
作者&投稿:大季申 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. be in place of 4C higger than

4. receive
5. study ( subject 其实也是)
6. person
10.people ( age 其实也是)
11.study(examine 其实也是)

1、建筑物和码头都必须连接到公路网络。Buildings and docks must be connected to the road network.2、有个人来看煤气表,看你用了多少煤气。A man comes to read the gas meter to check how much gas you have used.3.Jack is not careful enough to finish this task alone.(同义句)Jack is too careless to finish this task alone.4.Maybe Mr Gao is in the school"s library.Mr Gao may be in the school"s library.5、那时生活很艰苦,但情况已一年比一年好了。Life was hard then but things have got better over the years.6、我曾去过那个博物馆两次。但仍有一些东西我不很清楚。I have been to the museum twice,but i still have something which isn"t clear to me

1. be connected to2. see 3. not so careful as to4. may be5. hard ... better and better6. clear to

1.be connected to 2.see 3.careless to 4 may be 5 rough better and better 6 clear to

connect to ,find,careless to ,probabaly,hard,better,known to

一:1.The map misled me, so I went the wrong way .2.Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.(收到)3.那部悲伤地电影使我一直在哭一、填空 1.The map misled me,so I went the wrong way .2.Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.(收到)3.那部悲伤地电影使我一直在哭 The sad...

shoes are---either ---too big ---or ---too small for me。回答完毕 谢谢

这是我的看法:He forget all his dialogues,他忘记了他所有的对白,all是补语,可以省去,一般来说,对白不可能只说一句,但也不是像米饭一样不可数的,所以我觉得应该加s,但是我还觉得如果把all去掉的话就可以不用加s了,因为他没说几句对白,可能是一句,可能是好几句 ...

It doesn't matter in which _order_ you answer the questions.不管你按什么顺序答题都可以。I was _wondering_ if you'd like to dinner.我在想你是否想去吃晚饭。I'd like to _direct_ your attention to paragraph four.我想把你们的注意了引到第四段。Our guide seemed to be _leading_ ...

这是我以前的试题!!!(希望能帮到你)单选 ( )1. —Is this bag ___? —Yes, it’s ___.A. her; hers B. hers; mine C. yours; mine D. your; my ( )2. My uncle lives ___ 105 You yi Street.A. on B. at C. to D. of ( )3. I have done___ of the homework...

Your help is appreciated. The money will be used to help disabled people.appreciate: 动词。感激,感谢。 放在is 后面是被动式。is appreciated.(加ed).The money: 因为是特指捐款。will be used to: 被用来。也是被动式。

九下英语题,为什么填这个? 还有时态应该怎么用啊?看什么关键词。 不要...
such a wonderful movies【this\/it is the first time 和完成时连用,格式have done】when he left,his mother was cooking(cook).【cook ,是持续性动词,之前过去式,所以用过去进行时,格式was\/were doing,翻译:当他走的时候,他的妈妈正在烧饭】学习进步~若觉得满意~请记得采纳~∩_∩ ...

1.D know引导的是一个宾语从句,where是疑问副词,后面引导的句子里没有的部分就是前面的where,故应是live where(动词加副词,没有介词),如果后面是live in,那还原就是live in where,in where是错的。但是which代指时,因为它不是副词,与动词连接要加介词,就是in which,则后面要有in ...

1,应该是三单,every father and mother=every parent,所以是三单。2,应该用compared,这里指现在的生活被人们拿来和过去的生活作比较,逻辑主语是life.3,答案是B。A答案其实也可以,只是比较牵强,是中文是的思路,在英语中,像I don't know \/I wonder之后一般接问句转变的宾语从句。

It's only a ten-minute walk from my school从学校到家只是十分钟时间的步行路程。It is a ten minutes' walk form here.从这里到家是十分钟时间的步行路程。In a ten minutes walk you reach the town house.这个句子可能是你打错了,应该是In a ten minutes' walk you reach the town house...

开原市19561267452: 几道九年级英语小题,希望大家能帮我解答一下
离鸦施普: right now at all less than

开原市19561267452: 帮做下九年级英语题
离鸦施普: will be pulled down. 望采纳.谢谢.

开原市19561267452: 几道九下英语题,请帮个忙,谢谢~
离鸦施普: 1、建筑物和码头都必须连接到公路网络. Buildings and docks must be connected to the road network. 2、有个人来看煤气表,看你用了多少煤气. A man comes to read the gas meter to check how much gas you have used. 3.Jack is not careful ...

开原市19561267452: 一道九年级英语题
离鸦施普: 做这种题目一共分三步: 1)找到两个句子重复的名词,这题是the man,抄写第一个句子,把刚才找到的那个名词后面的位置留下来给定语从句用. 2)把第二个句子里面的那个名词去掉,其他照抄,放在第一个句子刚才留下的位置部分. 3)在第一个句子和第二个句子中间加一个先行词,这个词由你在第一部找到的名词的性质决定:表示人用who,表示东西用which或者that,表示事情用which,表示时间用when,表示地点用where. 最后请记住,整个句子最后的标点符号是由第一个句子决定的,所以,你给的那个答案应该用问号.

开原市19561267452: 九年级英语题~ -
离鸦施普: A 具体年份后不加s年代后加s 表示年代只能在以十或百为结尾的年份后加's,且前面要加the 如the 1970's:表示上世界七十年代,the 1900's表示1900年至1909年的那几年. 注意:规范的写法是要加'号的,不加'直接写成1900s或1970s是不规范或者说是错误的.

开原市19561267452: 九年级英语选择题,希望大家帮下忙,简单讲解下
离鸦施普: 1选A.doing,passed 因为是我经过时看到的正在发生的动作,后一个passed才是动词 2 D.to know ,are your real friends因为是在你有钱以后,所以是未来的,要用to do的形式并且有time to do sth的搭配,所以选D

开原市19561267452: 九年级英语一道题,望高手解答,谢谢! -
离鸦施普: to是放在talking的后面的,构成talk to 结构,whom是talk的宾语,to是把介词提前了.选A

开原市19561267452: 九年级英语题~~ -
离鸦施普: 选B 第一个选择if,根据句子意思,这个男人问这附近是否有公园.where表示哪里,how表示怎么样 第二个选择is,主要是因为,一般现在时表示一直存在的事实,和句子前面的时态没有关系.

开原市19561267452: 几道初中英语题会的帮个忙 -
离鸦施普: 1.the handbags of these travellors2.These are my daughters' grey and black dresses3.1)whose are these black-and-white dogs 2)what color is that Norwegian's passport? ...

开原市19561267452: 初3英语题~~~帮下忙~~急~~马上用,9题~ -
离鸦施普: suggestions (谢谢你的建议, 用名词)meaning(s) (我的意思, 名词)drive (电脑的驱动器, 名词)Luckily (幸运地, 副词)How far is the new cinema from your flat? w...

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