
作者&投稿:寇若 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

答:1、Will tell their own problems teachers and students, and requested their help.
2、To give their confidence, their self-confident。
3、Do not think of their examination results, have to think about their progress in what has.
4、To do more exercise。
5、Sports can help ease the pressure on their own, and contribute to sleep。

1.数码相片要点:看JPEG压缩图片 和数码照片的差异。

1. About a month before the Spring Festival, people began to prepare to buy New Year, and cleaning.

2. In the field regardless of how far people are rushing home before the Chinese New Year Spring Festival.

3. New Year's Eve people get together to eat, watch the evening, the discharge of vertigo.

4. Early in the morning the next day people began to each other a happy new year


(1)In the Spring Festival former approximately one moon people starts preparation right away , buys the goods for the Spring Festival , do some cleaning.
(2)People working in nonlocal celebrates the New Year disregarding how far drives back a family all before the Spring Festival
(3)People gathers together eating , watches a party , sets off to have dim eyesight on New Year's Eve.
(4)Second days people the early morning begins to wish sb. a happy New Year mutually right away



Let us jointly greet the advent of the Year 2010.

Today,the performance is accompanied by the Disclosure Ceremony of 2009 School News.

Today,along with the performance, we will unveil the Top 10 School News 2009.

Announcement of a Top 10 School News 2009 --- The 5th Anniversary Celebration is successfully held.

The school campus is taking on an ever-bright look.

Fabulous square performance, rich and varied entertainments, success in holding the 3rd School Sports Game.

We are honored the Excellent Teaching Units in Comply with Laws by the Education Department of xxxx Province.

Innovation in education, self-directed learning and the Plan for Instructing Straight-A Students.

The campus-based textbooks are compiled into volums.

Our school shouldered the subject study under the 11th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Education.

Establishing friendly relationship with *** School and sending our teachers to their school to help teaching.

The School Party Branch has set up.

We are making a concerted effort to combat the H1N1.

At the dawn of the new year, let's make this wish -- Tomorrow will be even better.

We wish the teachers good health and happy families. We wish the students a better achievement in their study and a life of happiness and prosperity.

第一段;今天是同学PIG的生日,一大早,我跟JAY就一起坐车去东门给PIG选礼物,自从上了高中,就很少出来逛街了,这次还差点在东门迷了路。我们看到了又卖手表的,项链的,首饰的,帽子的,衣服的等等,不知道到底买什么好!最后我选了1个手链!就去参加PIG的生日宴会了!翻译:Today is the birthday ...

1.we got a big surprise to hear this news 2.He often helps us with English.3.I have the enough time to study this question 4.When did you start learing English 5.He went to swim instead of going to school 一楼的第二句话中的help没加s不对 二楼的第五句话显然错了,应用...

Would you mind not spitting everywhere?不要随地吐痰行吗?You can not just spit wherever you like.你不能这么随地吐痰。It's not allow to spit everywhere.随地吐痰是不允许的。Please do not leave litter.请勿乱扔垃圾.No littering.禁止乱扔垃圾。One who litters public areas with waste ...

English and American English is very difference .5.比起以前,现在越来越多的人意思到健康和快乐是最重要的(than ever before).Than ever before , more and more people are realized health and happiness is the most important things at present .英语不太好 还在读高二 希望能够帮助您!


16. History has proven, human resources for the understanding, development and use of resources and the use of dynamic ability to create tools of production, development of social productive forces is an important indicator of the level, also, to a certain extent, the community must ...

逐次如下:The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change...国家需要安静的期间,不用根本变动更多 浪涌 Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism 琼斯是激进主义和保守主义一个好奇混合物 The trial was a radicalizing(使 激进,激进化) ...

我要拿回原属于我的一切! I must bring back belong to me originally one我要将我面前的一切障碍,粉碎! I must all bond me in front of ?? Smashing!我要将所有看不起我的人踩在脚下! I must all look down upon I the person to step on in the foot我要实现我的梦想! I must realize...

1.That the old chair should be thrown away 2.I am tired of all these arguments through the 3.Their request was rejected 4.Her death shocked us 5.He seems to make a living by selling at the 6.The same as painting, so this work need to be patient and careful 7.We will...

1. 即便错不在己,也要对对方所做的任何一点积极努力给予肯定与赞扬,做到礼貌得体。Even when it's not your fault, you'd better give the other party credit for any efforts made and be gracious.2. 以他人为重的态度(这是我文章的一个小标题)Place others' interest first 3. 要求我们...

矿区13496223595: 急啊 英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子下1.Mike 仍在学校,他在画画.2.你们什么时候去游泳?3.Lisa 没有在读书,但她通常在早上阅读.4.他们正在和英语老师说话5... -
井泄泛影:[答案] 1.Mike is still at school,he is drawing.2.When will you go swimming?3.Lisa isn't studying,but she usually reads in the morning.4.They are talking to the English teacher.5.Nancy isn't doing her homewor...

矿区13496223595: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句句子!急!谢绝工具翻译者!1:不要在乎别人怎么议论你2:人生中,有那么几件事,是不能用眼睛来看的3:当局者迷,旁观者也... -
井泄泛影:[答案] 1.Don't care about what others say behind you. 2.There are some things in life that can't been seen with your eyes. 3.those closely involved cannot see clearly,and those not can not necessarily see clearly either.

矿区13496223595: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
井泄泛影: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I... You grew up in ireland but you can't speak English,why? 如果是要用这些句子,要依...

矿区13496223595: 几句英语 高手帮忙帮忙翻译一下下面几个句子 在线等1 Manis born good 2 All human being are equal.3 The family is important. we are members of a groud.4 ... -
井泄泛影:[答案] 1. 2.所有的人都是平等的. 3.家庭是很重要的.我们都是地球的一份子. 4.对待别人要像你希望别人对待你的那样. 5.人民比统治者更重要 6.我们应该爱所有的人. 第一个不太会.

矿区13496223595: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
井泄泛影:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come... 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必如此谨小慎微,因为英语不是你的语言啊!你说得不好很正常的,他们会理解...

矿区13496223595: 英语高手帮忙翻译下句子.1、他用他的第一个月工资给他妈妈买了一件毛衣 2、卫兵命令我们立即离开 -
井泄泛影:[答案] 1.He used his first month salary to buy his mother a sweater2.Guards ordered us to leave immediately

矿区13496223595: 英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
井泄泛影: Several times a week you play basketball? Three How long after she came back? A month later came back You intend to stay long in Italy? Wait two years He was a child I was about to leave. Ms. Huang went If he comes to call, you tell him that I ...

矿区13496223595: 急!!求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几个句子 -
井泄泛影: 个人觉得基本无误.The news that earthquake hit Sichuan shocked us.Though he cannot speak, he can make himself understood by means of gesture.Keep up your courage and you are certainly to be successful.

矿区13496223595: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子! -
井泄泛影: 1.Tell your problems to your teachers and classmates and ask them for their help.2.You should be confident in yourself(believe yourself).3.Don't always think about the results of the exam.You should think more about what progress you have made.4....

矿区13496223595: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子1,即便错不在己,也要对对方所做的任何一点积极努力给予肯定与赞扬,做到礼貌得体.2,以他人为重的态度(这是我文章的... -
井泄泛影:[答案] 1.即便错不在己,也要对对方所做的任何一点积极努力给予肯定与赞扬,做到礼貌得体.Even when it's not your fault,you'd better give the other party credit for any efforts made and be gracious.2.以他人为重的态度(这是我文章的一个小标题) Place ...

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