
作者&投稿:学宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This is my treasure, its name is Haibao mini electric fan which bought from Expro pavilion in Shanghai. Look! it is blue with cute and naught expression. Even more amazing is that the back fan would be turning with a alternating subtitle "welcome to Shanghai Expro" in English or Chinese when you press the boutton! it is more important that is a present from my nine-year-old brother, so I love it very much!


Mantis shows this strange appearance, I'm sure, you've never seen. Mantis its wings desperately open, its wing stood up, and upright have to like as the sails. Wings vertical in it back, mantis will the body's top bending up, looking like a root bending the handle of the crutch, and every now and then a yo-yo.

Tom非常后悔对Lily的欺骗.他逐渐变得消沉,整天待在家中.之后的日子里,他都活在对lily的思念之中.十年后,lily离开USA因为ken已经在一场意外中死了.lily回到了这里,这时才知道Tom已经死了,Tom把自己的遗产都留给lily. Lily非常伤心, 她发现自己一直都深深的爱著Tom.她很后悔当初为什麼要离开.她发现自己一直都深深的爱著Tom. Lily接受了Tom的遗产,之后她一直生活在这里,没有离开过.
Tom regrets the deception of Lily very much. He becomes downhearted gradually, stays in home all day. In day later, he lived in the miss to lily. Ten years later, lily left USA and already died in an accident because of ken. Lily has got back to here, knows at this moment Tom already died, lily. Lily is very sad that Tom leaves all one's own legacies, she has been finding oneself all the time the deep love is being written to Tom. her and regretted leaving for assorted 麼 originally very much. She find oneself deep love write Tom. Lily legacy to accept Tom, later she lived here, have not left.

Because Tom has cheated lily, he has already got married obviously, but has not proved to lily. Also want lily and marry her. Though he loves Lily very much, I can't forgive the method of Tom. It is a very correct method that Lily leaves him. So, I can't accept in ending, lily is with tom.

Tom regretted for cheating on Lily. Gradually, He became depressed and stayed at home all day. After that, he kept missing lily. Ten years later, Lily left USA because Ken died in an accident. When Lily came back here finding out that Tom was dead already. Tom left all his heritage to Lily. She felt so sad and realized that she was always in deep love with Tom. Lily accepted Tom's heritage and lived here ever after and never left.

Because Tom cheated on Lily, I can't forgive him, though he loved Lily very much. He didn't tell Lily that he was in a marriage and still asked her to marry him. It was a right thing to do for Lily to leave Tom. So, I can't accept the ending--Lily and Tom are together.

Tom deeply regreted cheating Lily. He was getting depressed and stayed at home all the day. After that, his life was full of missing Lily. Ten years later, Lily left USA on account of Ken's death caused by an accident. Lily came back while he knew Tom's death. Tom left his all legacy to Lily. Lily was in a deep sorrow and found herself in love with Tom. She regreted her leaving. She found herself in deep love with Tom. After taking Tom's legacy, Lily had been living here.

Tom had cheated Lily that he had not get married, but he still asked Lily to marry him. Even though Tom love Lily very much, his mistake can't be looked over. Lily's leaving is correct. Therefore, it is unlikely for me to understand the ending of that Tom and Lily get married.

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运贤盐酸: T he boy in the 15-year-old occasionally made when a decision never to changed the destiny of life since then. Bid an emotional farewell to love their own parents and sisters, their flashing neon to the city full of temptations. In Seoul, only a very small...

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运贤盐酸:[答案] One circle coming over strolling, helps you to have the person gas added passingly

顺昌县19471004843: 哪位高手帮我翻译一下成英文?
运贤盐酸: Everything about you, I do not want to guess, and I am sorry, in the past, I trust you not enough, so I missed a lot of suspicion, but I think I would not make later .

顺昌县19471004843: 英语翻译请哪位天才+高手帮我翻译成英文:我知道你得英语很好,但是我想在这里中文就足够了.. -
运贤盐酸:[答案] 汗……I know you have a good knowledge of English ,but I think Chinese is enough here.

顺昌县19471004843: 急急急!哪位高手帮我翻译成英文? -
运贤盐酸: 朋友,是恨我,不是狠我,呵呵,全文翻译如下:Do you regret know me? Hate me? You mentioned in the diary always insects insects, I know that the insects will always live in your mind, I do not know you and I together say love me whether ...

顺昌县19471004843: 哪位高手帮我翻译下英语翻译
运贤盐酸: May 31 the day I go home to her grandmother's birthday, buy gifts, take a bus to the grandmother's home to meet with his grandmother, send gifts, preparing lunch, the final farewell. Is this generally means 希望你能采纳

顺昌县19471004843: 哪位高手帮我用英语翻译几句话 -
运贤盐酸: I like playing basketball and I can play it pretty well . I shoot very accurate in the vicinity, but not in the distance. Playing basketball requires focusing attention. During this time, sometimes I play basketball with my father, which is very interesting.

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