翻译句子1.他不赞成浪费时间(approve) 2.请给母亲挑选一些好的水果(select) 3.这面墙需要修理了...

作者&投稿:屈钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The waste of time amounts to the waste of life.

Mankind is wasting things every'where and everyday. Wherever we go, we can see that paper, bottles and cans are thrown away; food is wasted just because of poor taste; clothes are discarded simply due to their old fashion. Not only things and money are wasted, but natural resources are abused as well. Trees are cut down merely for fuel; wild animals are killed simply for meat and fur; oil and coal are exploited in a bad way. The worst example of man's waste is the waste of time. Many people tend to spend their time on worthless things, such as wandering about in the street, gossiping in the office, sleeping too much during the day. As we know, time is very precious to us since it passes by and never returns.(原句在这里)The waste of time amounts to the waste of life.(浪费时间等于浪费生命) It is time to call for an end to the waste. On one hand, we must save on natural resources and make full use of them; otherwise human beings will be faced with the shortage of natural resources and suffer from the pollution caused by waste. On the other hand, we must trea sure our time. Only with our time devoted to the study and the work for the people, will we never regret the life we have had.

Waste of time.

他不赞成浪费时间:He doesn't approve of a waste of time

请给母亲挑选一些好的水果:Please give mother select some good fruit

这面墙需要修理了:This wall requires repairing/ to be repaired

你为什么选择这个专业呢?:Why do you slect this major?

Why have you chosen this career?或者:Why do you choose this major?

他很幸运取得了如此巨大的进步:He is very lucky to achieve such great progress

He does not approve of wasting time

He doesn't approve wasting time.

Please select some good fruits for mom.

The wall requires repair.

Why did you select this speciality?

Luckily, he achieved such a big progress.

1、He doesn't approve of wasting time.
2、Select some fresh fruit for mother please.
3、This wall need requiring.
4、Why do you select this major.
5、He is so lucky to achieve so great process.

1.He doesn't approve of wasting time.
2. Please select some fresh fruit to mother.
3. This wall requires repairing.
4. Why did you select the major?
5. He was very lucky to have achieved such great progress.

翻译句子1.他不赞成浪费时间(approve) 2.请给母亲挑选一些好的水果...
他不赞成浪费时间:He doesn't approve of a waste of time 请给母亲挑选一些好的水果:Please give mother select some good fruit 这面墙需要修理了:This wall requires repairing\/ to be repaired 你为什么选择这个专业呢?:Why do you slect this major?Why have you chosen this career?或者...

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氐净毛冬: Waste time 例句 我可不是个随便浪费时间在任何人身上的人. I'm not one to waste time on just anyone. “这是浪费时间.”他总结道. 'It's a waste of time,' he concluded 希望对你有帮助!

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氐净毛冬: 这个句子我是这样分析的珍惜生命, ( 因此 ) , 不要浪费时间.英语一句话,要想翻译的好,地道,就必须有连接词. 起到承上启下的作用.故Cherish your life, therefore, not wasting time.

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南安市13816144910: 问一个英语句子的翻译
氐净毛冬: 比尔盖茨讨厌浪费时间 无论在工作还是空闲时间

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