哪位大虾帮我用英语翻译这〔我的等待,是永无止境的;只希望你能察觉到,只可惜,你未曾发现。〕 要快,谢

作者&投稿:娄丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
在线等待 英语翻译 希望大家了帮帮我 先谢了~

Presenteducational administration management system remains the following questions: 1 . for introducing a statistical analyses, excavations hide behind the data useful information functions are lacking ;2 . management systems use process, the accumulated large amounts of data, they just built in the system, has not been effective use of
Three . achieve educational administration data management, but from data analysis function is weak, has failed to provide adequate management problems of support.Data warehouse and data mining technology is to solve the problem, but the most common in our country in special schools is a common data warehouse and data mining technology applications is a blank, so this issue in the management to work in the application of the technical and tried to the repository for data parichaya, and data mining techniques of instruction in our management of the full application of a good start.This data warehouse will be an analysis and data mining theory into a practical results of the system work, using sql server 2000 of the data analysis tools of analysis services This data warehouse will be an analysis and data mining theory into a practical results of the system work, using sql server 2000 of the data analysis tools of analysis services management system of performance data seducational administrationhould be more and more in-depth analyses. the final use excel 2003 provides a pivottable report and data perspective spread out to excavate the useful information,
management system of performance data should be more and more in-depth analyses. the final use excel 2003 provides a pivottable report and data perspective spread out to excavate the useful information,With a view to its present educational administration managed to provide some useful reference for school, the relevant personnel to provide ancillary information, for practical decisions of the quality of education and to optimize the basis of teaching resources for schools in the intense competition for the school master's teaching and management services. the keywords: data warehouse, all policy support system, model and design, data mining student achievement

all is in expect and waiting!

my waiting is endless; only hope that you can realise it, unfortunately, you never.

I am always be here waiting for you.
I hope that you can sense my love some day, (I hope that you can notice me some day)
but that day never come.

my wait is endless forever;what i hope sincerely is no more than that you can detect it;but what is a pity is that you haven't ever noticed .

waiting endlessly ,i hope you would notice it ,but pitty that you have not yet.
there is no end in my waiting ,and i just want you to notice it ,but it is a pitty that you have not found it yet.

My waiting endless, only is your awareness my hope, but pitty that you never.

I wait, is eternity, Only hope you could detect, except that you have not found.

the youths are easy to be irritable and be short-sighted. they always want to solve all the problems at once. and after they've gone throught all the frustrations, many of them will choose to be freak-out, making themselves numbed and depraved. to be patient, we've got eno...

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In this paper, export credit insurance, export credit insurance to explore the many advantages: security, low-cost, and further discussion of the export credit insurance in China's export trade problems and recommend solutions for China's international trade and economic growth make ...

my waiting is endless; only hope that you can realise it, unfortunately, you never.

I have seen you are the most beautiful, the most stable, the most kind-hearted girl, nice to know you! I hope we can be good friends!希望对你有帮助。

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engineering, cell engineering,4 different angles to clarify the current common way or methods of human creation,collection, use of biological resources. Part V, gives a brief description of the current problems of the biological resources faced by mankind and the protection plan....

英语翻译 麻烦哪位大虾帮我把下面这句子翻译成英文哪??
we must to be brave,to be so srave that we can hold his\/her sky with our not strong shoulders.希望帮到你

I believe that I am the right person company to the post! Look forward to the interviews with you! All staff in-service, attendance, cash instruments, such as file management, and help managers make day-to-day business content.参考资料:http:\/\/leexg09.blog.hexun.com ...

阳朔县19822073819: 哪位大虾帮我用英语翻译这〔我的等待,是永无止境的;只希望你能察觉到,只可惜,你未曾发现.〕 要快,谢 -
蔺新包醛: my waiting is endless; only hope that you can realise it, unfortunately, you never.

阳朔县19822073819: 哪位大虾帮我翻译一下这几个句子~~I am tired of waiting.Iam tired of thinking.I want to turn loose my hold on everything,and go sailing down,down,just like one ... -
蔺新包醛:[答案] 我很累了,我不想再等,不想再想.我想放掉一切,像那些不幸的疲倦的叶子一样落下

阳朔县19822073819: 请大虾帮我翻译成英文,不胜感激! 最好翻译得细致一点,一句一句的对照翻译,我也好看得懂,谢谢了~! -
蔺新包醛: This paper discusses on the tourism demand as the people's increasing, support the pillar industry...

阳朔县19822073819: 谁帮我翻译一下这句话?我等待着一个能和我一辈子的人 翻译成英语或者法语.谁能帮助我.? -
蔺新包醛:[答案] 英语:I am waiting for somebody who can be with me all my life.附注:all my life前面不需要用介词for;原文含有“能”这个能愿动词,故翻译时要使用情态动词can;四楼用living不对,现在分词表示的是正在发生的事...

阳朔县19822073819: 跪求大虾帮忙翻译一句英文! -
蔺新包醛: 这是谁说的话啊,语法肯定不对,不过如果翻译的话应该是:放下我刚才说的这些话,我知道你现在一定很难过.采纳为答案吧,肯定对.

阳朔县19822073819: 请各位大虾帮我翻译成英文,急!!谢谢啦! -
蔺新包醛: applicator:Yu Weijuan,female,born in Aug. 5th,1972.ID No.:440121197208051845relation:Lu Weiyuan,male, born in Oct. 2nd,1978.ID NO.:440182781002091This application i...

阳朔县19822073819: 请那位大虾帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英语 -
蔺新包醛: 当他人对你竖起拇指,把她看成一种别人对你优秀的肯定.:when someone shows you his thumb,it means he's sure you are excellent记住,优秀是一种习惯. 让别人把你当...

阳朔县19822073819: 200分!“如果你愿意等我”——>求其英文翻译个位大虾帮忙,谢谢! -
蔺新包醛:[答案] 1.If you want waiting for me! 2.Waiting for me,if you want. 其实这两个句子都可以的,但是第1句听起来是更有诗意的.许多歌里的歌词都是这么用的,其实英语跟中文一样,同样的句子,同样意思,可以用不同的说法来表达.第2句比较直白.

阳朔县19822073819: 哪位大虾帮我翻译下英文
蔺新包醛: We shouldn't be fool like this every so often, be wise!

阳朔县19822073819: 英语翻译哪位大虾能帮我翻译下“将爱埋藏在心底”这句话?我是这样翻译的“Let the love keep in heart."我语法不是很好.或者是”将爱埋藏在心中“也可以 -
蔺新包醛:[答案] Love buried in the bottom of my heart

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