请高手帮忙把几句中文翻译成英语 请不要请教百度大叔

作者&投稿:郑炭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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tenor---------可以加s 复数
进程, 路程, 要旨, 大意, 男高音, 誊本
[音] 男高音的




(pl. -mi[-mai])



Last Friday, i visited the aquarium of our city with my classmates amd spent a meaningful day there.
2.(What makes us+adj。is that)首先,让我们感到兴奋的是欣赏了各式各样的海洋生物,以及观看了海豚的精彩表演
First of all, what made us excited was that we had watched all kinds of animals in the sea and the wonderful dolphin show.
At the end of the visit, we listened a report about marine life, from which we learned the survival condition of the marine life.
Besides, it is because of man's overfishing and the pollution in sea that the marine life is quick in decline.
So, i suggest that severe measures should be taken to protect sea as well as marine life.
What they have done largely inspired me.
Having made a good example of us, they deserve highly evaluation
Every time i think of it, i will feel extremely happy
Helping the others is a kind of great act, for it creates happiness.
Every time we give a hand to the others, we will achieve a sense of satisfaction



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story,clarified the muddleheaded life in a relaxed way.This book taugh us a simplest way to deal with the changeable world,that is ,hang your shoes on your neck ,ready to put it on anytime,then run and seek in the chaning wold.纯手打,楼主可以自己看一下。希望能帮到你。

day.阅读报纸,让了解民生,了解世界,了解各地的文化,让我们一起阅读吧!Read newspaper, learn about people's lives, learn about the world, and learn about the cultures in different places. Let's read newspaper together.在保持准确性的基础上尽管采用了简单的表达。希望对你有帮助。

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authentic oral Manderin. If you are the one I am looking for, please phone me or text me. My mobilephone number is 123456. Looking forward to your reply.有些内容帮你删掉了,如:我英语不好,带去温暖,等等。有些是因为容易让人产生误解,有些是因为不符合本文的文体。


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睢阳区17735849036: 请高手帮忙把几句中文翻译成英语 请不要请教百度大叔 -
罗杨普南: 1.上周五,我和同学一起参观了我市的水族馆,在那里度过了非常有意义的一天 Last Friday, i visited the aquarium of our city with my classmates amd spent a meaningful day there. 2.(What makes us+adj.is that)首先,让我们感到兴奋的是欣赏...

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罗杨普南: 1.What you need is more exercise. 2.When they will come has not been announced.3.Could you tell me where you are from?4.We should find out whether the exhibition will open or not.

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罗杨普南: 1. How long have you been in this school? 2. I have had the book for two weeks. 3. Father has been away from Beijing for 3 days. 4. How long have you been a League member? 5. Great changes have taken place in our country in the recent years. ...

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