
作者&投稿:达奚尚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.这边用whose. whose base= the base of which= of which the base

2. 首先你要注意这是一句非限,所以肯定会排除掉A跟D,再者,指人排除掉C。为什么用B。那是因为是all of 后面。介词后面当然是用宾格啦。如果没有all of,那肯定是用who的哦。

一个表示在。。。。 另外一个表示时间的。所以这边是说我想找到一份令人兴奋的工作,在这份工作里我可以遇见很多有趣的人,同时也能游览各地。
I still remember the days when we played together.

4. on只是表示在。。。。时候。by就表示到。。。。时
好累好累 希望对你有用啊

36.Do you know the girl _____necklace has been stolen?
D. whose

37. When she came back from London, she told us about the schools and teachers_____ she had visited.
D. where

38. Who is the boy ______is speaking there
A. whom

39. David is one of the foreign teachers who_____ in China.
B. works

40. David is the only one of the foreign teachers who_______ in our county.
A. is working

41. The notebook_____ cover is red is mine.
D. that

42. This is the very book_______ I badly need.
C. which

43. There was nothing in the world______ he was afraid of.
B. that

44. I found little ______he didn't know about history.
C. that

45. This is the third city______ the foreign friends have paid a visit to.
B. which

46. The best books ______I borrowed from the library are all here.
B. that

47. The last place_________ the foreign guests called at in China was Hang Zhou.
D. that

48. The man______ I am going to meet at the station is Professor Smith.
C. whom

49. Don’t talk about such things of __________ you are not sure.
A. which

50. Is this the factory __________ you visited the other day?
C. in which

51. Is this the factory __________ he worked ten years ago?
B. where

52. The wolves hid themselves in the places __________ couldn’t be found.
B. where

1.这个句子可以拆成这样New York is a nice old city. I visited it last year.所以New York在句子中是作宾语。只能从A和B中选。因为是非限制性定语从句,所以要选B。



1. B
2. A

1. 选C 这个句子的主语是all,选项部分应该是修饰all的定语从句,定语从句的关系代词只能用which和that,而all 后面是不可以跟which,因此只有C是正确的。2. 选B be likely that...这个句型是正确的,而probably 和 possibly 尽管跟likely一样表示可能性,但用于这个句型,要用形容词形 be probable\/...

几道英语选择题(要原因)1.This is the bag ___ my mother bought yeste...
3、A。定语从句中,可以指人的只有that和who,以及who的变体whom和whose。whom是宾格,whose相当于是形容词,这里要用that指代做主语的the girl。4、B。这题先行词是the factory,...,0,几道英语选择题(要原因)1.This is the bag ___ my mother bought yesterday.A.that B.who C.whom D.th...

第一题选B,是指从过去到现在我已经看到她几次了,表完成所以选B。第二题选A,从括号到最后是定语从句,先行词是one of the top womwn,在定语从句中做主语,所以选A,B是指现行词在定语从句中做宾语,C只物,并且不引导定语从句,D引导定语从句先行词不能是人。

第一题B a point后面很明显是从句,名词后面只可能是两种从句,定语从句或同位语从句,这是从从句入手,you have to make clear中make后面缺少宾语,所以这句是定语从句,缺少宾语用关系代词which或that; 同时从意思理解,后面从句并没有对point进行解释说明,所以不是同位语从句。第二题D buy后面是从句...

1.d. whose brother(不能选B.因为不能特指)2.a.whose low costs ( 新型手提电脑的低成本)3. d. whom you met (先行词My sister指人, 在定从中作宾,故用whom引导定从)4. b. many of whom ( Thousands 指人,"数千人",因此用whom指代)5. d. as previously(the same ...as ...

选D SO ...that结构 the sky was so blue_that__we could see the stars very clearly 天空是如此地蓝,以至于我们可以很清楚地看到星星。第二个空答案已经出来了 第一个空可能前面是days ,为定语从句先行词,把days放到后面句子中,发现后面的句子差时间状语,那就只能选关系副词when 翻译为:...

1. 不是with; 而是指的of ; 如果用 of which , 关系代词就无法省略了 2 . A选项 是错误的,少了to , 应该是 whom I sat next to B选项是正确的, whom 在定语从句中作宾语,可以省略, (whom) I sat next to.next to sb 紧挨着某人 next to sth 仅次于某物;...

1. 定语从句,先行词为ALL,连接词只能用that 2. 并非定语从句,为转折分句,你见过定语从句的连接词之前会有but之类的转折词吗?3。 这句是同位语从句。同位语从句中,THAT不充当任何成为,况且A选项本身已经有how(同位语从句中可用)这个连接词,两个连接词不可以同时存在,所以A错。B答案变成了宾语...

英语中,有些短语动词,介词或副词不可与动词相分离。又如:look after, run into等。 3. who→whom。尽管在口语中who, whom都能作宾语,但在介词后只能用whom。 4. that→which。 5. that→which。that不可以引导非限制性定语从句。 6. which→that或去掉which。当先行词被all, every, no,some, any, ...

先行词soldiers是指人,所以选择who。who 英 [huː]     美 [huː]pron. 谁 abbr. 世界卫生组织(=World Health Organization)She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her.她看上去又可怜又孤独,对于答应来看她的朋友的...

安丘市13191388974: 定语从句语法练习20道选择题定语从句专项练习( 定语从句专项练习(一) 一,1.The place - ______interested me most was the Children's Palace.A.Which ... -
墨震克拉:[答案] 1. A. which (替代先行词 place 在定语从句中作为主语) 2. C. I spoke to (关系词 whom/that 被省略) 3. D. where they stayed (at which 也行... stay at) 4. B. that (in which 也行 ... founded in ) 5. A. which (也可省略) 6. C. which (替代先行词factory 作...

安丘市13191388974: 3道定语从句选择题,1.That's an unpleasant thing to say about your farther after - __ - he's done for you.A.anythingB.all2.I work in a business - __ - almost ... -
墨震克拉:[答案] 1.这首先要从after的用法谈起. 牛津高阶英汉双解词典上解释:after---because of (sth); following 因为; 由於; 在...以后:... 至于答案,应该选B.after与all构成介词短语,he's done for you为省略了that的定语从句修饰all.全句意思是:那样说你父亲是不...

安丘市13191388974: 求几道有关定语从句的选择题
墨震克拉: 1、选B.考查非限制性定语从句的用法.引导词在从句中作主语.不能用that引导非限制性定语从句. 2、选D.引导词置于the importance作定语,因此用 of which,不能用whose. 3、选B.从句先行词是表示时间的next month,从句中缺少状...

安丘市13191388974: 6道定语从句的选择题,1.In the dark street,there wasn't a single person____ - she could turn foe help.A.to whom B.of whom C.from whom D.that2.The tow ... -
墨震克拉:[答案] 1A 固定搭配 turn to sb for help且介词后面用whom 2B 固定搭配 be proud of sth 3B 因为后面缺的是主语,且没必要加上for,因为没有宾语,所以只要一个that 即可 4A 这就不是定语从句了,是时间状语从句. 5D 如果选B或C的话,前面应该是is this the...

安丘市13191388974: 几道关于定语从句的英语选择题1.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread our further,______New York is an example.A.for which B.in which C.of ... -
墨震克拉:[答案] 第一题选C of which,which 指代前面的many cities第二题选C in which,由词组in a period而来第三题选D 首先排除A C,而后面的从句完整的句子,如果选which代替不了任何成分,所以选when第四题选D,空格后面句子的语序可...

安丘市13191388974: 几道关于定语从句的选择题,急!1. In the dark street,there wasn't a single person____ - she could turn foe help. A.to whom B.of whom C.from whom D.that2. ... -
墨震克拉:[答案] ABCADB我在上课,就不分析了

安丘市13191388974: 六道定语从句选择题,1.I'm going to Beijing next week.Do you have anything - __ - to your son?A.to take B.taken C.taking D.to be takenA为什么错的?2.I ... -
墨震克拉:[答案] 1 anthing 和take 之间存在被动的关系.anting 是由你来take的.所以选D2借书和图书馆有一定的关系的,你是从图书馆借书.在这里where=from which3instance在这里是情况的意思,遇到instance的时候就选in which4in which ...

安丘市13191388974: 几道有关定语从句的题 1)This is the school____the sports meeting is held every year. 2)I'll never forget the day____I went to meet you at the airport. 3)The trees,... -
墨震克拉:[选项] A. where B. of which C. in which D. on which 给出原因

安丘市13191388974: 关于几个定语从句选择题1.He wanted to know the exact time( )the meeting would begin.答案给的是that.time前有序数词和last修饰时,应该用that.修饰time的... -
墨震克拉:[答案] 1.可以肯定地说你的怀疑是对的,答案应该是when或at which,而不应该是that.首先time前有序数词修饰时用that这是对的,但此时that的意思是“次数”而非“时间”,本题中time只能是时间.第二,关系词在定语从句中作一定的...

安丘市13191388974: 几道定语从句【选择题】【要解释清楚!】
墨震克拉: 第一道题选B,因为school作visit的宾语,所以只有that可以作visit的宾语 第二道题选D,school在句子中作为work的地点状语,只能where

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