
作者&投稿:赤很 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

looked-look 最好用on...side比较符合英语表达 red colorclothes -red clothes(red已经包含色的意思了) the office staff member-clerk(改成一个词多简洁?)  ...is I-is me
I. I am a student, goes to school in the plum gardenmiddle school. 这一句表达太啰嗦,建议改成:I'm a student of the Plum Garden Middle School.
I have...





it's raining when he is on the way to school.
不能说he went, 意思应该是他在上学路上正在下雨,而不是他到了学校后,在下雨。

I have had dinner.

3.我自从去年以后没有见到他(这句好象用过去式吧,因为有last year,不清楚对不对)
I have not seen him since last year.

I have been swimming every morning since 1980.

I have never been to America.
这里要用been, 说明到过那里。


it's raining -----it was raining....
i have had breakfast.
i have been swimming ....
gone to -----been to去过

1.It was raining.....

2.I have had breadfast.(have eaten是中国式英语 ,吃早午晚餐 都用 have)

3.没错 since 一般跟完成时态

4.I have been swimming every....( have been doing...现在完成进行式,表示过去怎样,现在还仍旧在这样进行着。。。)

5.I have never been to ...
(been to 是指去过 gone to 是指去 可能仍在途中)

It was raining when he went to school yesterday.
I have been swimming every morning since 1980.
I have never been to the USA.

不能说he went, 意思应该是他在上学路上正在下雨,而不是他到了学校后,在下雨。2.我已经吃过饭了(完成式)I have had dinner.不能说光说eaten,后面要说吃了什么。而dinner通常用have.3.我自从去年以后没有见到他(这句好象用过去式吧,因为有last year,不清楚对不对)I have not seen him sin...

我会尽量用你用的词。This article elaborated the equipment and operating processes of the South Crown Prince Lake's second level sewage treatment plant; (第二句没太懂,所以不能翻),as well as the oxidation ditch utilizes the law of the A2\/O technical process, and how things(thin...

when did he go to Americal?“美国”应该是America When did he go to Ameirica?2.他叫什么名字?what does he name?这个句子没有动词,不能出现助动词does.“他叫什么名字”就是“他的名字是什么?”What is his name?3.你昨天到哪里去了?Where did you go yesterday?这句话很正确。(不...

1.你在什么地方看到他的?Where were you saw him?(where did you see him?)疑问句的时候助动词要提前,过去时的助动词是did 2.你在什么时间看到他的?When were you saw him?(when did you see him?)和第一句是一样的 3.最近有什么计划?what is you plan recently?(what is your plan ...

the government has taken measure to be active in order to prevent air pollution.政府已经采取积极的措施防止空气污染。回答:你提供的这个翻译句子完全正确!没有任何问题! 管中窥豹,可见你的英语水平好高。请放心! 请采纳!

1. They are expecting to watch the national flag-raising ceremony. (原译欠缺了"仪式"的意思)2. The museum has been opened to the public for more than ten years (原译 open的时态不对)3. The children are in so much fear that they become speechless. (speechless 一词已概括了...

scientist devoted (all his life) to explore the secret of nature,who deserved to be respect.14.你明天来这儿时我已经完成了这项工作了(要求用by the time)By the time you come here tomorrow,I will have finished this work.我感觉后面几句整体都不太对 很别扭 帮忙改改吧 谢谢 ...

1.我的鞋是橡胶做的;2.纸被制成书;3.我的手表是金属的;4.塑料被做成铅笔盒;5.我妈的项链是用银制成的;6.这个包是在我家乡生产的;7.葡萄被酿成酒。3个错误纠正:1,my shoes are made of rubber.5,my mother‘s necklace is made of silver 7,grapes are made into wine.【英语...

一、翻译句子 1、Time is a bird for ever on the wing。时间是一只永久在翱翔的鸟。2、It’d be better to light up the candle than curse the darkness。No one can give you brightness expect yourself。与其咒骂暗中,不如燃起烛炬。没有人能给你光明,除了你本人。3、Someday you will...

1. 冠词、冠词、还是冠词。你常常不用冠词,甚至当中文里有"一个'的时候有不用英文的"a"。用的时候,总忘记在元音开头的名词前,不定冠词是"an"而不是"a"。另外,seeking the truth是指找出一件事的真相,而一般的寻找真理不应该用定冠词,是seeking truth。2. 主语。你的句子里最混乱的就是...

保靖县13034705500: 初中英语句子,看我翻译对不对如果有语法错误请务必指出来.本人菜.1.他什么时候到美国去的? when did he go to Americal?2.他叫什么名字what does he ... -
伍冒赛乐:[答案] 先说明一下,句首字母应该大写.1.他什么时候到美国去的?when did he go to Americal?“美国”应该是America When did he go to Ameirica?2.他叫什么名字?what does he name?这个句子没有动词,不能出现助动词does.“他...

保靖县13034705500: 初中英语!英语好的帮忙看看!翻译得对不对!
伍冒赛乐: 我索性全部重写了,比一个个讲解快一点. This is my family photograph. Look, the young lady in red on the left is my mum. She is an office clerk and works in the office. The little girl in pink dress on the right is me. I am a student and attend the Mei-...

保靖县13034705500: 看看这个英语句子对吗 -
伍冒赛乐: The students destire to know the result of the exam.

保靖县13034705500: 初中英语句子,看我翻译对不对 -
伍冒赛乐: 先说明一下,句首字母应该大写.1.他什么时候到美国去的? when did he go to Americal? “美国”应该是America When did he go to Ameirica?2.他叫什么名字?what does he name? 这个句子没有动词,不能出现助动词does.“他叫什么名字...

保靖县13034705500: 看看这句话翻译的对不对? -
伍冒赛乐: 不对,希望能升级到套房或者有好景观的房间Hope to be able to upgrade to a suite or have a good landscapeHope to upgrade to suite or a good view room希望升级到套房房间或者一个好...

保靖县13034705500: 请看下我的英语句子翻译对不对 -
伍冒赛乐: 1.在我去上班的路上,我赶上了堵车.On the way to work, I got stuck. 改成On the way to work, I was held up in traffic.2.我挥手向他告别.I wave to him and say good bye.改成过去时态I waved to him and said goodbye to him.或者I waved goodbye to ...

保靖县13034705500: 下面是我的几个英语句子的翻译,帮我看看对不对
伍冒赛乐: 1、如果我有时间,就和你一起去科技中心. ——I will go to the science center with you if I am free. 英语中,have是拥有的意思,每个人都拥有时间的,地道的说法是I am free. 2、均衡饮食对我们的健康有好处 ——A balaced diet is good for our ...

保靖县13034705500: 【英语句子】】】】】】看看对不?Do you know your effect of your behavior? You affect my affect. -
伍冒赛乐: 必须用effect吗?那看起来没错. 看起来effect,affect用法分得很清楚,但成句子就有些别扭,对是对的

保靖县13034705500: 问几句英语的翻译大家来看下对不对 -
伍冒赛乐: 这个周末我要去剪头发.(have) I will have my hair cut on the week end.据说他是在英国出生的.(It is said that ) It is said that he was born in English 就是她所说的话让我感到很难过.(强调句型).It was waht he said that made me very sad.尽管...

保靖县13034705500: 初三英语翻译句子,帮我看一下我写的对不对→ - →谢谢😜 -
伍冒赛乐: 1. They are expecting to watch the national flag-raising ceremony. (原译欠缺了"仪式"的意思)2. The museum has been opened to the public for more than ten years (原译 open的时态不对)3. The children are in so much fear that they ...

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