
作者&投稿:满馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Picking Wanting

This article is first right “the euthanasia “the meaning makes the outline showing, then the analysis has discussed the international society and domestic from all walks of life regarding “the euthanasia” the view and involves ethics question, finally systematic analysis our country “the euthanasia” the legislative aspect's insufficiency and “the euthanasia” the legislative consummation aspect puts forward own several proposals to our country.
安乐死 :euthanasia 可行性:feasibility;practicability 伦理道德 :ethics

Decision-making phase of the project cost to determine the cost of control engineering and control projects through the entire process, but the technical and economic decision-making stages of policy-making, the construction cost of the project very much affected by something, especially to determine the level of construction standards, construction sites selection, process selection, equipment selection, etc., is directly related to the level of project cost. 据有关资料统计,在项目建设各大阶段中,投资决策阶段影响工程造价的程度最高,即达到80-90%。 According to the data in various stages of construction projects, investment decision-making phase of the impact of the highest degree of project cost, for a total of 80-90%. 因此,决策阶段项目决策的内容是决定工程造价的基础,直接影响着决策阶段之后的各个建设阶段工程造价的确定与控制是否科学、合理的问题。 Therefore, the decision-making phase of the project is to determine the content of the decision-making project cost basis, a direct impact on decision-making phase of the various construction phases of the project cost to determine and control whether or not scientific, reasonable question. 1、编制投资估算的必要性投资估算是基本建设前期工作中的重要环节之一。 1, the preparation of estimates of the need for investment is a capital estimate of pre-investment work, one important aspect. 是决策性的文件,它是研究、分析建设项目的经济效果的重要依据。 Decision-making document, it is research, analysis of the construction project an important basis for economic effects. 在可靠性研究报告批准后,估算就作为设计任务下达的投资限额,对初步设计概算起控制作用,并作为奖金筹措及向银行贷款的依据。 The approval of the study in terms of reliability, the estimates given on the design task as the investment limit for the preliminary design of the control effect estimates, and financing and as a bonus to secure a bank loan basis. 因此,在经济工作中应该实事求是的反映设计内容,反映建设地区的经济状况,从估算开始就要正确完整地反映工程项目的建设投资。 Therefore, in the economic work of the design should reflect the contents of a realistic, reflecting the building of the region's economic situation, started from the estimates reflected the accuracy and completeness of the construction investment project. 2、投资估算必须是设计的真实反映在投资估算中,应该实事求是的反映设计内容,这就要求设计人员从工程规模和项目内容上真实反映设计意图。 2, the investment must be designed to estimate the real investment is reflected in the estimates should be realistic and reflect the design of content, which requires designers and project from the engineering content of the size of a true reflection of design intent. 主要工艺要进行多方案比较,方案要优化,设计方案不仅技术上可行,而且经济上更应合理。 The main technology to be relatively more programs, programs to optimize the design of the program is not only technically feasible but also economically more reasonable. 所以工程经济人员从建设方案的优选开始,就应该渗透到设计的全过程中去,按照工程造价管理的原则,合理预测投资估算中各种动态因素的变化,尽可能打足投资不留缺口,这是编制投资估算工作的关键,也是下阶段的重要依据。 Therefore, the project economy-building programs from the beginning of the optimization, it should penetrate into the whole process designed to, in accordance with the principles of project cost management, a reasonable estimate of projected changes in a variety of dynamic factors, as far as possible, do not play enough to stay investment gap This is the preparation of estimates of key investment is also an important basis for the next stage.

Construction project the importance of cost control

Construction project cost control of projects through the entire process, that is, decision-making phase of the project, the project design stage, project implementation and completion stages of phase related to the construction project cost control. Statistics show that the decision-making stage in the project and design stage, the impact of the possibility of project cost 30% -75%, and in the implementation phase of the impact of the possibility of project cost is only 5% -25%. It is obvious that the key to cost control is the implementation of the project prior to decision-making and the design phase of the project, the project is the deciding factor in decision-making, and is a key factor in design.
Control project cost not only to prevent breakthrough investment limit, meaning a more active is to promote the construction, engineering, and design units to strengthen the management of human, material and financial resources with limited resources can be fully utilized to obtain the best economic and social benefits . So do a good job in project cost control, to ensure and accelerate the economic development thinking has a certain significance.

Construction project cost control of projects through the entire process, that is, decision-making phase of the project, the project design stage, project implementation and completion stages of phase related to the construction project cost control. Statistics show that the decision-making stage in the project and design stage, the impact of the possibility of project cost 30% -75%, and in the implementation phase of the impact of the possibility of project cost is only 5% -25%. It is obvious that the key to cost control is the implementation of the project prior to decision-making and the design phase of the project, the project is the deciding factor in decision-making, and is a key factor in design.
Control project cost not only to prevent breakthrough investment limit, meaning a more active is to promote the construction, engineering, and design units to strengthen the management of human, material and financial resources with limited resources can be fully utilized to obtain the best economic and social benefits . So do a good job in project cost control, to ensure and accelerate the economic development thinking has a certain significance

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Shallow talk the cultural difference in the business English translation A,preface Two,the origins and the performance of the medium western cultural difference 1. Region discrepancy 2. Custom discrepancy 3. Concept discrepancy Three,the cultural difference cause international business English ...

Construction project the importance of cost control Construction project cost control of projects through the entire process, that is, decision-making phase of the project, the project design stage, project implementation and completion stages of phase related to the construction project cost...

很高兴为您解答,全文翻译如下:My name is Li Hua. I have a common but warm family. There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my brother-in-law and me.Everyone in my family has his own job. My father is an engineer and has hard ...

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例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人的思维。I am a Chinese student. I have a...

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1.Weekend, I rather ride a bicycle the close nature, is also not willing to stay watches the television in the room .2.Green shortcoming is he only cares about the money .3.Today I look like usually equally leave the family in seven spots to go to the school .4.Is ...

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姜毅郝智:[答案] 对楼上的答复加工所得: 招聘(职位信息)! 我们的worldwode公司有棒的提议给你; 它不但是个好机遇 ,而且一个赚得高薪的机会.我们已经与如美国,意大利,西班牙,法国、英国等国合作.我们总是需要新鲜的职员.现在我们正在为你提供一个...

阿勒泰市18849921799: 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙逐句翻译这些东西,小妹先谢谢勒In our eyes the sea from the timefound love in the eyes of fate If the Earth can meet and you really do... -
姜毅郝智:[答案] 在我们双眼相望的时候, 在眼中找到了爱的缘份. 若大的地球上能和你相遇真的不容易, 感谢上天给了我们这次相识,相恋的缘份. 曾经你也带给我快乐, 曾经你也带给我幸福. 曾经你也让我焦灼和无奈, 曾经你也让我等待和期盼. 也曾经我们都忘了...

阿勒泰市18849921799: 请英语高手帮忙翻译
姜毅郝智: stop playing the dangerous game 危险游戏的结束

阿勒泰市18849921799: 请英语高手帮忙翻译以下内容(不会的或者用软件翻译的请不要误导我) -
姜毅郝智: 你好,翻译如下 因为我英语不好,所以工作交流过程中,如果有不礼貌,或者做的不好,不到位的地方,请多多包涵.Because my English is poor, so if I am being impolite or I am doing it wrong in working, please remind me.谢谢,请您谅解....

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阿勒泰市18849921799: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
姜毅郝智: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I... 我要和他一样的东西. I want the same things as he does. 退税在飞机场非常麻烦,...

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姜毅郝智: Dear Miss Wang, How time flies,two year passed,but i always feel that it is two days ... 在和您相处的这两年时光里.您让我学到了很多东西.一年级刚开始的时候我的英语很...

阿勒泰市18849921799: 英语高手请帮忙????翻译一些东西?谢谢? -
姜毅郝智: 对楼上的答复加工所得:招聘(职位信息)! 你好 ! 我们的worldwode公司有棒的提议给你; 它不但是个好机遇 , 而且一个赚得高薪的机会. 我们已经与如美国,意大利,西班牙,法国、英国等国合作. 我们总是需要新鲜的职员. 现在我们...

阿勒泰市18849921799: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一个句子 -
姜毅郝智: My spirit will be hold if this work can embody my idea.

阿勒泰市18849921799: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下 -
姜毅郝智: Notice Welcome to Baorong Business Hotel! Our hotel provide free Internet service. Please connect to the Internet by "Broadband connection" to PPPOE dial-up connection (Figure A). If you have not setup a broadband connection in your ...

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