
作者&投稿:师岩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The earth is our home, it provides us water, food and the enough space to live. However, the population is rapidly increasing, environment is being polluted, for making more money people start to cut down the trees, this world is sick. We should control the population problem, baned the cutting without permit, ban the pollution. I hope we can keep a better world, clean world, and get a better live.

你好,我想请问一下一款Premiers Liens的18K白金戒指在你们那里现在需要多少钱?非常感谢!
=> Hi! i want to ask that How much is the 081240-- the 18k platinum rings now. Thank you very much.

I am graduate design, have three years of enterprise work experience. The design of the main work used software have PS...... Three years of work, I have developed with the customer communication skills, formed the careful, composed, fast way of working. In order to improve their design level, I decided to leave now work environment, to explore the larger development space. Looking forward to with your company can design team is very good cooperation, create a high quality works.

I'm design graduate, have three years of enterprise work experience. The design of the main work used software have PS...... Three years of work, I have developed with the customer communication skills, formed the careful, composed, fast way of working. In order to improve their design level, I decided to leave now work environment, to explore the larger development space. Looking forward to with your company can design team is very good cooperation, create a high quality works.

I am a graduate majoring at designing and I have three years' printing experience .My work involves design software PS....During the three years' work,I have mastered the skill of communicating with different costomers .I have got into the habit of being careful and calm in my work and now I am used to the busy life . In order to further improve my designing I have decided to resign to seek for greater development .I am looking forward to cooperating with your designing team of your company and creating products of good qualities .

I am a graduate majoring in design and I have three years experience working in a printing company. The main software used during work includes Photoshop...during my three years of working, i have mastered the skill of communicating with customers, and became more attentive to details, calm and the able to adapt to a fast-paced working style. In order to improve my standards for designing, I decided to leave my current working place to seek somewhere else with more room for development. I look forward to working with your company's designing team and producing high-quality work together.

请各位好心的英语高手,帮我翻译一下可以吗?我真的很急用,谢谢大家,非 ...
我在一所学校工作了二十几年了,很多家长问我:“你怎么教孩子有好的学习技巧的?他或她怎么才能尽快地做作业?”这里是一些小窍门:1. 假如孩子小于9岁或10岁,要求他或她准备一个笔记本,把老师布置的作业写下来。通过改进习惯,他或她就可以变得更负责任。2. 找一个好的学习场所。这个场所要安静...


动人的石头故事国学论坛"A&^)D6[)P;m ~%@\/L\/i;^ 最动人的还是石头的故事,窃以为《石头记》的名称比《红楼梦》好,《红楼梦》这个题名起得多少费了点劲,不像《石头记》那样自然朴素,“不着一字,尽得风流”。至于《情僧录》《风月宝鉴》《金陵十二钗》云云,就透出俗气来了。-J&s8O-...

起兴在文学创作中的作用是多方面的。首先,它能够吸引读者的注意力,使读者对作品产生浓厚的兴趣。其次,起兴可以帮助作者更好地表达主题和情感,通过对比、象征等手法,使作品更加生动、形象。此外,起兴还可以起到承上启下的作用,使作品结构更加紧凑、连贯。第三段:起兴的具体例子 以诗歌为例,许多...




天堂的孩子 不停的张望,找寻 远处便是梦的方向么?为什么这所有的所有 都美好得令人无法发出声音 天堂是什么样子 已经忘了 只爱 这斑斓又美丽的人间 没有一句的词语,一首诗代替吧。

打渔杀家。 恩将仇报 松龄鹤寿。 各有千秋 夏夜对奕。 星罗密布 歧视黑人。 不白之冤 螃蟹上街。 横行霸道 送行飞船。 天壤之别 冠军亚军。 数一数二 大火警报。 一鸣惊人 采购回家。 满载而归 只看中间。 不相上下 变奏为春。 偷天换日 脸谱全集。 面面俱到 春蚕吐丝。 作茧自缚 关羽赴宴...

This is what the movie Red Planet begins with.这是电影红色星球 的开始。 Known as the Red Planet, Mars is the favorite of science fiction writers and filmmakers.火星被称作为红色星球,是科幻小说家和电影制作者的 最爱。Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the next planet ...

罗湖区18976217695: 请高手帮我把这段汉语翻译成英语 -
西寒厄多: Chongxin County, Gansu Province, Huanghua Township, Village of King Lane

罗湖区18976217695: 请帮我将这段中文翻译成英文? -
西寒厄多: 【尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!】 Dear teacher, my dear fellow students, good morning everyone! 【日历翻去了它的最后一页,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕,蓦然回首我们所走过的365级台阶,那些夹杂着我们美好记忆的...

罗湖区18976217695: 帮我把中文翻译成英语请大家帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,谢谢了"不要再说什么 你总有一天会明白的 而我会一直等着你回来" -
西寒厄多:[答案] Say no more,you will understand it one day,and I will wait untill you come back.

罗湖区18976217695: 请帮我将这段中文翻译成英文
西寒厄多: Please help me translate this paragraph of Chinese into English

罗湖区18976217695: 请高手帮忙把这段现代文翻译成古文,谢谢了! -
西寒厄多: 昭德光者,必有生浩荡正气沛然而馨朗.慕私欲者则度日阴惘,华鬓虚衰而憔悴.德私之差,立于存心所居,盈亏之叹,始于奋求将往.夫存心奋求之属,志也.志乃成物之要进道之本,乃胜难之根福泽之基.若人有志,则五岳如丘,青云可往.是故君子欲伸仁义于天下事,诚不以守行则终老憾其望矣.老大您这个现代诗语法用古文是翻译不了的,即使一字一句的对校翻译出来的也是“假古文”,我按照您现代诗一样的原文依照古文的写法翻译的这段本人才疏学浅,就只能做到这些了,回答完毕.

罗湖区18976217695: 求高手帮过我将这段中文翻译成英文,语法要对.
西寒厄多: My name is XXX, 25-year-old, the family structure is simple, is a warm family of three. The rest, like watching movies at home, if sufficient time I like to travel. I majored in hotel management, and graduated from in 2005, up to now has been engaged ...

罗湖区18976217695: 麻烦哪位帮我把这段汉语翻译成日语,谢谢!
西寒厄多: 皆さん こんにちは わたしは雷文龙(らいぶんりゅう)でございます 不要读音是吧

罗湖区18976217695: 哪位好心人帮我将这段中文翻译成英文,急用!!谢谢啦!! -
西寒厄多: Henan writer Yan LianKe, its novel creates and cuts the constant relation with Henan culture. This text aim at through connect to Yan with department folk thinking of the novel carry on to comb the three: Narration of suffering, traditional ethics and ...

罗湖区18976217695: 英语翻译请大家帮我把这段中文翻译成英文啊.---------------------------朋友们劝告着我放弃,我却舍不得.与其说我是舍不得放手,不如说我是不想放弃.那是的痛苦... -
西寒厄多:[答案] Instead of saying that I am reluctant to let go,a better version to describe it is I just don't want to give up.I clearly remember unto this day the agony and the loss that I felt.I tried to persist e...

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