
作者&投稿:颛邰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Huludao Tianjiao Electric Power Engineering Exploration & Design Co., Ltd

West of Haichen Road, North of Gaoxin 9th Road, Hi-tech Industrial Zone, Huludao, Liaoning, China

Exploration & Design Services in Electric Industry (Transmission Engineering, Transformation Engineering)

What time do students usually have dinner?
They usually have dinner at a quarter to seven.
She goes for a walk after dinner.

1,We met his father in the street yesterday。
2,He went to the zoo with his friends last week。
3,I took a picture of my friend yesterday。
4,Nancy drew in the park last week。
5,The children were working the night shift in the park yesterday afternoon。
6,Bobby just lost his new dress。
7,The kite flew high,We could not grasp it。
8,What happened to you?
9My brother looks sad because he lost his schoolbag。
10,I like reading at home on rainy days。
11,I can't swim last year, now I will。

请将下列句子译成汉语:6. The years have obscured the name of this professor, but not the lesson she taught.岁月已经让人淡忘了这个教授的名字,但是她所讲的课却历历在目。7. Education plays a very important role in everybody's life.教育在人们的生活中起着很大的作用。8. In my ...

1.helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.helen 不得不大声喊压过音乐的声音才能被别人听到。2.you were silly not to have locked your car.没有锁车,真是太愚蠢了 3.i don't konw whether you happen to have heard,but i'm going to study in the...

3、将芥末膏挤在一个味碟内,再把浓口酱油装入另一个味碟内,然后随装好盘的生鱼片 Squeeze a little mustard paste on a condiment dish and dark soy sauce in another condiment dish, then put them next to sashimi.已精工精心替你翻译好了,但很希望会对你有帮助,并望满意采纳,谢谢。...

1.我因为喜欢音乐、唱歌,所以喜欢音乐课 I like English lessons because I like music and singsing.2.我参加了学校的音乐俱乐部,结交了许多朋友;俱乐部里有许多音乐小组,我们经常在放学后一起练唱,有时在学校的音乐节上演唱 I took part in the music club and made many friends;There are many...

一个男人爱你,你是妻子;you are a wife when a man loves you 几个男人爱你,你是女人;you are a woman when a few men love you 几十个男人爱你,你是妖精,you are a witch when bunch of men love you 一百个男人爱你,你是偶像;you are an idol when several hundreds of men ...

1.离开实验室之前,请检查一下以确保所有的灯都关了(make sure)Before leaving the lab, please make sure that all lights are turned off.2.万一发生什么不愉快的事情,请给我打电话(in case)In case anything unpleasant happens, please call me.3.再过一个月我们就要放寒假了(before)It is ...

帮忙把下列句子翻译成英文(用定语从句)。 急用急用!!!
你好,我是高中的英语老师,你的问题就交给我吧 1、我不知道非洲有些国家为什么不能用拖拉机取代耕牛的原因 I do not know that some African countries, why can not reason with a tractor to replace cattle.2、我所在的组织计划在肯尼亚的一个边远地区建一个小诊所,来帮助改善那里孩子们的健康...

61. 我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。(unfortunately)I wanted very much to buy this English dictionary, but unfortunately I hadn't had enough money on me.62. 我想和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。(talk over with sb.)I'd like to talk ...

1.After the argument,they never talk to each other as if a stranger.2.Teenager are easily being understood.They think that the others didn't know much of them.3.If yout have difficulty to have a balance between your work and studies,try to use online education.4.Drive slower...

a number of interesting stories this kind of fruit is nice but not delicious everyone laughs at Jane when she believe the god she look so young under the soft lights 全是自己一个字母一个字母桥上去的啊,多不容易啊!完全自行翻译,现在“手工货”多少啊。起码选个最佳答案吧,谢谢 ...

宝应县19171952133: 急求,给出下列句子的英语翻译,谢谢!1,他擅长英语,但他不喜欢数学.我也是.2,他们吵了一架,但很快就言归于好.3,使我很宽慰的是,我的孩子们安... -
巧筠万爽:[答案] 翻译如下: 1.He is expert in English,but he doesn't like mathematics 2.They quarrelling with each other,but make peace with each other soon. 3 It is comfort to me that my children go home safely. 4.I blissful that I own the welfare childhood.It is everyone ...

宝应县19171952133: 会英语的进来一下!谢谢!请将下列句子译成英文:1.他的学院在伦敦.2.我们早上不喝茶.3.红色的玫瑰象征什么?4.戴维告诉他父母不要担心他在中国的生活.... -
巧筠万爽:[答案] 1.他的学院在伦敦.His college is in London. 2.我们早上不喝茶.We won't drink tea in the morning. 3.红色的玫瑰象征什么?... 5.她去和她的外教谈如何写一份英文简历.She go to talk how to write one english resume with her foreign teacher. 请将下列句子...

宝应县19171952133: 将下列句子翻译成英语:〔1〕请当心马路上的冰(2)这违反规定(3)这场音乐会将在下周四举行〔4〕他将需要做 -
巧筠万爽:[答案] 1.Watch out for the Icy road! 2.This violates the rules ! 3.The concert will be held next Thursday. 4.He will need to

宝应县19171952133: 请将下列语句翻译成英语,谢谢! -
巧筠万爽: ① 请给我收据,谢谢!另外问一下,这个收据我可以用来报销的是吧.Can I get a receipt, thanks! Also, I can use this receipt to get a reimbursement right?>> 报销是 reimbursement 不是 refund、 ② 我可以付现金吗,如果不够请从我的信用卡里...

宝应县19171952133: 请把下列句子翻译成英文,多谢! -
巧筠万爽: 1: left, to go eat, hurry up, I'll wait for you! 2: a person living in the dormitory, but also fit? Feel lonely do? 3: Let's go, a person in a dormitory more bori...

宝应县19171952133: 请把下列句子翻译成英语,谢谢 -
巧筠万爽: I came for you this afternoon. I was gonna invite you to Wang Lei's birthday party tomorrow 3pm with me. That's why I left this. Here is your route, walk from A to T, then M on the upright, cross D and you get Wang Lei's place. I will be waiting for you ...

宝应县19171952133: 将下面的句子翻译成英文,谢谢 -
巧筠万爽: 1、I've heard no sound. 2、He's got a good sleep besides a nice stomach. 3、You should give him a hand since you've promise to. 4、The dinner should be shared.

宝应县19171952133: 帮忙把下列句子译成英文~~~谢谢~~ -
巧筠万爽: 1 you drink coffee please be careful, lest dirty new carpet. 2. About the traffic problem downtown, is the time to take action. 3 I have been used to do this work.4 I live in sichuan for many years, the situation very well.5 smoking, he immediately unless ...

宝应县19171952133: 翻译下列语句(译成英文) 谢谢 -
巧筠万爽: It is said that nian head of large and small, ten feet in length and eye if two, mobility, like "year ~" sound, so named nian. A long period of time, people grad...

宝应县19171952133: 急求,给出下列句子的英语翻译,谢谢! -
巧筠万爽: 翻译如下:1.He is expert in English, but he doesn't like mathematics2. They quarrelling with each other, but make peace with each other soon.3 It is comfort to me...

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