
作者&投稿:攸战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

say about 发表对什么的看法 eg, Did your parents have much to say about your being
so late home last night?
say after sb 跟着......说(读) eg,"say after me",the teacher said.
say sth against sth (说.....)以反对 eg, Mother is sure to have something to say against
your desire to leave home.
say of sb/sth that clause 对......有某种说法,就......谈看法 eg, People say of her that
she uses black magic. 人们说她使用巫术。
say on 非正式语,接着说 eg, Say on, we’re still listening.
say out 说出来 eg, Say your piece out and pay attention to our feelings.把你的话说出来,并注意我们的情绪。
say over 背诵 eg, He practised saying his speech over until he was letter perfect.他练习背诵自己的演说稿,直到把它完全记熟。
say to 1.对.....说,告诉。eg,I want to say something to you in private. 我想私下对你说一些事。 2.是否同意做某事agree or not to do sth. eg, What do you say to going for a walk? 去散步好吗?
say to oneself 暗想 = think oneself eg, "What shall I do?" he said to himself.
to say nothing of 更不必说 eg, He hadn‘t seen the art galleries, the museums---to say nothing of the theatrical district. 他连艺术画廊,博物馆这些地方都没看,更谈不上去看剧院区了。
to say the least (of it) 至少可以说 eg, Such a view is incorrect ,to say the least . 至少可以说这样的见解是错误的。
have ( say ) one's say 有(利用)机会发表意见。 eg, She came here one month ago
, but she always wanted to have her say about everything. 她刚来一个月,可是总对什么事情都想说几句。
say for 为......讲话(辩护) eg, You were driving at ninety miles an hour. Have anything
to say for yourself? 你当时的驾驶时速已达90英里,你有什么要辩解的吗?

Why do I say hello to you in English? Because your screen name is English.
Why do I say hello to you in English? Because your screen name is English.
Why do I say hello to you in English? Because your screen name is English.

say - 在这里是感叹词, 用于表示惊讶或引起某人的注意. "嘿, 打牌吗?"

习惯用语 - I say(= Say !)[口](引起对方注意)嘿, 喂, 听着, 瞧!(表示惊奇)嗨!

Used preceding an utterance to call attention to it:

I say, do you have the time?


这里的say 不是打招呼的意思
Say,Joe,do you play bridge
这里的意思是:joe 看 你打桥牌不?

没见过 只听过 say hello to sb.

say - 在这里是感叹词, 用于表示惊讶或引起某人的注意. "嘿, 打牌吗?"习惯用语 - I say(= Say !)[口](引起对方注意)嘿, 喂, 听着, 瞧!(表示惊奇)嗨!Used preceding an utterance to call attention to it:用于发话之前引起注意:I say, do you have the time?我说,你有时间吗?

2、talk———“讲”、“说话”、“谈话”,与speak的意义相近。一般用做不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,而不如speak正规的“演讲”、“发言”,须跟宾语时,与to、with、about等介词连用。例如:Jim is going to talk about English names tomorrow.吉姆明天打算谈谈英国人的名字。Look!Our teache...

talk,tell,say,speak区别如下:1、Speak“说”或“讲”不强调说话内容.用作不及物动词时,侧重指说话的动作而非内容,可指长篇演讲或三言两语的交谈,也可指简单的开口说话的能力;用作及物动词时,其宾语常为某种语言。speak to sb. 同某人说话 speak Chinese说汉语吗 2、Talk谈论某事, 强调双方...

(1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好(或:喂)Hi.你好(或:嗨)--How are you?你好吗 --Fine,thank you,and you?(very well,thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢谢你 (2)Best wishes(regards) to sb.问候汤姆好 Please give my regards(best wishes...

没听懂对方的意思 I'm sorry, could you repeat that please?不好意思,你能重复一下吗?Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.不好意思,我没听清。Sorry, I didn't catch your surname.抱歉,我没听清你的姓名。I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please?

you are what you say——蔡康永的说话之道

...the best film of the year?和 What did you say his name was? 怎...
do you think 是插入语,可以理解为一个语气词, 不影响句子成分,可以省去。What did you say his name was? 你说他的名字是什么来着? 是对"You said his name was ..."这句话的提问. did you say 在这里有实际意义, 不可以省去。"his name was" 是say的宾语, 在疑问句型中仍保持陈述...


见面时的招呼语 1. Good Morning, Mike. \/ Good Afternoon, Harry. \/ Good Evening, Mr. Johnson2. A: How’s everything going? \/ How’s everything? \/ How’re you doing? \/ Howdy? B: Fine. \/ I’m doing fine. \/ OK. \/Okay. \/ I’m doing Okay. \/ Not so bad. \/ Not too bad...

一般关于通话内容,让对方稍等一下都可以用‘just a moment’这个短语,它的意思就是稍等一下,然后请稍等一下,就要加个请,please被用作礼貌用语时,一般放在后头。然后,put through就是接通的短语,帮你转接就是 put you through.所以可以被翻译为 Just a moment, please. I'll put you ...

榆社县17710913871: 英语say+对方名字的打招呼 -
廖茗活血: 句子里把SAY放在最前面,打个逗号,加人名,SAY就只是一个语气词,没有意思,意思就是“JOE,你打桥牌吗?”.就和WELL放在最前面,打个逗号,加人名的用法是一样的.

榆社县17710913871: 英语句子中,什么时候用say,什么时候用speak? -
廖茗活血: 1、speak———“说”、“讲”、“演讲”.做及物动词时,宾语常是表示语言的词.例如:Do you speak Chinese?你说汉语吗?Mr.Wu is going to speak at our class meeting.吴老师将在班会上发言.2、talk———“讲”、“说话”、“...

榆社县17710913871: 在英语句子里什么时候用 say,什么时候用tell,什么时候用speak,什么时候用talk? -
廖茗活血: speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析. ▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代 词或宾语从句. eg: ...

榆社县17710913871: 英语翻译Say my name,say my name if no one is around you say baby i love you if you aint runnin game Say my name,say my name you actin kinda shady aint ... -
廖茗活血:[答案] Say my name,say my name 叫我的名字,叫我的名字 if no one is around you 如果无人在你左右 say baby i love you 说宝贝我爱你 if you aint runnin game 如果你不是在游戏 Say my name,say my name 叫我的名字,叫我的名字 you actin kinda shady 你...

榆社县17710913871: 英语中say的用法 【请高手讲清楚】 -
廖茗活血: say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话.如:“I want to go there by bus” , he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去.”Please say it in English .请用英语说.say to oneself say for oneself It is said that say sth say that 如有帮助望采纳

榆社县17710913871: tell,speak,tale,say的区别 -
廖茗活血:[答案] ▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代 词或宾语从句. eg:He can say his name.他会说他的名字. Please say it in English.请用英语用. She`s saying ,Don`t draw on the wall.她在说“别在墙上画”. ▲ speak强调说的动作,...

榆社县17710913871: say的句型 -
廖茗活血: say sth. to sb.

榆社县17710913871: say,speak,tell,talk的区别和用法 -
廖茗活血:[答案] speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析. ▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代 词或宾语从句. eg:He can ...

榆社县17710913871: 怎么用英文跟同事say hello第一天上班,要用英文跟同事say hello,麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下下面这段话,dear ***我是新来的行政助理***,我的中文名是***,... -
廖茗活血:[答案] Dear ** I am the new admin assistant.My Chinese name is ***.It is really nice to work with you all.You could come to me when you have met the admin issue.My contact is as belowed.Thank you.

榆社县17710913871: say用法和句型 -
廖茗活血: you say你说;你说过;不错的男声;你讲say hello打招呼;说你好;问好;生命不可承受之轻Say Hi为我热起来;打招呼;说话内容;新手报到Say cheese笑一个;笑一笑;说“茄子;笑脸say to意为“对;告知;对……说;对某人说Say ...

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