
作者&投稿:尤眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D


25. Everybody knows that the ___B___ you study, the ______ result you will get.
A. hard, good B. harder, better C. hardest, best D. hardly, better
26. How much would you like to ___D____ a pair of new shoes?
A. buy for B. spend in C. cost to D. pay for
27. I visited the museum yesterday and I saw __C____ old inventions there.
A. thousand of B. two thousands C. thousands of D. three thousands of
28. I gave her three gifts but he didn’t accept __C____ of them, which made me unhappy.
A. either B. none C. any D. every
29. The river is nearly ________B_________. So you cannot jump across it.
A. 10-metre-deep B. 10 metres wide C.10 km long D. 10 metres deep
30. The population of our country is ___D____ theirs.
A. twice as many as B. as twice many as C. twice as large as D. twice as large as that of
31. Of all the students Li Ming works ___C______.
A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. most hard
32. Soon the policemen ___D___ who stole the money, they searched the whole city and caught the thief.
A. found B. founded C. find out D. found out
33. — How long have you worked here? —Since I ___B___ college.
A. have left B. left C. leave D. leaved
34. I am still hungry, would you please be kind enough to give me __C___ food?
A. any more B. any C. some more D. another
35.I don’t think he can speak English, ___B_____?
A. do you B. can he C. don’t you D. can’t he
36. —Must I finish my homework tomorrow? —No, you ____A________.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. aren’t D. must
37. Your computer needs __B______.
A. to mend B. mending C. to be mend D. to mended
38. He used to watch TV while __B______ his homework..
A. was doing B. doing C. did D. to do
39. You should try to use ___C__ time and do the work _____.
A. few, well B. little, good C. less, better D. fewer, better.

Your help is appreciated. The money will be used to help disabled people.

appreciate: 动词。感激,感谢。 放在is 后面是被动式。is appreciated.(加ed).
The money: 因为是特指捐款。
will be used to: 被用来。也是被动式。

一:1.The map misled me, so I went the wrong way .2.Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.(收到)3.那部悲伤地电影使我一直在哭一、填空 1.The map misled me,so I went the wrong way .2.Receiving money makes me uncomfortable.(收到)3.那部悲伤地电影使我一直在哭 The sad...

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答案是1235 C:where 4AB

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1. less; 根据前面的fewer和后面的than来判定 2. more friendly; 关键词than 3. to say; 特殊疑问词后面加动词不定式 4. I think there will be more trees in a few years.5. didn't , until; 直到···才 go是短暂性动词,用否定形式和until连用 6. It seems that....

1. Will you show me how you worked out that math problem. (注意宾语从句改为陈述句)2. He wondered whether the post office was over there. (从句时态需要改变)3. Whom did he write interesting stories for?4. She was seen to practice dancing in the hall. (see sb. do改为sb....

1,while 2‘as 3,while 4,As 5,while 6,as

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武都区18522239864: 一道九年级英语题
佴受西沙: 做这种题目一共分三步: 1)找到两个句子重复的名词,这题是the man,抄写第一个句子,把刚才找到的那个名词后面的位置留下来给定语从句用. 2)把第二个句子里面的那个名词去掉,其他照抄,放在第一个句子刚才留下的位置部分. 3)在第一个句子和第二个句子中间加一个先行词,这个词由你在第一部找到的名词的性质决定:表示人用who,表示东西用which或者that,表示事情用which,表示时间用when,表示地点用where. 最后请记住,整个句子最后的标点符号是由第一个句子决定的,所以,你给的那个答案应该用问号.

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佴受西沙:[答案] hunger B 只有这题不同意楼上的答案是因为should是应该,表示建议.could 表示过去式在这里不太合适. D A A

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武都区18522239864: 一道九年级英语题 -
佴受西沙: Tom visits (the Science Museum) every year.Where does Tom visit every year?(Tom) visits the Science Museum every year.Who visits the Science Museum every year?Tom visits the Science Museum (every year).How often does Tom visit the ...

武都区18522239864: 一道初三英语题 -
佴受西沙: 结构上似乎两者都OK,然而考虑到中文,与实际情况联系的话,会发现,如果是My uncle ____was used to smoking___a lot but he has given it up.翻译为:我舅舅过去习惯了抽很多烟但现在已经戒掉了.容易给人歧义:舅舅本来习惯是抽很多烟,但现在改掉了,习惯抽少许烟,这与实际有悖.但是用used to smoke,放到句中,翻译为中文就没问题了:我舅舅过去常常抽很多烟,但现在他已经戒掉了.希望对你有帮助哦~

武都区18522239864: 一道简单的九年级英语题
佴受西沙: 很简单啊!~ 因为surprising是用于形容一件物品或者是一个人的样子看起来怎么样 而surprised则是用于形容一个人的真实感觉

武都区18522239864: 一道九年级英语题
佴受西沙: 选1 第一个when引导宾语从句,用实际时态表示 第二句中as soon as引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来

武都区18522239864: 一道九年级英语题
佴受西沙: SPOKEN didn't know 9th grade english is that easy!

武都区18522239864: 一道九年级英语题.
佴受西沙: Is it.因为前面说的是when IT IS gone.望采纳~

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