
作者&投稿:栋先 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, When the examination was over, we began our holiday.
2, When the meeting was over, everyone tried to go home earlier.
3, The bus is coming soon, we should get everything.
over介词表示“,,,,结束了”的意思,一般指完毕,结束。The film was over and all went out of the cinema. end,当动词时表“被停止”,The strike was ended.罢工结束了。

1.What convenience Internet can bring to us?
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My dream is to be a teacher.I think teachers can teach us a lot of knowledge、tell us how to be a
good person,it makes us grow up slowly.Someone says teachers are like gardeners,i think it is ture.Such as my teacher,he is my esteemperson.He works everyday until mid-night,from corrects our homework to teaches us exercise problems,how carefully !When I was frustrated, he also
patiently do psychological counseling for me, accompany me through. In a word, I think the teacher is a sacred, if I can become the teacher's words in the future, I will be able to train the next generation,looking at them to success. I will be proud of me.

My wish is to be a teacher. I think teachers can teach us much knowledge and tell us how to be a person,which makes us grow up slowly. Some people say that teachers are like gardeners. I definitely agree. As now ,my teacher is the person who I admire. He works every day. From revise to the interpretation of the subject for us,he is very serious as well as careful.
When I encounteresetbacks ,he can also give me psychological counselling patiently so as to over the difficulties for me. All in all,I think the teacher is a sacred, If I can be a teacher in the future ,I will cultivate the next generation ,watching them grow up . I will feel proud of myself.

I wish to be a teacher. In my opinion, the teachers can teach us knowledge and tell us how to behave so that we can grow up slowly. I really approve of the idea that teachers are gardeners and a teacher of mine just illustrate the point. Every day he works so hard and careful that he has to work in deep night to correct our homework and explain the subject.Once I was frustrated, he always provide psychological counseling for me patiently and help me get through the problem. In illustration, I think the teachers are sacred.If I have the chance to become a teacher in the future, I will make up my mind to train the yonger generation and make sure they can succeed . And I will be proud of me.

1. 多少——Berapa 2. 早安——Selamat pagi 3. 午安——Selamat petang 4. 晚安——Selamat malam 5. 吃饱了吗?——Sudah makan?6. 谢谢——Terima kasih 7. 不用客气——Sama-sama 8. 对不起——Minta maaf 9. 没关系——Tak apa 10. 你——kamu 11. 你们——kalian 12. 我——say...

1 星期五之前我们最多只能完成一半工作。We can utmostly finish half of the job before Friday.2 当我到剧院时,发现所有的票卖完了。I found all tickets had been sold out when I arrived the theatre.3 他胜任这项工作,这是毫无疑问的。There is no doubt that he is qualified for the ...

33.一半鸡蛋 a half of an egg 自己翻译的···打了半天字

我的名字叫XXX 저의 이름은 XX 今年16岁 올해 나이가 16살是中国人 중국사람喜欢足球和美术和韩国食物 좋아하는것: 축&...

what you wanna say.:听到你说的这些话我受益匪浅啊。Hearing this from you helps me a lot.:那么祝你也找份好工作!So wish you could find a good job as well!您好,口语化的翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

见到你很高兴,我是###。我是中国人,我是一名大学生,我在民大学习,我喜欢电影,网球!만나서 반가워요.나는 ###(이)라고 해요.중국시람이&...

1.云娃娃 云娃娃是云,不是娃娃,所以是Baby Cloudie,不是Cloudy Baby.2.可是我却没有固定的形状。But I don't even have a hard shape!3.无论模仿成什么形状,马上就被风吹散了。Whenver I change into something with a shape, I'll be blown off by the wind!4.哎!看那朵云,刚才还...

怀疑是网站翻译的。fornire 是可以直接接宾语,fornire是供应。accendersi有表示开始的意思,不过没有人用,多数用于点灯,开灯。in futuro verrò alla tua società ad accendere il ceo 似乎也是网站的,andare alla società ?不存在这种说法,知道吗?società一般指社会,虽然也有公司的意思。最好...

蒽 就是这样了 全是用的半语,挺简单的···你简单学过应该也可以拼读出来吧··· 苹果一草 | 发布于2010-03-18 举报| 评论 0 0 일부 항공기 언제 가야 나를 잊지 말아요 ~ 그렇게 생각 ~ 본 보야지 당신에게 갈 기다 리면서...

中文:我几岁?我们几岁?你几岁?你们几岁?他几岁?他们几岁?西班牙语:¿Cuántos años tengo?¿Tenemos un par de años?¿Cuántos años tienes?¿Cuántos años tienes?¿Cuántos años tiene?¿Qué edad tienen?

温宿县15541248635: 英文翻译(一些简单的短语)1. .的开始,开端2. 起初,一开始3. 在.的开始,开端一定要自己翻哦 -
鄘昆复方:[答案] 1 the start /或beginning of .. 2 at first,或 at the very start 3 at the beginning /或start of...

温宿县15541248635: 求中译英,要自己翻译!!很简单但很急!! -
鄘昆复方: What do you think of the following :Our school has decided to rebuild itself with excellent surroundings. It will have in it a botanical garden built, with various kinds of plants and flowers as actual samples for us students. There will also be a garden ...

温宿县15541248635: 英语翻译挺简单的一段英语 谁给翻译下啊...Night really It Is very black togetstar exleptionally beautifulIt is very happy to tear to touch star.PerhapsIn frontI shall just... -
鄘昆复方:[答案] 呃.好像篇文章有语法错误哦. i will try my best... 夜晚真的是为了让星星更美丽才是黑色的,他喜极至泣因为能触碰星星 也许 在最前面 我就应该开始 听起来那感觉非常奇怪! 从某天开始 我开始变的多愁善感了 我想开心的笑 不想哭了 因为我有一个愿...

温宿县15541248635: 三分半钟的英文演讲翻译... 很简单但要翻的顺 -
鄘昆复方: 你是美丽的,你很聪明,你很搞笑,你很善良,你是唯一 你是值得爱和亲情的,你永远不会太多的,你永远是不够的 你是珍贵的,你是钻石玫瑰珍珠,最令人惊叹的神所有的创造物 你对我们的价值超过你的想象 你的价值超过你所使用的秤或头...

温宿县15541248635: 英语翻译我想翻的句子很简单 请帮我翻成简单易懂的英文句子 不要翻译软体喔 我看得出来以下是我要翻的句子因为人类的贪婪 他们捕捉大量的蝴蝶 破坏了蝴... -
鄘昆复方:[答案] Because of human's greed,large amounts of butterflies are caught.Their habitats destroyedThey were used as specimen samples,preserved and kept.This lead to decline in specie numbers,perhaps to extinct...

温宿县15541248635: 英语翻译不要用翻译软件的,要自己翻译的,thank~i would work so hard to make sure you are happy i want to get to know you better and one day come to youi... -
鄘昆复方:[答案] 感觉这个像是讲爱情的,我随便翻了一下.基本就这个意思吧. i would work so hard to make sure you are happy i want to get to know you better and one day come to you 我会努力确保让你开心 我想更加懂你,并有一天走到你身边. i do not want any one ...

温宿县15541248635: 英语翻译,挺简单的,一定要自己翻的,电脑的不准我的心愿是当一名老师.我认为老师可以教我们很多知识,告诉我们怎么做人,让我们慢慢成长起来.... -
鄘昆复方:[答案] My wish is to be a teacher. I think teachers can teach us much knowledge and tell us how to be a person,which makes us grow up slowly. Some people say that teachers are like gardeners. I definitel...

温宿县15541248635: 英语翻译~~肯定有积分但是要自己翻的 -
鄘昆复方: 不容易啊,自己翻的,给点分吧哈! 你能给在世界任何地方某人寄一封有配图和音乐的信么,而且不贴邮票? 有了E-mail就可以实现了. 通过电脑你可以快速而容易地发送电子邮件. 邮局投递比电子邮件要慢一些. 电子邮件可以在几分钟里将信息送到世界的另一端. 电子邮件使用简单,节省时间和金钱.有了电子邮件,世界不同地方的时差就没有关系了. 一天24小时,不论白天黑夜,任何时间你都可以发电邮. 不需要有人等着接受邮件. 即使你发邮件时你朋友在床上也没有关系,或者,当他回复邮件是你在电影院里看电影也没关系.

温宿县15541248635: 英语翻译,挺简单的
鄘昆复方: don't listen,don't say,also don't have to explain,can understand.

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