急急急,谁能帮我翻译一段话,差不多就可以,跪谢了!!! 翻译成英文,就是下面这段话:

作者&投稿:比荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lexical collocation
English vocabulary collocation ( collocation ) for Chinese college students is the most difficult part. Each language has a number of senior conventional fixed matching, many Chinese common collocation in English may not be appropriate, also a lot of English fixed collocations Chinese may not. So the Chinese students often because in English by Chinese Collocation and make a lot of mistakes. For example: " the business of doing business ", translated as " make business ", but in fact the English collocation should be " conduct business

part of speech misusing
Both in Chinese and English, we can find words of more than one part of speech. The difference lies in that we don't make change to the form when we are applying various part of speech of a certain word in Chinese. In another word, of the same spelling, a Chinese word can be used as a noun or a verb. e.g. “发展”、“提高”、“成功” ect. English words, however, when there is a shift of the part of speech, we have to make some variety in most of the cases. For example, the word "发展'" in Chinese means "to develop" as a verb., and "development" as a noun in Engish . And the equivalent of "经济" have four variety in English: "economy" as a noun., "economize" as a verb., and both "economic" and "economical" as adj.. Many Chinese students overlooked the difference of the part of speech between Chinese and English, and only remembered the Chinese meaning to a certain English word. Therefore, they made wrong expressions, such as "with the develp of the economic". It is due to the negative transfer of Chinese which doesnt have variety to different part of speech on English with variety to each part of speech.

在汉语学习者没有完全掌握英语中一些词汇的意义之前,往往会把汉语词汇的意义硬套在英语上。但是英语中词汇的意义和汉语词汇能够一一对应的并不多,一种语言的某个单词在另种语言中可找到几种不同的意义。这就给语言的初学者在词义掌握方面造成了困难。当学习者由于自身的英语词汇量有限而不能正确表达自己的思想时,就会把类似汉语意思的英语单词生搬硬套上。例如,将“步入社会”翻译成”go to society",将“锻炼自己”表述成“practice myself”。这类错误就是学习者把其中文意思与英文意思从字面上简单地等同起来,将汉语逐字翻译成了英语而产生了母语的负迁移。

The negative meaning of word transfers

Before a Chinese speaking learner could fully grasp the meanings of any English words, they would usually fit some similar Chinese meaning words into an English sentence rigidly. But in fact very few of the meanings of Chinese words and the meanings of English words are actually corresponding. A single word in one language could have several meanings in another language. This has caused the difficulties of language learning beginners to master the meaning of words. When a beginner has not enough of English words to express their thoughts correctly. They would use similar to Chinese meaning English words to fill in their sentences . Such as "step into the society", which they translated into "go to society" ; "train myself" translating into "practice myself". These kinds of mistakes were simply because learners were literally linking up the Chinese meanings with the simple nominal meanings of English words, translating every single Chinese word meaning into English and therefore had created the mother tongue negative transfers.



The negative transmission of vacobular meaning between two languages
Chinese Learners before having fully got the meaning on an English word, will often take Chinese vocabulary meaning up in English straightly. But English words and Chinese vocabulary could not always have one to one matching in term of meaning. A word in one language can be found in several different meanings in another language. This make beginer for foriegn-language-learner difficult to make sure what is the exact meaning of each word. When learners whose vocabulary capacity is limited that result him not properly expressing their thoughts, they used to take similar Chinese meaning of English words mechanically. For example, the " Bu Ru She Hui " is translated into " go to society ", " Duan Lian Zhi Ji " to " Practice myself ". This kind of mistakes are made because the learners take wrods meaning in Chinese and English meaning literally simply equated, the Chinese word by word translation into English easily produced the negative transmision from mother language to foreign language

Negative Transfer of Word Meaning

Chinese learners often arbitrarily apply Chinese word meanings onto their English sentences before they fully master the meaning of English vocabulary. However, there are not many words in both languages with direct corresponding meanings; a word of one language may have a few different meanings in the other language. This has posed some problems to language beginners in mastering the meaning of words.

当学习者由于自身的英语词汇量有限而不能正确表达自己的思想时,就会把类似汉语意思的英语单词生搬硬套上。例如,将“步入社会”翻译成”go to society",将“锻炼自己”表述成“practice myself”。这类错误就是学习者把其中文意思与英文意思从字面上简单地等同起来,将汉语逐字翻译成了英语而产生了母语的负迁移。
When a language learner cannot precisely express his thoughts due to his limited knowledge of vocabulary, he may mechanically use those English words with similar meanings in Chinese. For examples, [go to society] instead of [step into society], [practice myself] instead of [train myself]. This type of mistake made by learners is the result of simply linking up the literal meanings of Chinese and English, and translating word by word from Chinese into English which causes the negative transfer of the mother tongue.


Negative Transfer of the Meaning of Words

Before fully understanding the meaning of some English words, Chinese English learners tend to apply the meaning of Chinese words to English words arbitarily. But there aren't so many one-to-one transformation between English and Chinese words, as a single word in one language may have several meanings in another language. And beginners may find it hard to fully master the meaning of words. When beginners can't express themselves correctly with limited vocabulary, they tend to arbitarily use English words that have similar Chinese meaning. For example, Step into Society may be translated into Go to Society, and Develop Myself may be described as Practice Myself. Learners will make such mistake with simple one-to-one transformation between English and Chinese words, or by translating Chinese into English in a word-by-word manner. As a result, it leads to negative transfer of their native language.

Negative transfer of meaning
In the Chinese learners not fully grasp the meaning of some words in English before, often have the meaning of Chinese vocabulary in English hard set. But in English, the word's meaning and Chinese vocabulary to one-to-one is not much, one language a word on the other kind of language can find several different meaning. This will give language beginner in meaning in master caused the difficulty. When learners because of their English vocabulary is limited and is unable to correctly express their ideas, will be similar to the Chinese meaning of English words on rote. For example, will "to enter the society" translated into "go to society", will be "exercise yourself" expression into "practice myself". This type of error is the learners its meaning in Chinese and English meaning literally simply equate up, will Chinese word for word translation into English and produced the negative transfer of mother tongue.

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1) paint Front Desk, luminous green arc on behalf of the water ripples, is behind the image of the wall paint, paint LOGO, Ming and Qing Dynasty wooden lattice, flower racks, Ivory wooden sticks floor; reception phones, networks and computer and office areas The connection, ...

谁能帮我翻译一下? 急急急急急急急... 谢了哈。
注意:地道英文除了要注意与法,一般来说表达很丰富,有好几层,每个人都会按照自己的感觉去写,所以翻译的不同。如果是口语的话,或者这个人说到自己的计划,用 want 比较合适,词汇一般般点的也可以,verbatim 的翻译就 OK 啦。如果是写日记或者essay 的话,语言应该更诗意一点,更 poetic,比如该用...

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谁能帮我翻译一下这篇英文 ,急急急~~~!
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长汀县13642973214: 谁能给我翻译一个句子?急急急 -
丘储瑞香: Whoever is a girl does not want to be loved, and whoever is a boy does not want to be royal to his lover

长汀县13642973214: 帮帮我翻译一段话,谢谢!!!急急急急急急急急急急 -
丘储瑞香: 假日新闻 空缺(空位)现在在学校假期,在一个国家的酒店在德文郡.这家舒适,友善的家庭,从家庭所在附近的美丽安静的市郊,而只是一个赶走从海中.食物很简单,但良好的.孩子和宠物是值得欢迎的. 降低价格的淡季.

长汀县13642973214: 求英语高手帮忙用英语翻译一段话,急,在线等 -
丘储瑞香: 例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人...

长汀县13642973214: 急急急!谁能帮我翻译下列一段文字?好的加分这两段文字互相连在一起
丘储瑞香: 龙顿时一个著名的城市.他有很长的历史.每年有许多人去哪旅游.当你参观伦敦时,你必须要参观这些美丽的地方.白金汉宫你知道谁住在哪吗?当然,女王住在那.他在1703年为建造公爵建造.从那之后,许多建筑在那建造.在宫殿里,有许多美术品.他每年夏天为公众开放两个月.大本钟他是轮动著名的一个钟.他在一个塔上.钟的直径有23英尺.指针有14英尺.塔桥他也是伦敦著名的地方之一,除过两个塔,你可以看见桥的故事.伦敦动物园孩子们肯定对他感兴趣!他在1828年开放.它是世界上最著名的动物园之一.你可以在动物园中看见各种各样的动物

长汀县13642973214: 请帮我把一段话翻译成英文(要准确哦,急急急) -
丘储瑞香: 第1章表明,经济问题和环境问题通过物质守恒定律紧密联系在一起.经济活动可以被视为物质和能量转换的过程.由于我们不能从绝对意义上消灭物质和能量(热学第一定律),他们将以废弃物的形式重新出现,并将最终被释放到环境中去....

长汀县13642973214: 麻烦英语专家帮我翻译一段话,急急急急,谢谢! -
丘储瑞香: For the pursuit of human and beyond, due to go beyond the advance, when the pursuit of a conviction, the dream will be realized in practice. Endeavour, the perseverance of urban construction, will uphold the glorious past, the mentality of beginners ...

长汀县13642973214: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一段话<急急急>
丘储瑞香: I dream home must be seen to be bright, simple and warm, but it can not live up to be comfortable! In my home, I think the bedroom is the most important, it must make people feel comfortable and warm in here because I want to rest and sleep! In the...

长汀县13642973214: 有没有人能帮我翻译下这一段话啊?!主要是第一句.急急急! -
丘储瑞香: 今日的商业是世界商业(如今的经济已经全球化).当加尔文总统库利奇曾说,“美国的贸易业务,“他没有预见未来的股市崩盘,抑郁症,或大规模干预企业的罗斯福.没有人能预见到最终传播业务遍布全球.

长汀县13642973214: 急急急!!!谁能帮忙用英文翻译一下下面几句话! -
丘储瑞香: 1, responsible for TV product sales of the manufacturer to introduce 2, responsible for product of KT board graphic design 3, is responsible for the documentation work4, assist customer communication work with the manufacturers5, participate in ...

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