
作者&投稿:郝果 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





It is said that in Medieval France Orlean, once in the celebration, the country girl Jusano wearing a mask as Maria, met a unicorn-like young man , and soon the two fell into love. But after seeing each other for many times, the young man still refused to take his mask off. At this moment, Jusano was scared that he might be devil. So she ran into the church for God's help. Suddenly, she got God's hint. He told her to dig a hole on a topaz, after threaded it with gold string, wore the topaz on her left wrist. Finally, the young man who was cursed to be unicorn, returned to human face again.

Firstly, thank you very much for the sample of cretonne what you sent to me on Apr.20th. We do accept the quality and price(千万别跟供应上说你们满意价格,否则下次你就没余地杀价了,只能说接受此次报价) and would like to order as specific as bellows.
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Please release your official contract to me soon as abovementioned.

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风力发电机工作原理 哪位大虾帮我用英文翻译下 很急的~~
Due to the volume of wind turbine wind instability, so its output is 13 ~ 25V AC change, subject to the rectifier charger, rechargeable battery and has longer, so that electricity generated by wind turbines into chemical energy. Then there is the protection of the inverter power ...

Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) is the most famous man in the world, and he doesn't even know it. Raised entirely 'within' a television show which comprises his entire world, Truman is an Everyman for the post-television age. Truman's world, "Seahaven", is an Eisenhower-era ...

I am an open person, modesty, self-discipline, and can operate Word, Excel and other office software skillfully, I can hard-working, subject to company arrangements,and I am of team spirit. I believe the most important is the ability, I believe that I am the right person ...

is not so romantic as people think. (Not so ... as ...)24. Is the science dedicated to the people who promote social development.25. It is because the rain was heavy and we can not go out walking.最后那两句 我只是作了陈述句 我不是道你想怎样子强调 不好意思啊 ...

翻译:亲爱的朋友们 今天,我看到我的邻居帮助一马路对面的老太太。我认为这是一个非常慷慨的行动,他是作为一个负责任的公民。毕竟,老人们做在过去,我们很多。而现在,他们是老,不再作为灵活,我们应该帮助他们与他们的生活。事实上,如果我们继续这一传统被尊敬老人,我们可以期待类似的待遇,当我们...

英语翻译 请哪位大虾帮我翻译成中文,

英语翻译 哪位大虾帮忙翻译下 不一定要全对,允许小错误
1.These years, a lot of my friends have come to this big city to seek their forture and happiness. As for me, I want to take a chance to form a company in my hometown.2. He spends a large amount of time and money on traveling around the world, because he loves ...

顶针 Ejector Pin 冲针就是顶针,还叫镶针,冲棒是什么呀,我就是模具行的怎么没听过冲棒,莫非也是顶针的另一种叫法?

跪求,强悍外语师! 哪位大虾帮我把下面的翻译成英语...谢谢了... 《曾...
Once upon a time -to my favorite person Once upon a time, I touched your might Once upon a time, I touching your plain yan Once upon a time, I touched your hair Once upon a time, I kiss you on the cheek Once upon a time, I look at your eyes Once upon a time, I...

A tune Soviet three convey sings has made a sound my hometown, I was born under the Hongtong big Chinese scholartree's family of drama, thus the parents gave a name to me open xx, the director was I highest art is ideal 大概是这样的了,请检查一下 ...

蓬安县18012027159: 请各位大虾帮我把下面的文章翻译下,汉译英帮忙把下面的短文翻译成
闫蚁复方: 1. At this point, I suddenly remembered that there was a welfare factory on the route ... "Hi, friend.""Which is your stop""This way please""Thank you". Therefore...

蓬安县18012027159: 请大虾用英文帮我翻译下面的句子
闫蚁复方: only by this way won't I feel regret.

蓬安县18012027159: 英语翻译请大虾们替我翻译下面句子,你的字写得真漂亮(英语书写)我想你有点紧张,没关系,放轻松点!如果不是紧张,你的表现一定会更好!你听说过... -
闫蚁复方:[答案] 你的字写得真漂亮(英语书写) How beautiful your handwriting is !我想你有点紧张,没关系,放轻松点! I think you are a little nervous ,that's all right,take it easy!如果不是紧张,你的表现一定会更好! If it was...

蓬安县18012027159: 请各位大虾们帮帮忙,把下面的内容翻译成英语.拜托了,我马上参加比赛要用!!! -
闫蚁复方: 1、节日festivalA、中国一年有多少个节日?How many festivals are there in china?B、哪些是国际性的节日?Which of them are internation...

蓬安县18012027159: 请求众大虾帮忙帮下面的句子翻译成英文,能让外国人一下就看得明白的.. -
闫蚁复方: From complaint on now, I haven't received any information from the agent middleman.

蓬安县18012027159: 麻烦大虾帮我把下面句子翻译成英语 -
闫蚁复方: During the first round of 2009 playoffs , the Celtics and the Bulls together played a match of 7 games with 7 extras , which was a historic miracle !

蓬安县18012027159: 请求帮忙将下列的文字翻译成英文,谢谢各位大虾? -
闫蚁复方: [Excerpt] Knowledgeable employees are an elite group in society, their methods of working and knowledge are both characterized by the modern times. Using traditional ways to encourage these knowledgeable personnel is obviously unsuitable for ...

蓬安县18012027159: 请英语好的大虾帮我翻译下一下的文字,非常感谢! -
闫蚁复方: Along with the rapid development of multimedia technology, still images used more widely. It mainly concentrated in the application of image storage and image transmission from two aspects, the concrete application we can see still images ...

蓬安县18012027159: 各位大虾帮我翻译6句英语句子 -
闫蚁复方: 1.there are five students wanting to study in America after graduation in my class.2.what do you think of opera arted by pupils from Class 4?3.who were the girls reading english in class?4.this is one of the greatest publishions last year.5.we should ...

蓬安县18012027159: 谁能帮我翻译成英文急
闫蚁复方: A boy, in the very long time, knew that any named is lonely, the named waited for, Rascal, when he stands in front of princess's time, is only then clear, actually have been a frog, but ↑ he very wants to be the friend with him, wants to know that she ...

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