
作者&投稿:允宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Excuse me,Can you help me? 打扰一下,你能帮我吗?
How can I get to the science Museum?我怎么能到科学博物馆呢?
It's over there.在那边。
Oh,Where is Robin? 啊,罗宾在哪?
Excuse me:
英 [iksˈkju:z mi:] 美 [ɪkˈskjuz mi]
science museum:
英 [ˈsaiəns mju:ˈziəm] 美 [ˈsaɪəns mjuˈziəm]
over there
英 [ˈəuvə ðɛə] 美 [ˈovɚ ðɛr]

扩展资料:Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost.
The science museum is always a big draw with youngsters.
Someone over there is calling you.

Lee's 华 is an export the member, he is outside a house the company of 贸 work, he operate the import-export 务 .He handles everyday large quantity gets the letter, telegram, telephone.He usually talkses over in English with outside company business.He has many works to want to do, he wants to handle inquiry, report dish, order, payment etc. problem.He is always very busy.

1: Hello, Welcome to Beijing, will be on the national flag? » I have here five-star red flag and five-ringed flag!
2: how much money a »
3: all three yuan a!
4: Will you have to face several »
5: Thank you, I wish you a happy playing in Beijing.
6: Chinese heart to the small sticker? » You can paste it in their faces, or elsewhere. .

Hello, welcome to Beijing!Do you want some small flags? i've got flag of China and flag of the Olympics..!
How much?
Both 3 yuan for each
how many do you want?
Thanks! Have a nice trip in Beijing
What about the heart-shape flag sticks of China?
you can put it on your face, or on else..


1: Hello, welcome to Beijing, could you tell me that wants the small national flag? There are Five-Starred Red Flags and 5 ring flags here!
2: How much for one side?
3: All 3 yuan for one side!
4: Please ask you for several times?
5: Thanks, wish you to have a good time in Beijing.
6: China heart stick to paper take while being little? You can apply it to the face, or the other places.


Hello, welcome to Beijing!Do you want some small flags? i've got flag of China and flag of the Olympics..!
How much?
Both 3 yuan for each
how many do you want?
Thanks! Have a nice trip in Beijing
What about the heart-shape flag sticks of China?
you can put it on your face, or on else..


1: Hello, Welcome to Beijing, will be on the national flag? » I have here five-star red flag and five-ringed flag!
2: how much money a »
3: all three yuan a!
4: Will you have to face several »
5: Thank you, I wish you a happy playing in Beijing.
6: Chinese heart to the small sticker? » You can paste it in their faces, or elsewhere. .

帮个忙找一下文言文“莫知其丑”的翻译吧! 紧急
译文:南岐这个地方在四川的山谷中,这里的水甘甜却水质不好,凡饮用它的人都会患上颈瘤病,所以这里的居民都没有不得颈瘤病的。 当看到有外地人来,就有一群小孩妇女围观取笑他,说:“外地人的脖子好奇怪,脖子细小一点也不像我们。”外地人说:“你们在脖子那肿大是得了病,你不去寻找药来祛除...




上面的一看就是机器翻译的。One day,I went traveling by ship with my friends.But we were caught by a storm half way.The ship was broken and it sank.All the people except me died.I grabbed a piece of wood and struggled in the writhing waves.I found an island in mistiness....


新,是代表进步的符号。New, is the symbol of the representative progress.比如,新的篇章。For example, a new chapter.比如,新的旅程。For example, new journey.比如,新的城区。For example, the new city.一个肉眼可见的进步,中国内蒙,赤峰新城。A visible progress, China's Inner Mongolia...

只是我的家乡,这是中国的一片魅力宝地。As for food, the special snacks like rice cake with pork oil or rose flowers, steamed dumplings and sesame balls are well-known across the country.That is my hometown, a glamorous and precious place in China.提问者: _尐云 - 一级 ...

Summer sun, the hottest season of the sun - the summer is hot.Is a tree in autumn, falling leaves, the farmers of the most busy season - the autumn is the harvest.Winter is the snow flying, world of ice and snow of the season - the winter cold season.My favorite one ...

20、小心——阿布那依 21、生日快乐——烫叫比偶咩跌偷 圣诞快乐——库里斯马死欧咩跌偷(按英语那样读就行) 22、最近忙吗?——依马锅楼一扫嘎洗衣跌死卡? 23、你多大了?——阿纳塔哇囊撒依跌死卡? 24、我回来啦——他大姨妈 25、你回来啦——欧卡挨里 26、我走啦——依...

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙翻译一下(中文翻英文) -
俎俘芯能: 1.To be honest, this book is the worst one I've ever read.2.The teacher doesn't permit us reading newspapers in the class3.I met her in a crowded bus by accident this morning4.I was about to get out of the classroom when the bell rang5.What he had accounted for his silly actions was indeed incredibe

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙翻译一下,把中文翻译成英语 -
俎俘芯能: 周末到了,愿你能做个好梦,睡个好觉!Weekends is coming, wish you have a good dream and sleep!

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙翻译一下,把中文翻译成英文.
俎俘芯能: Xu, as long as you don't forget me, and I will always be your only

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙把中文翻译成英文 -
俎俘芯能: My name is Annie,12-year-old this year, I am a student studying in Qiantang primary school . I have many hobbies, such as: singing, dancing, writing, reading,swimming& travel .... I loved beef. My ideal is to become a dancer. My life motto is: nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind.

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙翻译一下,中文译英.
俎俘芯能: Long long ago ,in a world named Dream there were so many wars broke out frequently that it was divided into four countries--Nanyao state, Jialuo state, Qinglan state and Tianning state. One day, exotic species , which were a bunch of wicked ...

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙翻译一下 中文翻译成 英语 -
俎俘芯能: 最后的抉择 final decision在爱火即将熄灭的一刻 during the moment that the love flame almost dies我终于下定决心 I made up my mind肯定你的存在 you are the love of my life那一刻,我没有出卖我的灵魂与肉体 From the moment on, i didn't betray ...

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙翻译一下(把中文翻译成英文)
俎俘芯能: don't bother me i'm just a cat a lazy cat 不要吵醒我don't wake me up don't bother me是别烦我=P

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙把中文翻译成英语
俎俘芯能: 1. can open people's mind 2. the minority of people use monochrome television 3. Television enhances our understanding and experience 4. The benefit of watching television: it provides information that helps us understating the rapid change of ...

浔阳区13143081196: 帮忙 把汉语翻译成英语 -
俎俘芯能: 人工翻译 LED: Sara, I will take the flight that departs for Japan at 2:30 today. Can you come pick me up?Sara: Sure thing! By the way, the weather in Japan is not very warm. Make sure you dress well!LED: yup. So, tell me, how's the weather over ...

浔阳区13143081196: 汉语帮忙翻译成英语
俎俘芯能: I have a teacher, her name is called ROSE, she is an English, she has the golden yellow curl, the medium stature big eye, she likes putting on the color gorgeous clothes. She likes China's food, she likes eating the boiled dumplings and the noodles, ...

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