit sharing way


Period of benefit sharing, the
spontaneous self-used section of electricity, party a to the same period and
period of grid electricity price * 0.83 * 0.9 (proforma invoice) to party a
shall pay party b the use of the project electricity charge as pv electricity
bills. If changes in grid electricity price, in order to change the
implementation of the month began to change.


(note: at the beginning of the project
construction between power generation and electricity meter installation
commissioning, party a to grid electricity price 0.53 yuan/degree price to party
b to pay the cost of photovoltaic power, measurement methods with party b
construction to complete the installation of meter for measuring)


Party a by the use of the project on
power = all photovoltaic power (the grid side power company meter shall prevail)
- photovoltaic battery online (the power company online meter shall prevail).
Party a shall pay to party b before 20 a month of pv electricity last month. VAT
deduction part has give party a 17% reduction in price, so party b only to the
proforma invoice issued by party a.


峰电价 0.97
平电价 0.564
谷电价 0.288


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求英语大神帮我翻译一下 外贸函电的 两段话
To whom it may concern:Thanks to the introduction from xx, we know your company name and address...翻译电函收费呀我,这个太长了。

lifter raised 提升机升起 Lifter lowered 提升机落下 part present on the die 零件到了模具中 Part present on the lifter 零件到了提升机中 part present on the CAM 零件在数控加工中

A:你好,xx公司,您需要什么帮助?A: Hello, XX company, can I help you?B:我找李先生。B: I'm looking for Mr. li.A:好的,稍等一下,为你转接。A: OK, wait a moment, your call.B:好的。B: good.———-- -- -- A:对不起,先生,现在李先生可能出去了,所以没有转接...


哪位达人帮我翻译一下这个歌词 不要翻译器 要人工的 谢谢!!

嗨 谢谢你,非常高兴能够看到你的照片。我现在在法兰克福参加公司的一个项目培训, 所以我现在不能写中文但可以收到并且阅读。在这个时刻能在上海与你相遇并且相遇是一件多么美好的事情。 你还是和从前一样,时间没能改变你:-)我希望我每一次回到上海,都能遇见你,我的朋友。多多保重 XXX ...

下面是执行IPLAN程序的时的对话的部分实例,一个设计有四个collector buse(编号102,105,107,108)与该系统互联的风力电场的测试系 统。The program provides options of dispatching units using a specified wind speed or directly to a specified MW value.此程序可以以一个 具体的风速或者给定的...

电池充电 新电池不是完全充满(电)的.把旅行用的充电器<就是便携式的充电器>插在你的手机和电路接口上.提示<或者叫小贴士>:放松:不要对手机电池过度充电.在你充满电和消耗部分电量后它会很好地perfour<查不到,有专业名词的嫌疑> 你可以通过手机的迷你USB接口,用连接线把它连到电脑的USB接口上充电...

turbine=涡轮机 extraction line=抽汽管道 Steam to jet=蒸汽喷射 boiler=汽锅\/锅炉 exciter=励磁机 generator=发电机 hotwell=热水箱 condensate pump=冷凝泵\/冷凝水泵\/凝结水泵 Flow diagram of a typical steam power plant 一个独特的火力发电设备的流程图 后面看不清楚,请发清楚给我,谢谢!

大观区18419048413: 哪位大神懂电费单子,我圈的是什么意思?? -
权军怡维: 这是峰谷平电价计费的电费发票,本月用电共630度.上两行是按抄表数计收的平峰电费,下两行是按表数计收的峰谷电费.

大观区18419048413: 有哪位大神帮我翻译一下 -
权军怡维: Does anyone help me translate

大观区18419048413: 麻烦哪位大神帮我翻译了
权军怡维:有一些事我们永远无法遗忘.并且它能够改变我们的生活. 时间对每个人而言都很重要.它组织我们每天的片段.但是,直到我收到父亲的手表我才知道在我人生中时间的重要性.它组织了我的生活并且使我富有责任感.手表在我的手腕上前...

大观区18419048413: 求大神,帮我翻译一下,谢谢啦 -
权军怡维: Honey I like you.I will cherish you very much.I want to like you all my I 亲爱的,我喜欢你.我会非常珍惜你.我想要我所有的一切

大观区18419048413: 请求英语大神帮我翻译以下的这些 急求 感激不尽 -
权军怡维: 认真第一 聪明第二 决心第一 成败第二 速度第一 完美第二 结果第一 理由第二 结果提前 自我退后 锁定目标 专注重复 The first serious smart second We determined the success of the first second Speed of the first perfect second The results of the first second reason Results advance self back Targeted focus on repeat

大观区18419048413: 请哪位大神帮我翻译一下英文短文,请不要用翻译软件(翻译出来不通的),跪谢了How do A students like these do it? Brains aren't the only answer.The ... -
权军怡维:[答案] 优等生是怎样做到的?好脑筋并不是唯一的答案.往往最有天赋的学生在考试中未必能表现良好.懂得怎么样运用自己的能力更为重要,努力学习并不是全部.有一些得高分的同学比考的不好的同学用在学习的时间更少.班里的前几名学习都是有技巧的,...

大观区18419048413: 哪位大神可以帮我翻译一下 在线等 谢谢 -
权军怡维: 原文:나너를좋아해,유지천,너의세상에머물고싶어译文:刘智天,我喜欢你我想停留在你的世界里.

大观区18419048413: 求助!!!哪位大神能帮我翻译下这个地址?感激不尽 -
权军怡维: Number 1506 koryo Daeyeongak Building , 25-5 Chungmuro 1-ga,1506号高丽Daeyeongak建筑,25-5 Chungmuro 1-ga,Jung-gu,Seoul,Korea Jung-gu,首尔,韩国

大观区18419048413: 麻烦哪位大神帮我把下面两段话翻译为文言文!第一段:需要把英语学好了,毕竟现在必须要过三级,有没有知道学习英语的好方法的,麻烦告诉我,不胜感... -
权军怡维:[答案] 第一段:须以英吉利语得之矣,毕竟今必欲过三级,有无知习英吉利语之佳者,烦告我,不胜感!第二段:事皆不须觅也,但自己不力耳

大观区18419048413: 这是我的演讲稿,哪位大神能帮我用英语翻译一下?🙏🙏 -
权军怡维: Good morning judges. My name is Liu Xinying. I am 10 years old. I have a lovely family. There are four members, my father, my mother, my little brother and me. I study at Jining Guanyinge elementry school. In school, we have 7 different classes, ...

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