
作者&投稿:麻往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4 dance to是个短语,伴随着...跳舞
5 prefer to do A rather than do B 是个句型 宁愿做A 也不愿做B
6 what about you ? what about ....?也是句型。....怎么样?一般用来征求意见。
7 prefer doing A to doing B 喜欢做A胜过做B。
8 along with伴随着/与...一道/ 连同..一起
9 定语从句,因为先行词是音乐家,故关系代词用who。
10 形容词性物主代词。

因为前面没有the same或such.

1 anthing 和take 之间存在被动的关系。anting 是由你来take的。所以选D
2借书和图书馆有一定的关系的,你是从图书馆借书。在这里where=from which
3instance在这里是情况的意思,遇到instance的时候就选in which
4in which 表示信里所指的内容
6where 相当于in this post

1 == to be taken there (by me).

2 == it was the the library ( in which / where----定语从句的连接词) i borrowed some books THAT(强调句的连接词) i lost my key.

3 in which == in these / those instances the clothing changed

4 in which == in the / that email he promised -- -- .

5 from __whose __ effects == from the effects brought by the mudslides / / from the mudslides' effects

6 where == in the post / in the job in which

1、因为东西是被带的,所以应该用被动,或者你可以理解为是 have sth. done 的结构
2、是的,在这个句子中where=from which。
where经常相当于 “某个介词+which”
3、其实这道题我乍看是选择B,但是看了答案,我想应该是 act in 的结构
4、句子里的he promised to return home the next week (他承诺下周回家)是Jack在email提及的内容,所以用 in the email ( in which)

5、先行词是 前文提及的事件 (In August,2010,part of Gansu Province was struck by mudslides)
6、where 指代前文的another post,相当于 in which.
( he has the chance to get promoted in the another post )

1.要去北京的是I 不是 you. 所以说, Do you have anything I can take to your son.
因而用不定式被动,...to be taken by me to y our son.
2. where = from which
3. in which = in the instances = examples = cases, 事例、情形
4. in which = in the email
5. whose = the mudslides'
6. where = to the post

1/用法为have something done,所以用被动形式;2、先行词为library图书馆,用表示地点的疑问代词where来引导;3 许多人都有过的实例中,我们的衣着改变了我们对自己的看法和我们的所作所为。解释同第四题 4、如果选项中有where就可以选了,没有where就选作用和它相同的,在hotel里面所以用in,在这里in which=where;5、mudslides泥石流,先行词就是泥石流,人们仍受泥石流的影响6、据说你的cousin正在找另外一个岗位,一份有机会升迁的工作。先行词one在此指post岗位,所以用where来引导。

1、选B。考查非限制性定语从句的用法。引导词在从句中作主语。不能用that引导非限制性定语从句。2、选D。引导词置于the importance作定语,因此用 of which,不能用whose。3、选B。从句先行词是表示时间的next month,从句中缺少状语,因此用表示时间的关系副词when。4、选C。考查非限制性定语从句的用法。

定语从句练习1.The place ___interested me most was the Children's Palace.A. Which B. where C. what D. in which2.Do you know the man ___?A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke3.This is the hotel ___last month.A. which they stayed B....

1. Did you find the notebook ___ Jim had given me for my birthday?A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 2. That's all ___ I have seen and heard.A. which B. that C. where D. what 3. Have you seen the man ___ plan we were talking about _...

先把问句还原,就是this factory is ___ a lot of students visited yesterday. 一个句子可以跟定语从句的前提是主句是完整的。定语从句中的引导词(that,which等)指代主句中被从句修饰的名词。这道题假如你选的是B,C那么主句不完整,你从句修饰的是哪个名词?所以选the one,又因为the one在从句中...

36.Do you know the girl ___necklace has been stolen?D. whose 37. When she came back from London, she told us about the schools and teachers___ she had visited.D. where 38. Who is the boy ___is speaking there A. whom 39. David is one of the foreign teachers who...

析:whose 是关系代词,引导定语从句,作family的定语,whose family在从句中是主语。14.I'm interested in ___you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 答:A 译:我对你说的一切都感兴趣。析:be interested in 的宾语是all, 后面的定语从句用that引导,不能用what,...


1 anthing 和take 之间存在被动的关系。anting 是由你来take的。所以选D 2借书和图书馆有一定的关系的,你是从图书馆借书。在这里where=from which 3instance在这里是情况的意思,遇到instance的时候就选in which 4in which 表示信里所指的内容 5先行词是mudslides 6where 相当于in this post ...

1.这个句子可以拆成这样New York is a nice old city. I visited it last year.所以New York在句子中是作宾语。只能从A和B中选。因为是非限制性定语从句,所以要选B。2.句子的意思是:我能想到许多例子,很显然学生们是知道很多英语单词和表达,但却不能写一手好的文章。显然是缺少原因。所以选...

1. 答案:A.2. 翻译:让我惊讶的东西不是他说话的内容,而是他说话的方式。3. 解释:1)此句主语是What surprised me,即主语从句。2)was是系动词,表语是一个用not...but...(不是...而是...)并列的成分。它要求前后两个成分性质上必须保持一致。即必须先选入一个能和what he said性质...

汉中市15548971473: 求6道有关定语从句的答案及解析1.Is this the factory___he worked ten years ago?Sorry.I am not sure.A.when B.where C.which D.the one2.The man___I was ... -
桐皇阿思:[答案] 1.C 先行词是factory,作work的宾语,所以用which(或that、不填) 2.A 先行词是man,因为已经有介词next to了,所以可以直接用which 3.D 应该是talk about the book,所以排除A和C,而定语从句中不能再出现修饰的词了,所以B排除,只能选D,...

汉中市15548971473: 6道定语从句的选择题,急!!! -
桐皇阿思: 1A 固定搭配 turn to sb for help且介词后面用whom2B 固定搭配 be proud of sth3B 因为后面缺的是主语,且没必要加上for,因为没有宾语,所以只要一个that 即可4A 这就不是定语从句了,是时间状语从句.5D 如果选B或C的话,前面应该是is this the pack6C 因为前面有just 如果前面有just 或者是very 之类表示恰恰等含义的时候,后面一定用that 并且有pay a visit to

汉中市15548971473: 6道定语从句的选择题,1.In the dark street,there wasn't a single person____ - she could turn foe help.A.to whom B.of whom C.from whom D.that2.The tow ... -
桐皇阿思:[答案] 1A 固定搭配 turn to sb for help且介词后面用whom 2B 固定搭配 be proud of sth 3B 因为后面缺的是主语,且没必要加上for,因为没有宾语,所以只要一个that 即可 4A 这就不是定语从句了,是时间状语从句. 5D 如果选B或C的话,前面应该是is this the...

汉中市15548971473: 六道定语从句选择题,1.I'm going to Beijing next week.Do you have anything - __ - to your son?A.to take B.taken C.taking D.to be takenA为什么错的?2.I ... -
桐皇阿思:[答案] 1 anthing 和take 之间存在被动的关系.anting 是由你来take的.所以选D2借书和图书馆有一定的关系的,你是从图书馆借书.在这里where=from which3instance在这里是情况的意思,遇到instance的时候就选in which4in which ...

汉中市15548971473: 急求英语学霸解答6道定语从句选择题 -
桐皇阿思: 28.只能用which或者是that 29.非限制性定语从句用which 30.表原因的连词用as 32.同29 33.同29 35.先行词是人在从句中又未作宾格,用who

汉中市15548971473: 几道定语从句【选择题】【要解释清楚!】
桐皇阿思: 第一道题选B,因为school作visit的宾语,所以只有that可以作visit的宾语 第二道题选D,school在句子中作为work的地点状语,只能where

汉中市15548971473: 几道定语从句的训练题,麻烦给出答案,附加解释 -
桐皇阿思: 20.D 介词后不能有that来做先行词,也可用all that ,因为that在定语从句中充当宾语,故可省去.根据意思,前面用all意思比较贴切.21.D 非限制性定语从句,虽然在从句中I做主语,但把它看做一个第三人称的人,用is38.A 这里指代的是一件事...

汉中市15548971473: 关于定语从句的选择题 -
桐皇阿思: 首先明白这道题为什么是定语从句?因为如果是两个句子的话要用and连接的,那样的话就要用them ,这里既然没有and就用定语从句的用whom来指代them ,在这里whom 是做of的宾语的所以不用who. most做定语从句中的主语.楼主说的who做主语是没问题的,当然也做宾语的,whom只能做宾语

汉中市15548971473: 定语从句选择题 -
桐皇阿思: 1. A 介词宾语2. A 从句主语3. A at which 在从句做状语 at + 温度4. B show 的双宾结构 how you have....是直接宾语 特殊疑问词how 引导从句最符合题意 observe 在这里可能是研究的意思5. C that 引...

汉中市15548971473: 定语从句题(求答案和解释) -
桐皇阿思: Csuch ...as 固定搭配还原,this is the factory ...you visited the other dayfactory 做visit的宾语,所以,用A还原,this factory is ... some foreign friends...这里后面的句子缺少...

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