
作者&投稿:智夜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Dicken's Oliver Twist brings children poverty to the public,which plays an important part in improving children's living standard.
3 Soup,fruits(这里复数是水果的种类)and vegetable will be serverd in lunch.
4Hardly had the child arrived home when his father hit him in the leg with the stick.
5The students were discussing when Tom broke into the room furiously.
6Only in this way can we develop our social askills and practice our abilities.

首先,“in the last year”全部改为“last year”就好;

1.我们找到了学习英语的新方法(要求用a new approach to)
We found a new approach to studying English.
2.那位老师尝试了新的教学方法(要求用experiment with)
The teacher (experimented )with the new approach of teaching.
3.我一见到他就知道没有希望了(要求用the moment)
I knew (there was no hope)the moment i met (him)
4.他对这份全职工作厌烦了,只好去寻求一份兼职工作(要求用be bored和

hunt for)
He is bored with this full-time job( so he has to )hunt for a part-time

5.我决定写信给他而不是打电话(要求用rather than)
I (decided) to write to(him) rather than call (him).
6.他有幸有一个幸福的家庭和健康的身体(要求用be blessed with)
He is blessed with a happy family and (a) healthy body.
Xiao Shenyang’s sense of humorous made an deep impression on (the)

The tourists (protested )against the bad (service) of the hotel.
9.说唱乐是一种很容易随着节拍跳舞的音乐形式(要求用dance to)
Rap is a music which can dance to the rhythm (easily)

11.爱迪生在实验室里尝试了数千次最终发明了电灯(try out)
Edison tried out thousands of times in the lab,(at last he )invented the

He (took) full advantage of the opportunity of joining English contest

to improve his spoken (English)
The scientist devoted (all his life) to explore the secret of nature,

who deserved to be respect.
14.你明天来这儿时我已经完成了这项工作了(要求用by the time)
By the time you come here tomorrow,I will have finished this work.
我感觉后面几句整体都不太对 很别扭 帮忙改改吧 谢谢



3.I knew it was hopeless at the moment when I saw him.

4.加个连词把so he has to hunt for....

5.I decide to writte to him rather than call.




9.Rap is a music style which can dance....


12.He takes full advantage of the opportunity to advance his oral English.

13.The scientist deserved public respect since he devoted himself to explore the secret of nature.

14.By the time you come tomorrow,I will have finished this work.

3.我一见到他就知道没有希望了(要求用the moment)
I knew there is no hope the moment i met him.

4.他对这份全职工作厌烦了,只好去寻求一份兼职工作(要求用be bored和

hunt for)
He is bored with this full-time job so he has to hunt for a part-time job.

5.我决定写信给他而不是打电话(要求用rather than)
I decide to write him a letter rather than call him.

6.他有幸有一个幸福的家庭和健康的身体(要求用be blessed with)
He is blessed with a happy family and a healthy body.

The tourists protest against the bad service of the hotel.

9.说唱乐是一种很容易随着节拍跳舞的音乐形式(要求用dance to)
Rap is a music which can dance to the rhythm easily.

11.爱迪生在实验室里尝试了数千次最终发明了电灯(try out)
Edison tried out thousand of times in the lab and finally invented the light.

He takes full advantage of the opportunity of joining English contest to improve his oral english.

The scientist devoted himself to exploring the secret of nature,

and he deserved people's respect.

14.你明天来这儿时我已经完成了这项工作了(要求用by the time)
I will have finished the work by the time you caome over here tomorrow.


3. "it doesn't have hope" sounds weird. Can change to "I knew there was no hope the moment I met him" (u can change it to present tense if you want to).

4. He is bored with this full-time job and has to hunt for a part-time job.

6. and a healthy body

7. Xiao Shenyang's sense of humor made a deep impression on the

8. The tourists protest against the notorious servious of the hotel.

11. After trying out thousand times, Edison eventually invented light bulb.

12. He takes full advantage of the English contest to improve his oral English.

13. This scientist deserves great respect as he devotes himself to exploring the secret of nature.

14. By the time you come here tomorrow, I have already finished the work.

Just my opinions. I am not sure whether they are totally correct.

4.你知道吗,我在去学校的路上遇见了著名体育明星刘翔。这真是个震撼人心的消息,我也想见他。5.在英格兰我应该怎样做。首先,你应该靠左而不是靠右行驶。6.妈妈的生日买CD送给她好吗? 她喜欢音乐,是吗?7.你父亲长什么样? 他又高又壮 8.???此句是不是写错了 9.我喜欢什么都不加...

英语名人名言100句带翻译如下: 1、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.苦难是人生最伟大的老师。 2、Great hopes make great men.伟大的希望造就伟大的人物。 3、You make the failure complete when you stop trying.当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了。 4、Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人...

1.能保证工作认真-- 맡은바 업무에 열심히 하겠습니다.2.性格开朗,公司内或者出差都可以很好的调整 --성격이 활달하며 회...

1.Whether he had been abroad or not makes no difference to him 他是否出过国对他没有影响 2.Could you tell me how to apply for the scholorship.你能告诉我怎样才能申请到奖学金么 3.Our city is not what it was before.我们的城市不是它过去的样子 4.The fact that he has ...

信不信由你,这才只是冰山的一角。Until now, the public has had access to only a very small percentage of that total.迄今为止,公众看到的情报只不过是冰山一角。The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg.这次飞机坠落被看作仅仅是冰山一角(只是其中的一个例子)。Let...

这个我可以帮到你哦!因为平时就爱收藏和记录这些温柔的英文文案句子!好了,话不多说,马上分享给大家~~ 我分别从温柔情话、治愈心灵、小众惊艳、节日表白等4个方面给大家整理了100句温柔的英文文案句子,大概情况如下表: 下面详细给大家奉送上来哦~~记得戳大图哦~~~ 1、超级温柔的英文情话,既浪漫又甜蜜!适合说给心...


中文句子翻译方法(汇总) 做任何事情都要讲究技巧和方法,翻译也不例外,下面就为大家整理了一些中文句子翻译方法,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子.使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 如:八月中旬,修理组人员在...

短语和句子 翻译下
going into ( 进入)Where is the man going (这个男人去哪 )He's going into the shop( 他将要去睡觉)sitting beside ( 做在... 旁边)Where is he sitting ( 他做在哪里)He's sitting beside his mother( 他正做在他母亲旁边)walking across( 走过)Where are they walking( 他们正去哪)...


汤原县15969807115: 英语句子帮忙翻译一下,谢谢,求正确率1.他从不看电影,是不是呀? 2.她从未出过国,是不是呀? 3.保持健康很重要. 4.不可能步行到那里的. 5.理解你的话... -
仝志浓氯:[答案] 1.He has never watch any movie,hasn't he? 2.She has never been aboard,hasn't she? 3.It is very important to keep healthy. 4.It is impossible for you to walk to there. 5.It is pretty hard for us to com...

汤原县15969807115: 英语句子帮忙翻译一下,谢谢,求正确率
仝志浓氯: 1.He has never watch any movie,hasn't he? 2.She has never been aboard,hasn't she? 3.It is very important to keep healthy. 4.It is impossible for you to walk to there. 5.It is pretty hard for us to comphere what your said. 6.Improve your diet is a goog ...

汤原县15969807115: 下面是我的几个英语句子的翻译,帮我看看对不对
仝志浓氯: 1、如果我有时间,就和你一起去科技中心. ——I will go to the science center with you if I am free. 英语中,have是拥有的意思,每个人都拥有时间的,地道的说法是I am free. 2、均衡饮食对我们的健康有好处 ——A balaced diet is good for our ...

汤原县15969807115: 请帮我下面几个英语句子翻译的对不对 谢谢 -
仝志浓氯: 第一个句子gives应该用give原型,因为跟make是一样的,所以建议不要用倒装,用正常语序.第二个,用前面的要好一点,但是后面的好像确实也对.第三个,to point at,

汤原县15969807115: 有一个英语句子,请帮忙翻译.谢谢.
仝志浓氯: 这样说:The earth is also one of the planets. 给planets前加the,另外上面的学友忘记了加 also 或者too.因为要翻译的是: “地球也是行星之一”

汤原县15969807115: 帮忙翻译英语句子 -
仝志浓氯: 1.I'm going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.2.She doesn't save money this year.But,she'll spend these money to buy a big house.3.Are you going to send your acticles to the newspapers or zhe magezines?4.When are you going to hold your ...

汤原县15969807115: 英语句子,帮忙看一下对不对 -
仝志浓氯: I want to be a doctor which can save a lot of people.这句话是错误的 考点是定语从句中关系代词的选用 这句话的先行词是doctor,是人,关系 正确句子:I want to be a doctor who/that can save a lot of people.(who/that不可以去掉) I want to be a businessman which is well-paid.也是错的 正确句子:I want to be a businessman who/that is well-paid.

汤原县15969807115: 请帮忙翻译下这句话看看,谢谢! -
仝志浓氯: I've already got the draft, but could hardly see any difference in colour. Anway, I will double compare with the sample and feedback to you.

汤原县15969807115: 这些英语翻译对不对,帮忙看一下谢谢啦~ -
仝志浓氯: 1)他的话,咱们得认真听.2)这小子凡是运动都喜欢.3)第三句不对:Thank you for telling me about the shortest way to park.4)也不对:plays.他在我们班是个关键角色.5)这姑娘越来越标致了.6)Thay have many in common:他们相同点很多.

汤原县15969807115: 来看看这个英语句子对不对
仝志浓氯: “我喜欢和我爱的人在一起”I like to stay with the person who I love.

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