
作者&投稿:昌心 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 After the quarrel, thet don't speak to each other any more as if they were strangers.
2 Teenagers often feel being misunderstood, they don't think someone had gone through what they are experiencing.
3 If you have difficulty in balancing your study and work, then consider the network education.
4 Drive slowly, the speed limit is 60 km per hour here.
5 It is normal that a man without a friend may feel lonely.
6 Drivers are forbidden to drive while intoxicated / drunk.
7 Older people tend to early to bed and early to rise.
8 The cold weather lasted the whole winter.

1 Don't lose heart,try again.
2 China has set up many wild animal protection center for Endangered Animals.
3 DAVID works as a teacher in a middle school after graduation from college.
4 He was sentenced to death for blowing up government building .
5 You are welcome to turn to me when you need help .

1.离开实验室之前,请检查一下以确保所有的灯都关了(make sure)

Before leaving the lab, please make sure that all lights are turned off.

2.万一发生什么不愉快的事情,请给我打电话(in case)

In case anything unpleasant happens, please call me.


It is now a month before our winter vacation.

4.她刚登上船,船就开了(倒装,on board)

The ship sailed as soon as she got on board.

5.我们约好在校园图书馆的大厅里见面(be to)

We are to meet in the lobby of the college library.

6.赚钱是一回事,而花钱又是另一回事(it is one thing)

It is one thing to make money, it is another thing entirely to spend money.

7.你愈接近大自然,就愈能了解她的美(the more...the more)

The more in tune you are with nature, the more you would understand her beauty.

1.Before leavimg the lab room,you should check to make sure that every light is shut off.
2.Please ring to me in case that something unhappy thing happens.
3.Before we having a winter holiday ,there is one month.
4.Once she is on broad,the ship begins leaving.
5.We made a decision that we are to meet in the hall of the library.
6.Earning money is one thing, spending it is one thing,too.
7.The more closer you face the nature, the more beautiful you will know.

1.Make sure all light is out before you leave the lab.

2. In case whatever unhappy things happen, do give me a ring.

3. Before the vacation, we only have one month to pass.(总觉得用after表达更好)

4. when she`d got on board, the ship left.

5. we are to meet in the lobby of liberary of school.

6. it`s one thing to be rich, and spend, it is another way.

7.the more you come into the nature, the more you find the beauty of it.


- 可选项:在某些情况下,括号中可能包含一些可选项,用于指导程序员根据实际情况选择合适的选项。例如,Python语言中的print()函数,括号中可以包含sep、end等可选项,用于控制输出的格式。需要注意的是,不同的编程语言和编程工具可能会有不同的编程提示语和括号内容,具体情况需要根据实际情况进行确定。

1.twelve 2.eight 3.three plus six equals nine 汉译英 three apples half past one twenty eggs twenty knives ten pears fourteen peaches at twenty to seven 汉译英 七点半 六加十四等于二十

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盐都区13589129836: 翻译句子 ; 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子译成英语. 1. 等等,我要把它记下来! (hang on) - _________________________________________... -
说味苓苾:[答案] 1. Hang on a minute! I'll write it down! 2. Arnwick needs more schools buses and hospitals. 3. There are too many people and there is not enough space . 4. The small local...

盐都区13589129836: 英语翻译根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译成英语3 看来我们队有得奖的把握(It seems certain that...)4 我发现在这么吵的地方集中注意力很难(it) -
说味苓苾:[答案] It seems certain that our team can win. It is difficult for me to focus my thoughs in such a noisy place

盐都区13589129836: 根据括号内的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语我一走进教室,学生们就停止了说话.(the moment...)他脱下外套然后打开了电视.(and then...)如果你再努力... -
说味苓苾:[答案] The moment I came into the classroom, the students stopped talking.He took off his coat and then turned on the TV.If you work harder,you are sure to learn English well.This is what I want to tell you....

盐都区13589129836: 英语翻译根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译成英语1 我姑父每次来,都会给我带礼物.(every time)2 我提醒父亲他之前已经做过那件事了(remind ) -
说味苓苾:[答案] 1.Every time my uncle comes here,he will bring me presents. 2.I remind my father that he has done that before.

盐都区13589129836: 英语翻译根据括号内的提示,把下列句子翻译成英语:1.我们的家乡绝非30年以前的样子了.(noting like)2.这条路是那条路的三倍宽.(as...as...)3.我从来... -
说味苓苾:[答案] our hometown is nothing like the one 30 years ago at all. this road is three times as wide as that one. i've never been to beijing,nor has my brother.

盐都区13589129836: 请根据括号中的提示,把下列句子译成英语. -
说味苓苾: 1. We must insist on fair treatment of each person's principles. (Principle) 2. Tomorrow, Brown and his wife to dinner. (By now proceed to a table when the future) 3. We should do something, not just in the discussion room. (instead of) 4. You should ...

盐都区13589129836: 请根据括号中的提示,把下列句子译成英语在我的爸爸的帮助下,这个问题已经得到解决了(solve,现在完成时的被动语态) -
说味苓苾:[答案] The probem has been solved with the help of my father.

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