
作者&投稿:孛兴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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Silicon is the most likely alternative graphite anode materials of lithium ion batteries, because silicon has a large capacity (Li4.4Si alloy was 4200mAh / g ).

lithium intercalation potential is low ( below 0.5V) and an electrolyte and has the advantages of low reaction activity.

But the silicon particles in the insertion / extraction process generates intense volume change, making silicon particle powder electrode failure, rapid attenuation.

Through the pyrolysis tar or polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) preparing a silicon / carbon composite can significantly improve the cycle performance of material, the carbon to volume changes can effectively buffer, thereby inhibiting capacity attenuation.

and the carbon has small volume expansion, good conductivity, light weight and so on are closely related.






Silicon is the most likely alternative graphite anode materials of lithium ion batteries, because silicon has a large capacity (Li4.4Si alloy was 4200mAh / g ), lithium intercalation potential is low ( below 0.5V) and an electrolyte and has the advantages of low reaction activity. But the silicon particles in the insertion / extraction process generates intense volume change, making silicon particle powder electrode failure, rapid attenuation. Through the pyrolysis tar or polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) preparing a silicon / carbon composite can significantly improve the cycle performance of material, the carbon to volume changes can effectively buffer, thereby inhibiting capacity attenuation, and the carbon has small volume expansion, good conductivity, light weight and so on are closely related.

Silicon is most likely to replace the graphite lithium ion battery cathode materials because one of the large capacity of silicon has (generation Li4.4 Si alloy for 4200 mAh/g when), intercalated-li potential low (0.5 V and and electrolyte reaction activity etc. But silicon particles in the process of lithium embedded/take off the volume change violently, makes the silicon powder particles of failure, electrode capacity fast attenuation. Through the pyrolysis asphalt or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) preparing silicon/carbon composite material can improve the performance of the material circulation, show that the carbon on volume change can be effectively buffer, and rein in capacity attenuation, and this is the volume and carbon expansion and electric conductivity small, light material advantages such as closely related.

Silicon is the most likely to replace the graphite anode material for lithium-ion battery is one of the (generated Li4.4Si alloys because silicon has a large capacity of 4200mAh / g), embedded lithium (0.5V) and low activity with the electrolyte reactionand so on. Silicon particles have a dramatic volume change in the process of intercalation / deintercalation of lithium, making silicon granular powder failure, fast decay of discharge capacity. Prepared by pyrolysis of bitumen or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) silicon / carbon composite can significantly improve the cycling performance, indicating that the carbon can effectively buffer the volume change, thereby inhibiting the capacity fading and the volume of carbon expansion is small, the advantages of good conductivity, light weight are closely related.

Silicon is the most likely to replace the graphite anode material for lithium-ion battery is one of the (generated Li4.4Si alloys because silicon has a large capacity of 4200mAh / g), embedded lithium (0.5V) and low activity with the electrolyte reactionand so on. Silicon particles have a dramatic volume change in the process of intercalation / deintercalation of lithium, making silicon granular powder failure, fast decay of discharge capacity. Prepared by pyrolysis of bitumen or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) silicon / carbon composite can significantly improve the cycling performance, indicating that the carbon can effectively buffer the volume change, thereby inhibiting the capacity fading and the volume of carbon expansion is small, the advantages of good conductivity, light weight are closely related.

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my waiting is endless; only hope that you can realise it, unfortunately, you never.

19,还没开检 検査は始まってません。20请跟我来 私についてきてください。21,请稍等,我们需要核实一下信息 ちょっと待ってください。ちょっと确认したいものがあります。22,你的护照需要进一步检查 あなたのパースパートはもっと検査する必要があります。

应城市15663313411: 哪位大虾帮我翻译翻译,感激不敬! -
任聂源心: Silicon is the most likely alternative graphite anode materials of lithium ion batteries, because silicon has a large capacity (Li4.4Si alloy was 4200mAh / g ), lithium intercalation potential is low ( below 0.5V) and an electrolyte and has the advantages ...

应城市15663313411: 请大虾帮忙翻译一下下面这段文字,小弟感激不敬.
任聂源心: I combine my professional Visual Communication Design (Visucl Communication Design) I talk about some of the visual arts Understanding and experience. Visual communication between people are using "watch" the form of exchanges ...

应城市15663313411: 跪求 陈奕迅《明年今日》 哪位大虾能用谐音把粤语歌词用普通话翻译过来 不甚感激!!!
任聂源心: yu jie ya co diu deng hing hie ha lai o zei eo yi ba fei cun zai gei sa ni ba eai ya ba hui you fen hai yu jie ya hou eo ging yin zong zi eai gen ben ba sui you bei eai wing wan zai cun sing fa meng yu seng dou ba hui zei bei eai yin zong sui you yong ...

应城市15663313411: 英语翻译昨天莫名其妙收到一个0084区号发来的短信,今天一查才知道0084是越南区号,那位大虾能帮忙翻译下,感激不尽~A hany ko di dau ca.Hany o nha ... -
任聂源心:[答案] A hany ko di dau ca.hany哪里都不想去 Hany o nha thoihany只想呆在家.Thoi e dag di an voi sq我已经和sq吃过了 thi ko can fai goi dau不用寄过来了.E bun ngu ah我很困了,khi nao di ve thi di ngu luon nhe啥时...

应城市15663313411: 哪位大虾懂阿拉伯语的,帮我翻译个句子,在下感激不尽. -
任聂源心: 这句话最近在朋友圈流传很广 意思是:傻逼,你真看翻译啊---- 其实这句话,从阿语语法上来讲,是有错的,真正要表达【傻逼,你真看翻译啊】应该是、 يا أحمق، أنت حقا تشوف الترجمة.

应城市15663313411: 哪位大虾帮我翻译一下,感激不尽啊
任聂源心: 哦,我的漂亮男孩,我用不同于以往爱别人的方式来爱你.漂亮的男孩你只要告诉我你也爱我.我的漂亮男孩我需要你

应城市15663313411: 哪位大虾帮忙翻译以下法文……感激不尽! -
任聂源心: 大小写混这写,真有个性.只能看出是un bon ? passe dans cette agreable a? et dans cette belle ville o? e? p? pour nous une nouvelle facette de la chine. merci pour...

应城市15663313411: 那位日语大虾帮我翻译这个歌名,行不?绝不要翻译器!要人工翻译!
任聂源心: 日文:「月冴ゆ」 假名:つきさゆ 日文解释: 「冬の月が冷たく澄む」 意思: ”形容冬天的月亮寒冷清澈“ 「月冴ゆ夜」 可以翻成”冬月之夜“ 满意的话请采纳喔!

应城市15663313411: 英语翻译! 求大虾来助! 小弟感激不尽
任聂源心:另一个威胁,这一时期的特点,又有味道的个人信息,寻找的间谍软件.间谍软件不仅威胁着企业网络和小home-built网络,它是将电脑在这些网路变成spam-generating机器,严重破坏家庭个人电脑(pc).间谍软件没有购买或许可是必要的.它通常安装在一个计算机无知或同意的用户.它没有固定的时间来安装或指定源来下载.它安装在用户电脑,未经授权的情况下,它的主要任务的监测的一些信息,使资料提供给外部资源的需要.它可以发送信息,定期或持续很长一段时间. 间谍软件通常是通过用户的网站访问和文件下载.以下这些网站的访问和随便下载、恶意软件,有更多的破坏形式的间谍软件,下载到用户的电脑或服务器.同样,下载免费软件,如对等网络文件共享

应城市15663313411: 求翻译,哪位大虾能帮我翻译一下这段话,无言感激. -
任聂源心: It was the ones from Luxeberg who were acknowledged as the heaviest drinkers which also total up to 14.9 liters. 这是谁的Luxeberg被公认为是最能喝酒,也总高达14.9升. One of the officials from the association of the companies that sell liquor ...

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