
作者&投稿:锐翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I carry guitar wander in the library
Suddenly, the phone rang
I've learned that there are emergency matters need I processing
Then in a hurry run out
I bumped into you
As I picked up the book
Side with sincerity apologize
I raised my head
Find your eyes is so moving
Since then, a love story; Beginnings of the
Together we wander in the library
Together we playing a guitar
I was so careless
Every day you in meticulous care me
The people around is very pretty
You encouraged me to try new things
And as I recommend good-looking book
Your tender like milk tea sort gave me warm

Remember when we only a fight?
I hugged a boy
And you just saw this scene
The book fell on your hand
You gave the boy a punch
But I was for your reckless and angry
I say: I don't want to see you again
You head also don't return to walk,
Usually very strong you also dropped a few drops of tears
I regret I just do
But I could not make back the hands of time
I picked up the book dropped
Wearing oversized glasses frame
Swear forget you

I'm single
I carry guitar hand holding a pile of books
The people around is very strange
"Beside her what happened to the boy?"
I sat on a park bench
Turn over your left hand of the book
I was touched by the story of tears fall
Didn't notice that you are around me
"Forgive me" you said
I jumped
I pushed glasses
Cool desperately want to walk off
You got hold of my hand
I'm crazy, like to hoid you
Fear of you in time don't belong to me

Together we wander in the library
Together we playing a guitar
I was so careless
Every day you in meticulous care me
The people around is very pretty
You encouraged me to try new things
And as I recommend good-looking book
Your tender like milk tea sort gave me warm

Today, the enterprise wants to in the economic globalization tide in an invincible position, how to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises become the focus of attention, and enterprise cost management in enterprise management and development more and more become the most important. This paper introduces the background of market competition, stressing enterprise development issue to consider, outstanding enterprise core competitive ability and the importance of access the core competitiveness of the important way and the method, introduces emphatically the strategic cost management and control. Through the case analysis, in referring to the excellent enterprise cost control experience, the paper analyses the value chain constitutes a strategic cost management, strategic orientation, cost drivers theory. Hope that through this paper analysis for the long-term development of the enterprise, can provide useful ideas.


在Chaper 2》,会计”,我们检测了基本的as-sumptions会计和各种组件的组成的公司的财务报表。我们现在使用这种基本的材料作为跳板进入该地区的金融分析-我们评估公司的财务表现
在第二个部分的一章,我们进一步探索的inpact通胀对金融业务在1970和1980年代早期。鉴于鲜有报道迄今在金融课本放在,材料是重要的对于财务经理得好些。学生开始升值,物价上涨的影响(或有时价格下降)在不同的财务比率。chaper结尾讨论的其它部分的价格changes-may factors-in ad-dition扭曲财务报表的公司。 sa等术语销售收入,投资的回报和存货周转率承担更大,这意味着,如果他们计算的眼睛透过金融管理者不仅仅挑线的顶部或底部的损益表。在本章的例子是设计的观点一个财务经理(只有一些小注意会计理论)
比率是用于多的日常生活。我们购买汽车基于英里每加仑;我们评估棒球选手在aver-ages自责和击球率、篮球运动员通过田间目标和foul-shooting,等等。财务比率达到同样的效果,但是你必须知道什么是被测量为建造一个比和了解国际意义由此出现的数字。财务比率是用来权衡和评估公司的经营业绩. .虽然绝对价值,如收益500000美元的100000美元的应收账款或可能出现satisfac-tory,其可接受性的汽车只能与其他val-ues测量。出于这个原因,财务经理的地方analysia强调比率。



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谁能帮我翻译一下译成英文 谢啦
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达日县13275084313: 谁能翻译一下'英语
沃沿华畅: 你好. 译为:有时候你不得不笑,表现得好像一切OK,然后,忍着眼泪走开.—Richard Siken 希望对你有帮助.

达日县13275084313: 谁能帮我翻译一下,谢谢! -
沃沿华畅: 抱歉.我爱你.

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