
作者&投稿:阿洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My stomach hurts, so I must go to see the doctor.
2. When do you yesterday evening.
3. 6 I finished my homework.
4 I read a book yesterday, this book is very interesting.
5 yesterday evening he telephoned me several times.
6 Tom didn't go to school yesterday.
7. How are you all keeping?
8 you Monday in where?
9 they summer in Britain.
The last weekend, I and my friends went to the countryside.

1.他内心深处知道,他们永远也不会再见了。(in one`s heart)
Knowing in his heart, they will never meet again.

2.他们同意出版他的第一本书后,他终于感到自己快要成功了。(on the road to)
After receiving their consent to publish his first book, he finally felt that he was on the road to success.

3.他停下来喝了一口(a sip of)水,然后继续讲话。(resume)
He stopped to have a sip of water and resumed his talk.

4.这个大项目使我们忙得今年都无法安排一次度假了(engage;so much that)
This large project engages us so much busy that we can’t arrange holiday this year.

5.氧气(oxygen)是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样(just as)
Oxygen is one of the most important gases just as water is one of the most important liquids.

6.那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看(have a shot)
That job is hard to do but I want to have a shot yet.

7.这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书(as opposed to)
This is a book as opposed to business practice not to theory.

8.社会活动从未耽误她的学习(in the way)
Social activities never get in the way of her study.

9.直到1911年人们才发现第1种维生素(vitamin)。(it is not until...that)
It was not until 1911 that the first vitamin was found.

Apparently, the natural disaster is a factor causes this nation’s economy crisis.

11.我们的婚姻很幸福,但我们也曾经经历过许多坎坷(ups and downs)
We are leading a happy marriage, however, we ever experienced ups and downs.

12.许多外语教师常常在课堂上自己讲得太多(be inclined to)
Many foreign teachers are inclined to talk too much their selves in class.

13.那位著名演员每天早晨锻炼一小时以保持健康(work out)
That notable actor works out one hour per morning to keep fit.

14.与他促膝长谈之后,她的怀疑消失了(male away)
After having a heart-to-heart talk with him, her doubt has maled away.

15.目前我们没有职位孔雀(vacancy),但我们肯定会记住您的申请(keep in mind)
At present, we have no job vacancy, but we will surely keep your application in mind.

1. This is not to your chocolate.
2. Plate you have some bread?
3. You can do when I read the letter?
4. I do not like coffee, I like to put sugar in coffee.
5. That he can hold only big box.
6. I can not play this letter. (In this fight means to print)
7. The table you have some pencils?
8. The little boys will read this book. (Recognizing that the word will be read, you can read)
9. The boy was standing in front of the house.
10. Would you help me open it?

1. this chocolate is not for you. 2. in the tray has some breads? 3. you can read this letter for me? 4. I do not like the clear coffee, I like in the coffee putting the sugar. 5. he can recommend that only big box. 6. I cannot hit this letter. (here dozen refers to printing) on the 7. table to have some pencil? 8. this young boy will read this book. (will read will be recognizes has been literate, might read) the 9. this boy station in house front. 10. you can help me to open the door?

1.This piece of chocolate isn't for you.
2.Is there some bread in the plate?
3.Could you read this letter for me?
4.I prefer pure coffee to the one with sugar.
5.He is able to put up that big box.
6.I am not able to print this letter.
7.Are there some pencils on the table?
8.The little boy is able to read this book.
9.The boy is standing in front of the house.
10.Would you give a hand to open the door?

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1广:广泛 得到广泛的好处 2这确实是危急存亡的时刻啊! 存亡:可以不译 3 由:因为 因此我很感激。4 伤:损害 以至有损先帝的英明 5 北:北上 北上平定中原 6 德:圣德 振兴圣德建议 7 不胜:不尽 我就受恩感激不尽了 参考资料:人教版 文言文全解 ...

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2)他走到老师跟前说:“我可以问你一个问题吗?”he went up to the teacher and said,“May I ask you a question?”3)这们工程师很忙,不要占他很多时间。The engineer is very busy .Don’t keep him too long.4)不要问外国人的薪水。Don’t ask foreigners their salaries.5)开发...

甘洛县13945725517: 请帮忙翻译几个句子,汉译英1我有很多朋友,一些来自于国外2我有三本书,其中第一本我最喜欢3我仍然记得我第一次上学的那天4我不知道她今天没来的原... -
银卖妇洁:[答案] i have lots of friends some of which are from aboard i have three books one of which i like best i still remember the day when i went to school i don't know the reason why he didn't come 我只能说一楼语法不对

甘洛县13945725517: 翻译几个句子~急(汉翻英)1.他的祖父正在花园里浇花.2.把你的书放到桌子上.3.bill和他的朋友正在听收音机.4.你想做什么?5.他们正在等公共汽车.6.你想用... -
银卖妇洁:[答案] 1.His grandfather is watering the flower. 2.Put your books on the desk. 3.Bill and his friends are listening to the radio. 4.What do you want to do? 5.They're waiting for the bus. 6.What do you want to do with a hammer? 7.

甘洛县13945725517: 帮忙翻译几个句子.(汉译英)1.只有在希腊出生的人才能成为古代奥运会的参赛者.(ancient;Greece;admit;competitor)2.运动员们一个接一个地离开了奥运... -
银卖妇洁:[答案] 1.People only was born in Greece can be participants of the ancient Olympic Games.2.Athletes left the Olympic village one after another.3.He promised his son after bargaining:If children study hard, ...

甘洛县13945725517: 帮忙翻译几个句子(汉翻英) -
银卖妇洁: 1. Sometimes he goes to work by car.I don't like steak, and he doesn't like.3 I want a bottle of milk.4 he usually watch TV in the evening, but today he is reading a newspaper.5. Sometimes he and his friends went to school together.6 he often drink a ...

甘洛县13945725517: 几个汉翻英的句子 -
银卖妇洁: 1 Today my mother suggested we go to supermarket shopping 2 Suddenly I found a young man to a box of CD into his clothes, and then walk in the door 3 I was commended for the people around the

甘洛县13945725517: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
银卖妇洁:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

甘洛县13945725517: 麻烦帮忙翻译几个英语句子~(汉译英) -
银卖妇洁: 展开全部1 Even without higher education, you can be the same person as the movie star Jackie Chan, or the successful businessmen like Bill Gates2 Although in some degree, the University contributes to the success, but not the decisive factors of ...

甘洛县13945725517: 帮忙翻译几个句子,汉~英
银卖妇洁: 1. We persuaded them to go there by car. 2. Who will pay the expense of travel for you? 3. You must burden all the responsibility of the result. 4. Drinking too much coffee will make stomachs uncomfortable

甘洛县13945725517: 急求大家帮忙翻译几个句子(汉译英),谢谢啦!
银卖妇洁: Dear Customer: In order to avoid waste, my restaurant meal in both the volume of per capita allocation of fresh meals, if you dine at the process of appetite and food are inadequate, we may think that you are free to add. Telephone complaints: XXXXXXX Asked by: aitianniu

甘洛县13945725517: 帮忙翻译几个句子(中译英) -
银卖妇洁: 1、 清幽的音乐给与灵魂安慰和救赎,而冒着热气的咖啡和燃着的香烟给与神经最大的享受.The elegant music provides the soul with comfort and redemption, while the hot coffee and the lit cigarette offer the nerves the greatest enjoyment.2、美...

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