
作者&投稿:大叔哪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣 i hear people saying hello while others are weeping
早习惯穿梭充满诱惑的黑夜 i've got used to riding in buses packed with men wearing black
但却无法忘记你的脸 and still i cannot forget your face

有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你 hasn't anyone ever told you how much i love you
有没有人曾在你日记里哭泣 haven't you ever shed tears in your diary
有没有人曾告诉你我很在意 hasn't anyone ever told you how much i care
在意这座城市的距离 how i care that we're far apart in this city

wow; The APPLE COOPERATION are putting a new product out-toothpaste.After the IPOD got success and become hot ,APPLE keep put out nest product that is a toothpaate. That toothpaste are adopt the newest scientists and technicians .Combinded ipod and toothpaste.You can brushing when you enjoying movie. Many of us are feel bore when brusing,but after having it- itootpaste ,bore will be the past.


We bought a house recently.

房子的地址是1543 liberty street.
It is located at the 1543 Liberty Street.

At first the previous owner of the house is supposed to pay for the electricity bill.

However, he passed the house key to me today,

That is to say that the house will be ours from today onwards.

Therefore, now we have to pay for the electricity bill of the house.

We bought a house recently and the address is 1543 liberty street.The power charge had been presented by the former houselord whill today he has given us the key to the house,i.e the house belongs to us today.Therefore the power charge will be on us now.

We bought a house recently,located at 1543 liberty street. Originally, the power bill was paid by ex-owner of the house. Today, we had the key for the house from the ex-owner, which means the house is belong to us from today on. So we will pay the power bill since after.

We purchased a house, which is located in 1543 liberty street. Previously the landlord was responsible for those electricity bills. From the date landlord gives us the key, we are the owner of the house. Hence we are responsible for paying those electricity bills.

付之一炬 付诸一炬 付之一叹 付之一笑 付诸一笑 苟安一隅 高出一筹 割据一方 更进一竿 冠绝一时 功亏一篑 桂林一枝 攻其一点,不及其余 高人一筹 高人一等 归十归一 更上一层楼 桂折一枝 竿头一步 孤行一意 挂一漏万 功一美二 各执一词 孤注一掷 荟萃一堂 哄动一时 轰动一时 合而为一 合二为...

11、这是一个倒装句,地点状语提前加以强调,be动词提前构成倒装。nowhere else 地点状语;is there There be 主系语结构such perfect silence 表语 12、这是倒装用法,only置于句首 谓动词要提到主语之前,可以记下only then did i。。13、hardly是否定词,这里是否定词倒装,had 要提前。1、might...

1.千里传音 2.曲终人散 3.百年树人 4.返老还童

5.The old lady can not hope to ___her cold in a few days.A.get over B.get off C.hold back D.hold up --我选了B,答案选A get over:从...中恢复过来 get off:下车,离开 那个老太太的感冒估计几天都不会恢复。6.Jim’s plans to go to college___at the la...

健步如飞 扭头就跑 定睛一看 侧耳细听 冥思苦想 步履矫健 拔腿就跑 目不转睛 听得入迷 挖空心思 大步流星 连蹦带跳 凝神注视 道听途说 飞檐走壁 东奔西窜 怒目而视 大摇大摆 横冲直撞 左顾右盼 步履艰难 飞似得跑 东张西望 一瘸一拐 奔走如飞 挤眉弄眼 匍匐前进 上窜下跳 瞻前顾...

10,还原Everyonein the club has been planning the dance 11、who指代those men,不是Mr.Smith 12、用单数,就相当于a pair of shoes is ……A series of 一系列,后接单数 13、看这个another three boys is coming.another的原因,碰到了后面都是单数,主语不是weeks,...

英语高手请进!!急急急 谢谢
第一题:其实是一个固定句式:Sb consider\/think\/find \/feel等+ it + 形容词+that从句 你错选了A,没有注意到 that引导的是一个宾语从句,若选A 应该是 that it is neceddary that...第二题:我觉得应该选A项 首先he 与need 是被动关系,应该是 he is needed 排除B 和 D 其次,mos...


一.1. with around 2. in 3. about 4. on(规律: morning\/afternoon\/evening 前面有形容词cold winter 用on 是特指 )5. by 6. on 7. on 8. on 9. at 10. of 11. for 12. out 二.14. I'm sorry, I was sick yesterday.15. How do you feel now?16. Have you seen the...

1、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。——华罗庚 人生就像爬坡,要一步一步来走——丁玲 2、现实是此岸,理想是彼岸,中间隔着湍急的河流,行动则是架在河上的桥梁。——克雷洛夫 没有理想的生活,路上就会耸着生活的墓碑。3、爱国如饥渴。 —— 班固 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 —— 顾炎武 4、...

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进,只是英语小常识!!! -
常芬析清: 楼主 这是不是和专四难度差不多或者类型差不多的题型练习呢 都是比较口语化的短语Da good run for your money = have a long period of success or enjoymentC big for his boots...

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进.急急!!!
常芬析清: 1 Your tone sounds like my mother. 2 I'd like a sandwich rather than the whole serving. 3 I have something else to do, otherwise I would see you next weekend.

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进,急急急急 -
常芬析清: 1 rains2 pass3 were4will be5 enjoys6 is 2..am listening did Don't shout was don't blame want Don't forgetam playing don't send am asking was don't put

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进~急~~救命!翻译几个句子!我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣早习惯穿梭充满诱惑的黑夜但却无法忘记你的脸有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你有没有人曾... -
常芬析清:[答案] 刚看到Rhapsodia晚枫的翻译,太精彩了,天才!早知我不翻了!I hear someone cheering and someone weeping.I have been used to passing all those luring nights,but can not forget your face.Did anyone tell you I ...

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进!!!!!!!急急急!!!!!!!!
常芬析清: This is XXX speaking and I am Chinese.Can I speak to YYY? I am her friend. 绝对标准的美语

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进急急急........ -
常芬析清: "stop"在一般情况下应该读“丝朵铺”即所谓的标准的英式读音,另一个“丝打铺”就是小美的说法了.

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进《急》
常芬析清: My name is X, 21-year-old this year, 2005 graduate of X County school, I usually like to play basketball, calligraphy, Internet, etc.! I particularly like computers, and a self-learning and computer-related knowledge! By understanding, know that your ...

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进!!江湖救急 -
常芬析清: I have a dream.I hope I can be a doctor one day.Because I want to help othes by use my knowlege.If my dream would be come ture,I will do my best.To reach to my dream,I will stu...

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进,急急急,可追加分 -
常芬析清: As you said,we are also thinking about this.We have done several tests ,but they didn't make the obvious improved difference to the effect.So we need a little time in order to reply our suggestion of the improvement before next Tuesday.有点长...

班戈县13938897790: 英语高手请进,急急..
常芬析清: 1.a不表特指,因为后面没修饰rainfall,特指May 2.加for的话应该是某个商品而非帐单bill,可以理解为固定搭配.3.可以看成equally后面就断开了,后面相当于是状语,但我感觉也可以用to去表对象,与among无关.祝好运

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