
作者&投稿:康珍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I suddenly remembered long, long time ago, flutter off a bright yellow butterfly.

I have always remembered, and he told me, no miss, no sorrow,错了不负责的哦


carry away 就是带走 英语词组意思比较灵活 注意体会 在不同语句中需要变化

waste是名词 废料
家庭单词是啥意思 我上学的时候没这概念

但是waste的词性就是名词和动词 好像没有形容词


you are a wife when a man loves you

you are a woman when a few men love you

you are a witch when bunch of men love you

you are an idol when several hundreds of men love you

you are a hero when several thousands of men love you

you are a leader when several millions of men love you

you are chinese yuan/ rmb when all men love you

you are a wife when a man loves you

you are a woman when a few men love you

you are a witch when a bunch of men love you

you are an idol when a hundred of men love you

you are a hero when a thousand of men love you

you are a leader when ten thousands of men love you

you are the Chinese money when all men love you

Only one man loves you, you are the wife;
Several men love you, you are the woman;
Dozens men love you, you are the alluring woman;
One hundred men love you, you are the idol;
One thousand men love you, you are the hero;
Ten thousand men love you, you are the leader;
All the men love you, you are the RMB.

Let me explain to you how to go white-water rafting.2.明年他们将为工人们至少修建3万套住房。(将来进行时)They will be building at least 30,000 flats for the workers next year.3.我真羡慕你有幸近距离地见到那位英雄。(up close)I really envy you that you had the chance to ...

1.树后面的女孩是凯特。The girl who is behind the tree is Kite.2.瞧!那位开车超快的男人是个醉鬼(drunk)Look! That man who is driving fastly is a drunk.3.住在我们隔壁的男人卖蔬菜。The man who lives beside us sells vagetable.4.那是我父亲为我买的自行车。That is a bike tha...

将下列句子翻译成英语 春季和 夏季白天长而晚上短.在英国天气是最常谈...
译:Which books do you like?

3.Some people recommend breathing slowly and deeply if you are hard to fall asleep.4.They contain each of their most effective and fastest means for communicating.5.Scientists say that these gestures and behavious carry meaning that cannot be told.6.But to some extent the brief an...

汉译英 把下面的句子翻译成英语
Sanhao Street is situated at Heping District in Shengyang City of Liaoning Province; it is a distribution center for computers and IT products. The street was registered in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in December 1998. With a length of 2.7 Kilometers and an ...

将下列句子翻译成英语 春季和 夏季白天长而晚上短. 在英国天气是最常...
春季和夏季白天长而晚上短。译:Day is longer than night in spring and summer.在英国天气是最常谈的话题。译:Weather is the topic people often talked about in the UK.哪些书是你喜欢的?译:Which books do you like?

请各位高手帮忙把下列句子中译英(用括号里的词),拜托了,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 各种翻译机啊 1 Lincoln's education experience adds up to only 1 year. 2 He doesn't like speaking english because he is afraid of making mistakes. 3 Is that girl old enough to dress herself? 4 ...

翻译下列句子(中译英): 1,人生由欢笑和泪水组成(Consist of)_百度...
1, Life by the laughter and tears formed (Consist of)2 glasses of water is said to drink the good of the human skin (It's said that)3 experienced some difficulties, I found a good friend how important it is (Find it)4 The Beijing trip took me seven days, including two ...

1.After the argument,they never talk to each other as if a stranger.2.Teenager are easily being understood.They think that the others didn't know much of them.3.If yout have difficulty to have a balance between your work and studies,try to use online education.4.Drive slower...

you are a woman when a few men love you 几十个男人爱你,你是妖精,you are a witch when bunch of men love you 一百个男人爱你,你是偶像;you are an idol when several hundreds of men love you 一千个男人爱你,你是英雄;you are a hero when several thousands of men love you...

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 帮忙把下面句子翻译成英文,谢谢各位了1,这位老师和同学的关系很好
濯畏水飞: 1. The teacher gets along well with his students. 2. Exercise can promote health... Please call me if there is an emergency. 6. Alice promised to her parents that she ...

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 请帮忙把下面的句子翻译成英文谢谢了 -
濯畏水飞: 1.Because the British visa are under processing. deal with Serbia visa I'm afraid too late. tomorrow we will send the fax to the British embassy. the request is urgent. and do you can also give the British embassy send a fax. tell them to miss ...

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 帮我把下面的句子翻译成标准的英文.谢谢亲、
濯畏水飞: Northern Missing He Nan , in this norhtern city there lives a guy who I keep thinking of all the time I will keep the pure memories what he gave me forever; and I love him all my life.

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 求大神翻译下面的句子,翻译成英语.谢了~ :我是如此的想念你以至于我想每时每刻都和你呆在一起、 -
濯畏水飞:[答案] I miss you so much that i don't want to leave you even for a second. 直译的话是我太想念你以至于我不想离开你一秒钟.跟你的意思很接近,但是表达的想念更深. 英语就是这样,一句话可以用很多种方式来表达.

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 请帮我把下面的句子翻译成英文!谢谢! -
濯畏水飞: Hello, my name is Vino. I am a Chinese girl. In Chinese bridge closing time you gave me your mailbox, I hope to make friends with you. I really like Spain, also hope hereafter can have the opportunity to visit. Looking forward to your reply.

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 请帮忙翻译以下几句句子 译成英文 谢谢 声明(请不要在翻译软件复制过来的)要有正确语法的 拜托了 -
濯畏水飞: 1.Wow!You has a good vision2.This style looks very good.3.This is our new style.4.How about it?Do you like i...

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 英语书面表达,请翻译下面五个句子.谢了,急急急急!!
濯畏水飞: 1. whenever I hear some natural disasters happened in our country, I am anxious to participate in the rescue work. 2, As a young student, I 'm willing to donate the money I saved these years to those children who lost their parents. in the disaster 3, ...

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 求大神翻译下面的句子,翻译成英语.谢了~ :我是如此的想念你以至于我想每时每刻都和你呆在一起、 -
濯畏水飞: I miss you so much that i don't want to leave you even for a second.直译的话是我太想念你以至于我不想离开你一秒钟.跟你的意思很接近,但是表达的想念更深.英语就是这样,一句话可以用很多种方式来表达.

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 请大家帮个忙,把下面两句话翻译成英语,谢啦!
濯畏水飞: 攒qian速度永远赶不上房jia上涨的速度.The speed of saving money might never catch up with that of increasing house price.如果30年还完dai款,利xi都滚出一套房zi来了.The interest on interest for mortgage(housing loan) could buy the lender another s in 30 years can buy another house if he/she could repay the loan in/within(2选1) 30 years.供参

内蒙古自治区13841599822: 请将下面几句话翻译成英语.谢了喔
濯畏水飞: 您好 是 Now people like smoking, however, they do not know that smoking is not good. It would affect people's health. Of smoking on the lungs is not good, not good for the heart. Therefore, to quit smoking. Many people are so in love with smoking, ...

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