
作者&投稿:蒙谢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The experts, the judges:
Hello, everyone.
Today's lesson content is PEP primary school English ___grade ___ book Unit -????? Below, I will from the analysis of the teaching material, teaching objectives, key, difficulty and so onseveral aspects to my lesson.
First, I will read the textbook. ?????? Is a unit is very importantin the primary school English curriculum. Mainly around thistopic ____ launches. Often I hear and use this class to learnpatterns in the daily life of students, there is a link between past and future in the book and the book in the textbook, lay a good foundation for the future development of comprehensivepractical ability.
Next, I want to say something about the teaching goal. It points out that the new English curriculum standards, the overall goal of English Teaching in basic education stage is to cultivatestudents' ability of using language. And the comprehensive ability of using the language is based on students' language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning qualityfive aspects of strategy and cultural consciousness as the basis, based on the above understanding, combined with the characteristics of the teaching content and teaching materials, I will be teaching goals: first, is the knowledge and ability, thislesson is mainly let the students learn to hear and read the words?????, and learn to use the sentence????? And?????Daily communication use.
The second, process and method is. Through the study,students' oral communication ability, innovation consciousness and spirit of inquiry.
Finally, emotional attitudes and values, through the study of this text, and further to cultivate students' cooperativeconsciousness.
Below, I look at the key and difficult points of teaching.According to the new curriculum standard, combined with the characteristics of the teaching material. I teach the class to determine the spoken and written word????? Etc.. Taking into account the psychological characteristics and cognitivestructure of the students, I intend to put the teaching difficultiesof this lesson for the use of sentences?????.
According to the characteristics of the students to learn and active, performance desire strong, I intend to adopt the following teaching methods: visual presentation method, heuristic teaching, systemic reaction method, communicative approach,at the same time, I also plan to use the task-based teaching.Details about the methodology of teaching and learning, theteaching process, I will elaborate on the following. On teaching preparation, I asked the students to preview before class, I, will also make some about the course of multimedia courseware and the word cards, posters, tape, tape recorders and other. I have to prepare such a good teaching, I have grasped the key,difficulty.
Below I is divided into several teaching links to show my teaching process:
Before class, I will first and students together to do warm-up exercise, to create a pleasant learning environment. I'm a warm-up is such. ??????? here I mainly use systemic reaction method, the purpose is to quickly focus the attention of students, stimulate students interest in learning English.
Step2.lead in
The beginning of class, I plan to set up a multimedia courseware in here. (judges, due to limited conditions, please allow me here to use pictures to more vividly, better with my lesson. Thank you) I show a picture of?????? picture. There is?????. I lead is this?????. So I naturally into our today's topic????. Intentions Idesigned to pull into the distance between students and text.
First of all I will do ____ game, words and phrases review what we learned last lesson. Next, let me introduce my _____ usesthis class ____ do one one, to pave the way for the churchteaching of new courses, students to do a demonstration.Inspire students to talk about their own situation with _____, let as many opportunities for students to participate in. Then I willcorrect the improper use of _____. By answering questions to consolidate the question function, a preliminary understandingof the class learning content, to prepare for the later study.Then I will guide the students to read the text, understanding of the content. Then play the tape, let the students listen and repeat, and require students to complete the listening exercisesaccording to hear. Play the tape again, check the answers, andlet the students from the main sentence feeling on this lesson.Listen and read after the organization of students to imitate thepractice. In the meantime, I also intend to use communicative language teaching, encourage students to think more, hands,mouth, active participation, active thinking. Let students understand the language, the use of language in context.
At this time, I will guide the students to role of reading aloud,and I will use the task-based teaching method, students groupdiscussion,


lifter raised 提升机升起
Lifter lowered 提升机落下
part present on the die 零件到了模具中
Part present on the lifter 零件到了提升机中
part present on the CAM

Lifter 升降机
Cam 摄像头


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1,可能是系统问题,电脑中毒了、装了错误的补丁、不小心删掉了系统文件等 2,驱动问题(这个很常见),更新了显卡驱动以后导致的死机 3,硬件问题,内存松了、显卡松了、电源boom了 4,硬盘问题,坏道、连接松了 逐一排查吧

一个男生说女生好呆是什么意思 亲们,线上等哦,很急,帮帮忙
一个男生说女生好逗是什么意思 就是跟你开玩笑的意思。 希望亲亲采纳,你的采纳是对我的支援,谢谢祝2016好运 女生说男生好心没好报是什么意思大神们帮帮忙 也行你做的不尽她所想 一个女生说一个男生好帅哦是什么意思? 那个男人长得帅,就是这层意思。 女人夸男人,那是一时的想法,并不...


求一本小说名 各位亲们 大神们 帮帮我啊

我觉得综合一下 可不可能会有人投他赞成票 这概念就模糊了 就变成了 究竟有没有人会给他赞成票 在事情结果没出来之前 这也是最矛盾的 两种结果都有可能


求余罪第一 三季 。。谢谢各位大神@@
已经发送给你了,在百度云 不过需要您知道的是没有第三季,因为第三季没有出来 喜欢的话,希望能采纳 想要的亲们,点赞吧,免费哟

江津市18674585153: 买了件外贸衣服,水洗标都是韩文,请大神帮忙把红框里的韩文翻译成中文.谢谢. -
融姜齐诺: 号----90 项目----身体指数 胸围----88cm 臀围----96cm 身长----160cm 合成纤维 面料----丙烯酰胺 82% 羊毛 10% 尼龙 8% 内衬(里子)----涤纶 100%

江津市18674585153: 求日语大神帮忙翻译一下图片里的句子(不要机翻) -
融姜齐诺: 纯手打 有的地方是意义,毕竟中日文化不一样,意思大致上是一样的1、马子にも衣装と言う谚があるだろう、自分にピッタリの服を着込むと、容貌と姿を一层美しく见える./2,私は普通のブルーカラー、でも私の妻は有名な大学から卒业したのだから、いつも周りに私と妻が月と鼈って言われた3,始まりがあれば终わりもある、何事をしても最后までしっかりやるのだ.途中半端などしちゃいけないのだ,4,あなたはドイツ语が得意でしょう、なら、この汉语の小说をドイツ语に翻訳するには朝饭前みたいでしょう

江津市18674585153: 求亲们帮忙翻译下这段文字.
融姜齐诺: ElegantI没错吗? -----造就成功.我奋斗,我成功! 我坚信我会成功!

江津市18674585153: 来个大神帮忙翻译下几个句子 把中文翻译成英语 1我一进教室,就开始上课了.2我们不知道他是否会来.... -
融姜齐诺: 1我一进教室,就开始上课了. The moment I entered the classroom ,the class began Hardly had i entered the classroom when the class began No sooner had I come into the classroom than the class began.2我们不知道他是否会来. I don't know...

江津市18674585153: 求各位英语大神的帮忙翻译一下一段汉语,不要中国式英语,谢谢! -
融姜齐诺: I hope we will have the opportunity of contact and help each other afterwards, thanks for your instruction, wish you well.

江津市18674585153: 求大神帮忙翻译一下,这三张图片上的日语.谢谢. -
融姜齐诺: 左边 menu(菜单 目录) 名前を変える(更改姓名,游戏账号等) 各种お知らせ(各种通知,条约) 公式ページ(官网) 引き続きID発行(随机ID编号发放) 一括ダウンロード(下载) 你点 引き続きID発行 会出现图一右边的东西,上边的是系统随机发放给你的账号,你记下来就可以,中间的方框 是你填密码的位置(2次密码填写). 填好后,点设定就可以了 一括ダウンロード 点这个是下载游戏,就会出现 图2右边的东西,等下载完就可以 图3 是检索好友的账号(如果你知道你好友账号的话,就可以这样检索加好友) ( フレンド friend 好友的意思) 登入游戏的话,用 图一里得到的账号密码 进入

江津市18674585153: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这几句话1,在你的想象中,也许是这样子的2,也有可能是这样子的3,但更有可能 -
融姜齐诺: 1、It maybe something like this in your imagation.2、It's also like this3、But It maybe like this at best

江津市18674585153: 各位大神,帮忙翻译几句英语, 1,促进文化交流,让人们更多地了解当... -
融姜齐诺: 1, promote cultural exchanges, to let people know more about the local culture and customs. 2 and provide more job opportunities, promote local economic development. 3, optimization of the living environment, and improve the quality of life. 4, ...

江津市18674585153: ERR - RULE - CATEGORY - CANNOT - BLANK - MESSAGE 大神们帮忙翻译一下是 -
融姜齐诺: 原文不会是这样写的吧,怎么词与词之间都有 “_” 符号.如果确实是这样,译文也正好照章办事:ERR(错误)RULE(规则) CATEGORY(类型)CANNOT(不能)BLANK(阻挡)MESSAGE(信息) .如果连贯起来翻译就是 “错误规律类型不可以妨碍信息传递”

江津市18674585153: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
融姜齐诺:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come. 3.If there are any mistakes in my spoken English,please help me correct and improve. 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大...

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