
作者&投稿:御柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Are they your brothers?
Are your trousers long?


1.It took the Greens ten years to pay off the debt.
2.He spent one yuan on the apples and five yuan on the bananas.
He bought the apples for one yuan and the bananas for five yuan.

1:Mr. and Mrs. Grimm used 10 years to pay off the debt 2):He bought the apple to spend 1 Yuan, bought the banana to spend 5 Yuan

1 Green couple spent 10 years to pay off they debt.

2 He bought Apple spent 1 yuan,bananas spent 5 yuan

1,Green and his wife spent 10 years to pay off a debt

2,He bought Apple spent 1 yuan, to buy bananas spent 5 yuan

1 The Greens spent ten years to pay off their debt.

2 He pay 1 yuan for apples ,5 yuan for bananas .

帮我翻译几个 简易的句子、
always drink milk and eat bread in breakfast?8,孩子们每天通常怎样上学 how did children go to school everyday?9.你的父亲在哪里工作 where did your father work for?10,春天,经常下雨吗 is there always raining in spring?我一句一句自己翻译的啊,不知道对不对。 -,-见笑了。

Is the falling of leaves a result of the tree not holding on or is it due to the pursuit of wind?Tree wants to be still,but the wind is blowing,life is changeable.事实上,可以给你这首诗:我是一片叶.. I am a Leaf..Confession of the day..叶子的离开, 是因为树不挽留...


1.我们两个都擅长游泳。We are both good at swimming.2.我的父母亲工作都很忙。Both my parents are busy working.3.他和他的朋友们都是教师。He and his friends are all teachers.4.我爸爸是个好老师,他认真教书。My father is a good teacher, he teaches with great care.5.我擅长数学...

1.跟我借钱的那个男孩,是Peter.1:The boy who borrpwed money from me is Peter.2.给我打电话的哪个女人.告诉我一个秘密.2:The woman who called me told me a secret.3.正在哭的那个小女孩,是一个盲人.3:The Girl who is crying now must be a blind.4.只有8岁的那个孩子,会讲3种...

帮我翻译几个英语句子 急急急急!!!

1. The beam that is emitted by a laser differs in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight 发出的光束,在几个方面激光与从发出的光手电筒。2.The agreement on banning nuclear weapons is necessary for global peace.关于禁止核武器是必要的,但世界和平。3. Some foreign...

they make mistakes.坚持努力学习,你就会取得进步的。Word hard and you'll make a progress.幸亏了他的帮助,否则我不能取得进步。Thanks to his help,or I can't make a progress.拿到数学题真难,我用了两个小时才做出来。It took me two hours to solve that difficult maths problem....

兄弟姐妹们,帮我翻译几个英文句子吧,翻译机勿扰哦,我能辨别出来的_百 ...
第一句:This authority finally also only sentence planet only a rat's death just, and, in order to make the authority to continue, also only choose forgiveness 第二句:He just repeated over and over again the wrong, so silmultaneous stuck in the heart of the vicious circle ...

求翻译两个法语句子 我不懂 1.rien n'est facile 2. rien n'est plus...
rien n'est facile没有什么是容易的,就是一切都很困难的意思,这里rien 和 n'est是双重否定,突出”不容易“rien n'est plus facile后边应该有个que吧,这里plus...que起比较的作用,是没有什么比(que后边跟的东西)更容易的意思

佛坪县15795475305: 会英语的人请进!帮我翻译两个句子 1.我希望我们永远不分开2.我祝愿我们可以幸福 -
重琛复方:[答案] 1.I hope that we could stay together forever... 可爱一点的话 可以说 we we stay 2gether,4ever! 2.I wish that we could be happy together... 幸福这个词 在英文里面并没有对应的意思(happiness没有中文那种幸福的意思 所以我帮你翻译的 我希望我们在一...

佛坪县15795475305: 帮我翻译一下,两个句子 1、跟你讲话很有意思.2、何不向老师要答案呢? -
重琛复方:[答案] It's very interesting to talk with you. Why not ask your teacher for the answer? 我外语成绩还不错,所以绝对不会有问题,放心

佛坪县15795475305: 帮我把下面的两个句子翻译成中文,快一点我在线等1:Hi, Amy! Look, I have a new kite. 2:No, 12.The white one is a bird. -
重琛复方:[答案] 1.嗨,艾米!看,我有一个新风筝.2.不,白色的是鸟.

佛坪县15795475305: 帮我翻译两个句子
重琛复方: 你好 这很简单啊1, here say any words have to keep a secret 2, we need more teachers, it is very clear 希望采纳

佛坪县15795475305: 帮我翻译几个句子:(1)我想在外面吃,但我的父母想在家里吃.(2)请给我来两个汉堡.好的,请等一会 -
重琛复方:[答案] (1)I want to eat out,but my parents want to eat at home. (2)Please to give me two hamburgers.Yes,please wait a minute

佛坪县15795475305: 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面的两个句子,不要翻译器翻译的!把握现在,不要让未来的我,讨厌现在的自己!加油!我的美国梦! -
重琛复方:[答案] 把握现在,不要让未来的我,讨厌现在的自己!加油!我的美国梦! 英文翻译: Grasp the present in order not to let the future me dislike the present me myself. Come on!My America dream!

佛坪县15795475305: 请帮我翻译2个句子
重琛复方: 1.Remember to turn off the light when you leave the classroom. 2.Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave the classroom.

佛坪县15795475305: 帮我翻译两个句子..
重琛复方: I go so you love me 我走,所以你爱我 I go if you love me 我走,如果你爱我.

佛坪县15795475305: 英语翻译帮我翻一下一下两个句子.第一个.NO MORE DRINKING.第二个.No more drinking ,no smoking···forever··· -
重琛复方:[答案] 第一个:不再喝酒 第二个:不再喝酒,不再吸烟,永远...

佛坪县15795475305: 请帮我翻译两个句子
重琛复方:我看见锯子锯锯子第一个saw是see的过去式 第二个saw是名词,"锯子"的意思 第三个saw是动词,“锯”的意思 第四个saw和第二个saw意思相同,名词,“锯子”的意思 A can can can what a can can can 一个 容器 能 容纳 一个 容器 所能 容纳的

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